How to add a payment to a bill

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to add a payment to a bill

To add a payment to a bill

Click Purchases on the left side of your screen and select Bills.
Find the bill you want to add a payment to and click the arrow button to the left of the bill.
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edited February 3, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • YogawLaurenYogawLauren Member Posts: 1

    Can I add proof of payment for a bill? Like a signed invoice or a payment receipt?

  • MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    Hi @YogawLauren,

    This is a great question, and is achievable today in Wave.

    Using our Receipts by Wave product you can email or upload the payment receipt after paying your vendor. Upon uploading that information you can merge the Receipt transaction and the Bill Payment in your Accounting -> Transactions page. Some our customers also copy the link of the receipt in Wave and add it to the Notes of their Bill Payment.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


  • VineethVineeth Member Posts: 2

    How can i record single payment for multiple bills i created over a period , lets say 3 months.

  • SamiSami Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way of sending a Payment Remittance Advice (preferably by email) to a Supplier when their bill has been paid?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Vineeth, I'm afraid that you will need to record a payment on each bill individually!

    Hey @Sami, I'm afraid that feature is not currently available in Wave, I can definitely pass your suggestion onto the appropriate team as a feature request! :smile:

  • accoustikaaccoustika Member Posts: 2

    HI, there was an option in the transactions page where you could create a bill payment for a receipt that was posted to accounting. It's no longer there. Please can you advise how I can do that now?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @accoustika! There still is the option to categorize expense transactions as Payment sent for a bill in Wave selecting this will give you a list of all unpaid bills and allow you to apply a payment to the one that you need! You should see this category on every withdrawal/expense transaction.

    I have a attached an image of what that should look like.

  • accoustikaaccoustika Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Zoe_caff1, thank you for reply! I'm still facing one more problem regarding this. If I follow your instructions for a bill that has a different currency than my business currency, the bill just doesn't show up in the list. In fact only the bills whose currency is the same as the business currency show up. How do I go about recording a bill payment for receipts that are in a different currency than the default business currency?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @accoustika, thanks for getting back to me :smile:

    If your bill is in a different currency then you will not be able to categorize the transaction as mentioned above. For these bills you will need to record a payment on the Bills page. Once you have done this the bill will be paid and an expense transaction will show up on your Transactions page; then, you will need to delete the duplicate expense transaction brought it from your bank connection import. I hope that clears things up :smile:

  • ksalleeksallee Member Posts: 1

    I need some help with this-I paid a bill and it comes up as a transaction in accounting. I worried that when when my bank account comes up it'll double the transaction i.e. assume I paid the amount twice. How can I make sure that doesn't happen?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    hey @ksallee. Technically, it will double the transaction if you have a bank connected in Wave. With that said, the workaround is waiting to mark the bill as paid until the transaction is actually withdrawn from your account. Once this happens, you can categorize that specific transaction as 'payment for bill' and then that bill will be automatically marked as paid. Or, alternatively, you can simply just merge these two transactions together once the 2nd transaction is imported into Wave.

    edited March 29, 2019
  • JanBBJanBB Member Posts: 11

    We are billed for our Utlities through the service providers but pay through a 3rd Party service. I have been inputting the bills and making the payments through the payment service, but i forget how to link them through a Journal entry. Please assist.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JanBB - you shouldn't actually need to use a journal transaction in this case. Once the bill is made, head over to Accounting > Transactions. If you have a bank account connected that is importing transactions, then you may already have the bill payment there. If not, you'll need to record an expense transaction for the amount you paid, and set it to the date you paid the bill outside of Wave. Once done, choose the account it came out of, and finally categorize the expense as "Payment made for a Bill in Wave" and then choose the open/pending bill to assign this payment over and close it out. Alternatively, you could just mark the bill as paid via Purchases > Bills.

  • JanBBJanBB Member Posts: 11

    Hi Samd, pardon my confusion here. The utility bills (Light & Water) are input under their relative vendors (companies/departments) and the payments are made through another vendor (a third-party payment agency that manages mutliple company/agency payments), which causes outstanding bills one way and unlinked payments another way. Would your solution correct this?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @JanBB. I guess my follow up question for you is which vendor you would rather have the payment associated with? There isn't an option in Wave to select multiple vendors for one specific payment.. so it will really depends on what exactly you are wanting to track (as in, which vendor you should be tracking your payments for). However, Sam's solution will resolve the issue if you are categorizing the payment made for bill option, and that bill is associated with the vendor you are wanting to track.

  • JanBBJanBB Member Posts: 11

    Hi JamieD. Unfortunately, that is not currently an option, so hopefully, the app can be modified to facilitate that or I just continue to post as usual until I can find another solution. Thank you for all your help.

  • waveappsuser10984waveappsuser10984 Member Posts: 1

    Is there really no way to connect a bill to an existing transaction (instead of "recording a new payment")?

    First, I recorded a new bill for a particular vendor. Later, I made the payment via a checking account transaction, and the transaction was imported into wave apps. Now, I don't see a way to connect the bill to the transaction directly. I am only given the option to "record a new payment", which would double count the payments I made for the bill.

    If there is no way to link a bill to an existing transaction, I'll probably stop using the bill feature...

    edited April 25, 2019
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @waveappsuser10984 If you have already marked the bill as paid before the expense transaction is withdrawn from your account -- you should be able to simply just merge the two transactions together (as long as they are associated with the same account). The bill will also still remain associated with the transaction as well.

  • Malfred_1950Malfred_1950 Member Posts: 3
    Hi - when I receive a bill it has sales tax included in it. For a bill that is paid in increments over months should I include the sales tax with the bill when I enter it and therefore have it showing as "paid" in one month, or should I not show the sales tax on the bill but only in the payments? Thanks.
  • bernardbernard Member Posts: 4

    Hi, after I have created a bill, how do I upload the supplier invoice that is tied to this bill into wave? Thank you for your reply

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Malfred_1950 It's entirely up to you and will depend on how you want to track your reporting for your sales taxes -- I feel as though it would be best handled by associating it with the expense transactions as they come in, what're your thoughts? @Mikeg

    @bernard After you've created a bill in Wave and have marked it as paid -- it's totally possible that you just upload that payment as a receipt in the Receipts section. One thing to keep in mind is that when you create a receipt/post it to accounting it will create a duplicate transaction (one for the bill itself, and one for the receipt).

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure why there would be a need to break out sales tax paid on an expense invoice. For example, if you ordered supplies from Staples online, they would most likely charge sales tax since they are present in every state. You would expense as office supplies the entire amount inclusive of sales tax. I may be misinterpreting your question. Let me know.

  • bernardbernard Member Posts: 4

    Hi @JamieD, thank you for your reply to my question. After I uploaded the supplier's invoice using the receipt function and merging the duplicate transactions, the "View receipt" option is no longer available in the merged transaction. It is replaced with "view transaction source". When i click on "view transaction source", there is no link to the receipt for this transaction. Hence, it defeats the purpose for uploading the invoice in the first place. This is a big issue because in 6 month's time, I will have problem identifying which invoice is for which transaction. Is there a simpler way of attaching supplier invoice to bill that I have created in Wave? Once again, thank you for your kind assistance. Have a good day.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @bernard

    The first bit of news: When the transactions are unmerged, the receipt transaction should retain the link to the receipt. The devs confirmed that and are looking into that, and wanted me to pass along their thanks for discovering it.

    In chatting with the devs, our team was also able to discover what was happening with the merged transactions in the first place. There's a set of things that the system checks when two transactions are merged. One of the things that it prioritizes is number of line items in the transaction. If you look at the transaction you're merging, it may be entirely possible that your transaction had multiple line items and when it merged (using the split withdrawal tool), it was treated as the primary transaction over the receipt transaction. I want to confirm one thing: Have you seen this behaviour on other receipts?

    The best way around this is merging the transaction first, and then splitting the transaction. Or, after creating the receipt transaction, splitting THAT transaction and then merging it. But I think in this case, that's what's happening. As long as the receipt transaction has the same amount of items or more items, it will be considered the primary transaction, and the receipt link should exist.

    I hope that's helped explained what's happened here. I think with this in mind, you shouldn't run into this issue going forward. In the meantime, the devs are working on the unmerging issue, although I have no timeline on when that will be fixed. Let me know if any part of this is unclear, or you have questions.

  • bernardbernard Member Posts: 4

    Hey there @Barsin, once thank you guys for you prompt reply. I deeply appreciate your commitment to good customer service.
    Unfortunately, my situation is not as you described above. Mine is a straight forward transaction. as follows:
    1. I created a bill for the invoices that i received from my suppliers that I have yet to pay. But there is no function for me to attach the invoice so that I can tie the bill back to the invoice.
    2. I uploaded my bank statement into wave. My bank statement showed that the check that I sent to my supplier has been cleared
    3. I record this payment (either via 'Transaction' or via 'Bill', I have tried both ways)
    4. I was advised by @jamie that I could upload the invoice and tie the invoice back to this transaction via the Receipt function. This was what I did.
    5. I uploaded the invoice using the receipt function. This created a duplicate transaction which I need to merge with the transaction that I have created in step 3
    6. After I have merged the transaction in step 5 and step 3, the "view receipt" option is no longer available. So it defeat the purpose of why I am uploading the invoice in the 1st place. NO, this transaction has only 1 expense category. I did not split this transaction into multiple expense category.
    There is no problem if I just upload the invoice via receipts and then merge the transaction. But once I record the payment, the uploaded invoices, the view receipt option will no longer be available.

    The inability to upload invoices and then tie it back to the bill is quite a serious issue because this will create a lot of confusion as the numbers of transaction get bigger

    Thank you once again and appreciate your good work as always. Have a good weekend. :smile: +1

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    @bernard Hey Bernard,

    In regards to taking Jamie's advice, you can delete the duplicate bank imported transaction and just use the receipt generated transaction. Merging these two is redundant and I know some accountants might see this as blasphemous, but it's not necessary. I'll be reaching out to our application support team in regards to why the view receipt function disappears when you merge these two transactions.

    In regards to attaching images or documents to bills, we appreciate and hear your concern. This is something I can safely say I have not heard coming down the roadmap at this point, but it's worth taking into consideration.

    Hope you have a great day Bernard!

  • bernardbernard Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Barsin, thank you for your reply. Your suggestion is just a way of getting around a glitch in WAVE system. The short answer is that Wave cannot tie the bill-invoice-payment together at this point in time. Tying bills to invoice to payment should be an easy and intuitive process. It should not be so cumbersome and confusing for small business owners, who are usually not train in accounting. The get-around solution simply involved too many steps [create bill, record a payment, upload bills / receipt using receipt function-which created double entry, merge the transactions to eliminate the double entry) and after all these steps, we still lost connection back to the receipt / bills. Nonetheless, thank you for your patience and kind assistance. Deeply appreciated. :smiley:

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hi @bernard

    It's my pleasure. Thanks for the feedback and honesty. It's always valued on this forum. Have a great weekend.

  • gracenote3gracenote3 Member Posts: 5

    I created a bill. I wrote a check. My check transaction came in automatically through my bank. I can't see how to match the check transaction with the bill to get the bill to show as paid. Oops, never mind, I see I need to select the category, "Payment made for Bill in Wave." Can't delete my comment so thought I'd at least post my solution!

    edited June 27, 2019
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gracenote3 . Thanks for making this visible for the rest of our users who may come across this problem in the future!

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