How do I issue a refund?



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Clayselfemployed , I see that you and Sam were able to get this resolved together!

    @JYong you can take a screenshot of the transaction or of the invoice with the refund marked. Because this refund didn't actually take place through Wave itself and it's just being recorded in Wave, these would be your best two options.

    Hi @Azalea , I see that your request was successfully cancelled through tickets with our Support team!

  • CarlaLYCCarlaLYC Member Posts: 1

    I created an invoice, the client paid via bank transfer, I recorded the payment. The trip was cancelled so I processed the refund via bank transfer. How do I show it on Wave and send a credit note or refund receipt to the client? I followed the steps and go to sales but I don't see the Payments tab on my navigation bar?

  • Anja1609Anja1609 Member Posts: 2

    Is there no option to create a refund in Wave unless I am set up with Payments? We are using the free services currently for recording invoices. We'd like to provide this document back to the customer in the same template as the original invoice issued to the customer or be able to change the status of the invoice rather than delete it permanently.

  • AmbieAmbie Member Posts: 1
    You guys held a $300 payment that cleared customers account in March we never received payout and customers was never refunded
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @CarlaLYC !

    Great question. In this case, since your customer made a payment and was refunded outside of Wave, you will need to create a manual expense transaction for the amount you refunded or use an imported transaction (via Wave Connect or CSV uploader). To allocate the expense transaction to the invoice, for the category select Refund for an invoice in Wave > the invoice in question. Once this is done, the refund will appear on the invoice under Sales > Invoices in brackets. The brackets represent a negative value. Below I attached a screenshot for reference:

    Hello @Anja1609 !

    If you don't use our Wave Payments feature for payment processing, you can still record manual refunds in Wave for payments you received outside of our software. Please refer to the workflow mentioned above in my previous reply to Carla. I hope this helps!

    Hey @Ambie !

    It looks like the refund in question failed because your customers account on file is closed. I'm afraid that the account can't be updated. As a result, you will need to refund your customer outside of Wave and write off the invoice. For more information on the refund, please feel free to send us an e-mail at anytime so one of our support agents can assist you.

    edited November 24, 2020
  • SophieRutabagaSophieRutabaga Member Posts: 1

    Hi @JulianP ! Following on @CarlaLYC, I have the same problem to try to incorporate a refund that happened outside Wave.
    I did the procedure you are explaining (create a manual expense transaction). Everything works correctly (refund in brackets etc.) but then my invoice appears again as "awaiting payment'. How can I avoid this ?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @SophieRutabaga !

    Once the refund is recorded in your Wave account, you will then need to write off the invoice to balance your accounts. Since real funds were moved on your business, writing it off best reflects the actual loss you experienced, and as your payment processor, this is a record of the money movement for you on your books. We have a great guide on this as well. Check it out here:

    edited November 27, 2020
  • contact_ILcontact_IL Member Posts: 3

    I received an electronic deposit from a vendor outside of wave for 4 different invoices 3 were invoice payments and one was a refund on an invoice. How do I record the refund for this bank deposit?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @contact_IL !

    If your customer made a bulk deposit for multiple invoices and this was recorded as one transaction, you can perform a transaction split to allocate the funds accordingly. For more information on how to record a split, feel free to check out this Help Center article.

    When it comes to issuing refunds for manual invoice payments or invoice payments received through Wave, you can follow the workflow outlined here.

    I hope this helps!

    edited January 22, 2021
  • BGCBGC Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I tried to refund my client and my transaction met all requirements for refund (refund the same day of credit card transaction, the funds were not even sent to my bank account yet) but the refund was declined by Wave system even when I tried several times! Can you please advise or help to get it done? Thanks!

  • BGCBGC Member Posts: 2

    How do I contact Wave support for a refund problem? I could find no contact details on the website...

  • RARBRARB Member Posts: 1
    I made a refund and everything looks in order except that the money hasn't been deposited in the customer's account.
    It's a credit card and was on April 9 the sale.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BGC , I see that you were able to get some help refunding over live chat. If you do have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach back out again!

    Hi @RARB , I took a look at your transactions and I see that your refund was indeed processed on the 9th. If your customer didn't receive the money, we can have our Support team look into this some more and escalate it for a further look. Can you send a message to the team through our chatbot, Mave, in your account? To do so, hit the help button in the bottom right corner of your account which will pop open our chatbot. At that point, you can request help from the Support team and they should be able to straighten you out!

  • Lenka1_Lenka1_ Member Posts: 1

    Hello ! I don't want to register to this website I used it only for a template of invoice and you recieved money by mistake. How can I get the payment back from you without using all the informations about me like Tax ID and SSN when the money was sent to your account by accident? Thank you for your response.

  • GCMachinery1GCMachinery1 Member Posts: 4

    My payment tab only shows credit card payments, how can I make it show all?

  • pnaw10pnaw10 Member Posts: 3

    Is there any way to issue a PARTIAL refund of a credit card payment? Use case: I am a wedding DJ. Most of my 2021 weddings are actually couples who had to postpone from 2020 due to the pandemic. Although I re-dated the invoices to match the new wedding dates, I have one bride who also changed venues -- as a result, her reception is now going to be 90 minutes shorter than originally planned. My pricing is based partly on event length, so a shorter reception means the price goes down. She didn't tell me about the time change until AFTER she paid her invoice... so, basically, she has overpaid. I need to refund the difference, not the entire amount. Is this possible in Wave? I don't want to refund it all and then issue a new invoice and have her to pay it again -- that isn't very customer friendly. If Wave can't do a partial refund, I will probably just cut her a check. Thanks!

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