Is Wave available in my language?



  • Vincent1983Vincent1983 Member Posts: 4
    > @ConnorM said:
    > Hi @Vincent1983, I'm sorry to hear that. This is not something that is currently on the development teams' roadmap, but we may look into its development in the future.

    Let me help you! Will take me 10 minutes to translate these 10 fields.
  • Vincent1983Vincent1983 Member Posts: 4

    I woud be happy to translate this for you people!

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Vincent1983 Love your enthusiasm and how passionate you are for this feature! As others have mentioned, we don't have current plans to implement this. We appreciate your offer and if our Product team decides that a Waver's expertise is needed, these posts will put you into consideration!

  • MikelMikel Member Posts: 1

    Please allow to translate all fields.

  • MelanyMelany Member Posts: 1

    It will be the best App for invoicing and bookkeeping but as others mentioned, the main reason that prevent us to embrace waveaspp is definitely the lack of customization when it comes to communication with our clients. i.e invoice and estimate

    I can work in english personally within the app. But there's 1 thing I don't want at all, and it's to feel unprofessional with our customers.

    I want to be able to send estimate and invoice in our primary language. Please allow option «other» to translate all fields into Settings > Invoice Customization.

    Right now, we can only translate a few.

  • Startup_123Startup_123 Member Posts: 1

    Saying "Wave invoices are fully customizable" is misleading and a waste of my time unless you allow "full customization" of all fields. How lame does it look to a customer to have an invoice with some of the info in his language and others in English? Be more transparent about this before telling us it's "fully customizable." Not happy. Can't even change the word "total" or "item" ? Lame.

  • BeanbagBeanbag Member Posts: 2

    Agree with all the comments below. Totally short sighted you’re literally throwing away money. We now have to move away from Wave as a result of this limitation and goodness knows how many other businesses will do the same.
    Wake up Wave. English is not the only language on this planet!!

  • BeanbagBeanbag Member Posts: 2

    @NicoletteB said:
    @Vincent1983 Love your enthusiasm and how passionate you are for this feature! As others have mentioned, we don't have current plans to implement this. We appreciate your offer and if our Product team decides that a Waver's expertise is needed, these posts will put you into consideration!

    If? If?!! What planet do your product team live on? Make your commercial teams aware of this issue!

  • Michael262626Michael262626 Member Posts: 1

    In English only it is useless for us, unfortunately.

  • fenixsolorzanofenixsolorzano Member Posts: 1

    We need spanish please! Just as quickbooks

  • mb1mb1 Member Posts: 6


    I know you keep saying this feature is not on your roadmap, but is it possible to know why it is not on your roadmap?
    Is it that you don't see the need to provide this feature?
    Is it that you don't see the headaches it creates for people who need to send invoices in other languages?
    Is it that you are lacking human resources?

    Thank you.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mb1

    The truth is that Wave tries to create a simple easy to use product in the most universal method possible, from aesthetics, to language. I totally understand how this is a feature that would benefit your business and we now understand that because we're a free product, we are being used globally, however it seems that this is something our team cannot prioritize at this moment. I do apologize about this.

  • mb1mb1 Member Posts: 6

    Hello @Barsin,

    Thanks for your honesty. English may be the lingua franca, but your company is based in Toronto, a city that takes pride in being one of the most multicultural cities in the world. The Wave Financial team must be somewhat diversified in terms of languages spoken. Around 85% of the world population does not speak English and around 95% does not speak it as a first language. The Wave team must know that in many parts of the world, sending an English invoice to a non-speaker or a non-native speaker can be a big faux pas and down right insulting, especially when sent by freelancers and small businesses who know their clients personally.

    For all of us commenting on this issue, when it comes to invoicing, Wave is not a "simple easy to use product". We have to download the PDF version of the invoice, open it in another software and then edit each line that is not translatable. That's impractical and a lot of wasted time. Because of this language limitation, we can't use any of the options or services that are in some way linked to invoicing: send the invoice by email within Wave, schedule reminders, use recurring invoices, use the (paid) online payment service (which I really wish I could use).

    Wave has a free product which means, as you said, that it is being used globally, but you are not a non-profit with 2 employees and $300 000 in yearly revenues. Wave is an "award-winning financial services software company, with more than 250 employees serving entrepreneurs and freelancers around the world". You make money from the paid financial services you offer: payroll and online payment. Back in 2016, your company said it was on track to reach $20 million in annual recurring revenue (Source: Wikipedia, BetaKit). You win prizes for being forward-thinking, inclusive, having a healthy corporate culture, etc.

    But your company can't prioritize offering multilingual invoicing or, at the very least, making 8 or so fields translatable? That does not show consideration for linguistic "minorities" (which together account for most of the world population) or for regional realities. You are doing great work in other areas, but I have to say this is quite disappointing. 

    edited October 8, 2020
  • wqxwqx Member Posts: 1

    I would like to be able to send the live viewable Invoice and Receipts in Chinese as my clients are Chinese. I know that I can set columns to be in Chinese, but what about the rest?

  • HexaHexa Member Posts: 1

    You could basicly grow so hard if you included translations. You give the reason to 'comply' with local rules. But us freelances only want to serve some simple invoicing to our local customers, thats all. I guess you don't want the company to grow? It's such an easy fix to allow all the invoice fields to be translated by ourselves..... Sigh, on to another product.

  • viosabioviosabio Member Posts: 1

    Our team is testing this software to provide it to our customers. I add myself to the claim of having the translation to other languages. My interest is Spanish. At least the Fields and the texts in the following fields:

    Invoice Number: I would like to change it to Factura No.
    Invoice Date: Fecha de Emisión
    Payment due: Fecha de Vencimiento
    Amount Due: Monto Vencido
    Bill to: Facturado a / Emitido a

    With this fields editable, the app would make a huge difference to many markets.
    If you dont have this translation in your roadmap, i suggest your team to include it.

  • QvoyageTourismQvoyageTourism Member Posts: 2

    HI wave team,

    Is there any possible ways to save the PDF which has Arabic words ?
    whenever I save it, it become damage because of PDF is not supporting the Arabic language

    Thank you

  • WKPortraitsWKPortraits Member Posts: 1

    I will have to add my voice here. I just started using Wave and it's awesome. Really love the accounting part and I think it's the best interface I've ever seen for accounting software.

    I registered to be able to take payments online and I'm in love with the fact that we can also have direct bank transfers in Canada. Somebody sent my an invoice from Wave and I was hooked at how easy it was.

    But the problem is with the invoicing part. In Quebec, we have law 101 that can bite us if we don't deliver products or services that are totally in french. For that reason, I can't use the invoicing part of the software that I would really like to use because of the bank transfer option. Instead, I have to use another service (Square) to do my invoicing and send the transaction to Wave via Zapier. It works kinda well, but you can also put my name on the list for a way to edit the customer interface when we send an invoice. I would pretty much dump Square for invoicing and only use Wave.

  • MenaMena Member Posts: 1

    i would lie to have Spanish option.
    You should try a community translation like some sites

  • personperson Member Posts: 3

    Translating 4 fields "Still not on their roadmap"
    a round of applause...

  • RoundRocksRoundRocks Member Posts: 4

    Yes, invoices can be customized to my language (Hebrew) but it doesn't make the invoice RIGHT-to-LEFT. How can I do this? Also, I need Hebrew invoices for certain customers and English for others. How can I set up TWO different invoice templates for both languages?

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