Understanding the recurring invoice scheduler

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageUnderstanding the recurring invoice scheduler

Recurring invoices give you the freedom to "set it and forget it." Using our recurring invoice scheduler, you can ensure that your customers receive your invoice on time, no matter where ...

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edited December 31, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • ChaseSunflowerChaseSunflower Member Posts: 1

    What is the default time which recurring invoices are sent?

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ChaseSunflower! The recurring invoices default to the settings in the screenshot below. In saying this, you will be prompted to adjust these settings during the invoice creation steps, which allows you to customize the settings that are the defaults. Hope this helps!

  • MonayeMonaye Member Posts: 2

    In the Step 4, we can set the custom message for Invoice and Receipt but is there any why we can change the message depending on Invoice or Receipt?

    edited February 1, 2019
  • Corbett_canines_18Corbett_canines_18 Member Posts: 4

    Is there a time of knowing when the invoices are sent to the client at what time in the morning?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Monaye Before the Invoice or Receipt is sent out to the client, you can customize the message before you select 'send.' The thing is though, for a recurring invoice, it will automatically send out the same messages unless you edit the recurring invoice itself.

    @Corbett_canines_18 The invoices are sent out at 5 AM UTC.

  • MonayeMonaye Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your reply. I hope we can set the invoice&receipt message differently ahead of the time for recurring. Do you have a voting system on feature request? I googled it and only forums came up.
    By the way, I've been enjoying using the Waveapps and hope you the best.

  • baronescobarbaronescobar Member Posts: 1

    My Invoicing numbering is in the format YYYY/BPR/KDP/01 Where YYYY is year, BPR is product and KDP is company and 01 is serial number. However having different clients, Wave tries to use the last generated invoice to form the next one even though different customers. So i manage that manually. However, with a recurring Invoice it messed up the whole thing and the sequence that the client is supposed to be seeing in the invoices changes drastically that they think we send another company invoice to them.
    Is there any way to get around this issue.


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @baronescobar, this is a limitation in Wave's software at present, in that your recurring invoices will generate based upon the sequence that was last laid out by the previous invoice's number (whether recurring or individual). This means it also requires manual intervention, although it may be easier at present to alter the invoice number for those generated in recurring by heading over to Sales > Invoices and locating the ones that were generated there. We are working on improving our invoicing function however, with an eye to greater customizability. I think you bring up a really good use-case here in that being able to control your invoicing numbers at a per-customer or item basis would be a desirable feature to have, and I'm going to take this over to our Product Team.

  • enhanceenhance Member Posts: 4

    Is it possible to set recurring invoices to expire once $x amount has been payed off? rather than after an amount of time.

  • enhanceenhance Member Posts: 4

    Also, what happens when a recurring invoice payment gets declined?
    Are there any fees involved? does it automatically attempt again another day? Do we have to manually process the invoice payment?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @enhance. Right now it's not possible to set a recurring invoice to expire once the funds have been fully paid out (or a dollar amount you've set has been reached for the invoice itself). You would need to manually go into the recurring invoice itself and end it so it no longer charges your client.

    In terms of the payment being declined, there isn't any fee involved. Also, you will need to manually submit a payment for a client if it fails on the recurring invoice itself.

  • ThearksnohomishThearksnohomish Member Posts: 1

    Hi! So... I’m trying to set up automatic invoicing. I teach music lessons and bill my clients monthly for the upcoming month worth of lessons (it’s the last week of July, I’m currently billing for August). Right now when I set up an invoice, each item listed is the date of the expected lesson- this way every time a parent receives an invoice, there is a list of dates that they are being charged for. I’d love to be able to automate it so if I have a student who has Monday lessons, the invoice is automatically listing each Monday in August. Is there a way to do that? Each month is different, so the invoice should be the different month to month, but still most months work out the same- depending on if there are 4 or 5 weeks that month. Thank you!

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Thearksnohomish , welcome to the Wave community! It is very nice to meet you! I'm afraid that there is no way to create a recurring invoice with line items whose names change dynamically month to month. This is definitely an interesting feature request though and I can certainly see how such a feature has a strong use case for your business.

    edited July 30, 2019
  • highlevelwealthhighlevelwealth Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    For recurring invoices with automatic payments set up, does Wave send out a reminder/invoice prior to processing the next payment? I have some clients that pay annually and the bill can be quite large so I would prefer to send them a notice/reminder that their credit card will be charged soon.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @highlevelwealth

    Unfortunately this is not the case, their card is automatically charged and they are sent a receipt of the transaction. It sounds like you may want to either turn off automatic payments, or send them a regular invoice annually so that they can see the price.

    Conversely, you could also download the invoice as a PDF and send it to them a week before their automatic payment comes out. I understand that's not necessarily the kind of automation you're asking from our system, so I apologize for the workaround.

    Hope this helps!

  • highlevelwealthhighlevelwealth Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Thank you for your response @BarsinA. It would be very helpful to me (and I'm assuming others) if there was an option to "send renewal reminders" when setting up or editing recurring invoices. As an added feature, it would be nice if I could also customize how far in advance this notice would be sent.

    Having to go in and do this manually for every client will be too time consuming, so I won't be able to follow the workaround steps you outlined.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your input here @highlevelwealth , I'll pass this feedback along with the use case onto the team on your behalf!

  • thecareerforce1thecareerforce1 Member Posts: 1

    I'm setting up a recurring invoice and want to confirm I understand the scheduler.
    I need to bill the customer 3 times total. When I set the schedule in step 2, it defaults to 1 month from now. Do I set it to end after 3 invoices or 2? It's not clear if the "end after" is meant to be the number of total invoices or the number of additional recurrences.

  • KambreKambre Member Posts: 2

    I just want to make sure, if I create a recurring invoice in the month of February but I would not like my customer to receive any notification until their payment date which a month later in March,selecting the correct start date will ensure they don't receive anything until then correct?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @thecareerforce1! When are you wanting to schedule it for? In the screenshot below my schedule starts in March because I have selected 'on the first of every month' and we have already passed the first of February, so it is defaulting to start in the next month. You would set it to end after the first invoice date is set to send.

    Hey @Kambre! If you select the correct start date then the invoice will send on that date. If you create it in February but you do not want the customer to receive it till March then you'll want to select the date in March as your send date.

  • KambreKambre Member Posts: 2

    That's exactly what I needed to make sure of! Thank you.

  • madumasmadumas Member Posts: 2

    Issue solved... sorry..

    edited July 15, 2020
  • CharlesNCharlesN Member Posts: 11

    If I set an end to a reoccurring invoice series, will I receive an email notification when the schedule/series has ended?
    For example, I have annual subscriptions, billed monthly. I like to list the subscription term in the item description, so I was thinking of scheduling the invoice to generate every month and have it end after 12 runs. Then create a new reoccurring series for the next year (assuming renewal). I'd like to receive a notice when the last invoice in the series has been generated and sent so I can set up the next series if needed. TIA!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CharlesN , you will not receive a notification when the cycle has ended. You're best off setting some sort of reminder in your calendar when you set up the recurring invoice so that you don't forget!

  • wolfe_iowolfe_io Member Posts: 2

    I created a recurring invoice with the following schedule: Repeat monthly on the 16th; First Invoice: 2020-10-09

    My client has payed for the invoice sent 10-09 and they have set up automatic payments. My recurring invoices dashboard/home page (https://next.waveapps.com/[confidential]/recurring-invoices) shows that the next invoice for this recurring invoice is going to be sent on 2020-10-16...Is the information on the home page accurate? Will my client be sent another invoice and charged again for the month of October? Or will they not be invoiced/billed again until next month (on 2020-11-16)?

    edited October 12, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @wolfe_io

    Forgive us for the late response as our team is working through a larger than normal queue. As you may have already noticed the invoice has not debited your clients account on the 16th of this month as the first one was paid for already!

    Reach out if you have any other questions!

  • AshaoAshao Member Posts: 2

    If I create a Custom Recurring Invoice set to every 28 days, will the invoice stick to this 4 week schedule regardless of if the client pays late (or if their card is declined, etc.)? In other words, is the 28 day schedule based on the date the first invoice is created or the date they pay the invoice?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ashao , the scheduler will send invoices regardless of whether or not your customer has paid. Therefore it will always send on the 28th day.

  • JeffDJeffD Member Posts: 10

    I need to print a recurring invoice in advance of the scheduled date. The switch to Manual Send is grayed so I can't select it

  • JeffDJeffD Member Posts: 10

    I am unable to print a recurring invoice that's not due to be sent out for a month or so. The option to send manually is grayed out. I'm having to change all the dates to send and that's not working

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