How to save customer credit card information for invoice payments

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to save customer credit card information for invoice payments

If you do business with the same customer, it is handy to have their credit card information on file. Here's how to save credit cards when you use Payments by Wave.
There are two ways you can save ...

Read the full story here

edited February 12, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • Mr_MELTMr_MELT Member Posts: 1
    This appears to be out of date somewhat.
  • PlacidbeachPlacidbeach Member Posts: 6
    The question I have is when a customer gives me their credit card on file Are they at my Mercy to charge any time i wish or do they get to approve all invoice payments before they are carried out? This wasn't dealt with in the article at all.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Placidbeach . You can charge their card whenever you create an invoice for them. They do not have to approve it as supplying you with their details is like the initial approval.

  • PatabugenPatabugen Member Posts: 7

    For invoices to customers with saved cards, is there a way to automatically bill the card on the due date?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Patabugen! Good question! For a regular invoice, there isn't an automatic payment feature. However, you can automatically bill customers on a due date with the recurring invoice feature. To see the process and how to set this up in your account I recommend checking out these Wave guides on the topic: how do automatic payments work & guide to recurring invoices.

  • CoLabCoLab Member Posts: 1

    Why does wave allow duplicate cards to be saved? I have some customers who have accepted reoccurring payments and there were issues with the credit cards not being charged or declined for unexplained reasons so they had to enter their cards again but now it shows them with numerous cards. This then seems to cause none of the cards to be charged for the recurring invoice. For some I've gone in and deleted all saved cards and had them reenter the info. This seems like an unnecessary step to get my customers to make. Suggestions?

  • guy4411guy4411 Member Posts: 1

    When customer clicks "Review and Pay" the invoice payment portion shows a checkbox labeled "save this credit card to allow merchant to automatically charge it for future invoices". CAN THAT CHECKBOX BE ELIMINATED?

  • Fish_Eye1111Fish_Eye1111 Member Posts: 1
    Myself and my customers are getting a server error - unable to process credit card ...but the payment is going through multiple times. Is there a reason to get this error ? Will it be fixed? I’ve only noticed it occurring last week (2/13) but I got word today from a customer that it’s still occurring.
  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @guy4411! Currently there isn't an ability to remove this option from payment but I would be happy to submit your feedback. Is there a particular reason you or your customer does not want to see this option when paying? Any extra detail helps our team when making future changes.

    Hi @Fish_Eye1111! It looks like you are currently working with our Support team on this. You're in good hands!

  • RaquelRaquel Member Posts: 2

    Can the customer swap out the billing info themselves?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Raquel! When a customer clicks to pay an invoice they will be asked to enter their credit card details. If they want to use a different credit card than what they used previously they can enter different credit card details.

  • RaquelRaquel Member Posts: 2

    I meant more, if they could update their information for next time, without an immediate invoice.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Raquel! If your customer is comfortable with sending you their card information, then you could save that to their profile for the using in their account for next time, for sure! You'd just need to update that information from Sales > Customers :)

  • tfosttfost Member Posts: 3

    I'm trying out WAVE and really like it, but before I switch from my current software, I want to know if there is a "Customer Portal"? Where my customers can log in and update their own credit card information? I want to put this responsibility on my customers to do this themselves -- I do NOT want to play phone tag with them to get their CC info over the phone.

    For example: I charge my customers automatically on the first day of each month. On the 15th of the month, a customer notifies me that they need to update their credit card information. At this point, I want them to be able to have a way to go and update their credit card information themselves. Whether it's through a Customer Portal, or a link that they click on and set up their recurring payment again. I do NOT want to have to create an invoice and charge them prematurely, because that's the only way I can get their new credit card information. I want them to be able to enter their new credit card information into the system in the middle of the month, and then I will charge their new card on the 1st day of the next month.

    I would love to know if this is possible! Thank you!!

  • Ajster1989Ajster1989 Member Posts: 1

    You need to allow us to do this with ACH, I feel like your limited it to Credit Cards only so you can keep a higher fee...

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Ajster1989

    I think the issue might be that there is a higher liability with access to a bank account rather than the credit card. Credit cards have significant higher protection such as chargebacks in case of unwelcome credit card payments. Hope you understand!

  • ILPILP Member Posts: 8

    Is there any way to get a notification when a customer chooses to save their credit card information? (When they do it themselves from an invoice, not when we enter it.) I do receive the email saying we have received a payment, but there isn't any indication as to whether the customer just paid the one invoice or chose to save their card for us to automatically charge for future invoices.

    Or is there a way to export a list of customers who have chosen to save their credit cards?

    We have just started accepted online payments and a few customers have chosen to save their card, but without looking at each customer's profile individually, I don't know how to see who has saved a card. We need to know this for future invoices so we know who to send an invoice to and who to charge and send a receipt (without having to look up each customer individually).

    We can't use the recurring invoice feature because our invoices are not at set intervals. We will just need to run the saved card each time we perform our service.

    I understand that it's not likely that Wave will prompt us about the saved as we are creating the new invoices (though if something like that were possible, that would be awesome!). But if we could at least receive a notification or export a report, we can keep a list of people who have saved their cards and reference it when creating our invoices.

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @ILP Thanks for that feedback! Right now, we don't offer this feature but I really love how you gave how this feature would make a huge difference for your business. Our Product team does visit these forums for new ideas so hopefully we can look into this being a feature in the future!

  • archivesutaharchivesutah Member Posts: 5

    @EmmaP said:
    Hi @guy4411! Currently there isn't an ability to remove this option from payment but I would be happy to submit your feedback. Is there a particular reason you or your customer does not want to see this option when paying? Any extra detail helps our team when making future changes.

    I am with @guy4411 in wanting to remove the option to save credit cards as an account setting or with the default invoice. I have partners that are not comfortable with saving that data even if it's not our business saving it but is on the secure Wave servers. Most of our payments will be once a year often with different cards, so it doesn't help to save payment forms for us. We will be discouraging customers from clicking the save box and regularly deleting any that do get saved.

  • stevenlmastevenlma Member Posts: 1

    Is there any way for customers to update their own credit card information on a recurring invoice that is automatically charged? I don't want to ask them for their credit card info over the phone. And currently I have to cancel that recurring invoice and create a new one to update their info.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @stevenlma! There is not a way at present for your customer to update their own credit card information without cancelling and re-creating that recurring invoice, I'm afraid. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here!

    edited July 29, 2020
  • acc9901acc9901 Member Posts: 4

    If they already paid for service through an initial invoice, then want to add another service a few days later, and we are in person so they can just hand me their credit card, what do I do? Do I open the earlier invoice as it sounds in this guide, and add it on, but they already paid the one I'm opening? Or do I ahve to make a new invoice for each thing they add on?
    Isn't there some way for me to just enter their card and what the charge was for without an invoice? Thank you. Lots of questions, but they are all related to the same confusion.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @acc9901 , thanks for your message! What you could do in that case is add the new item onto the existing invoice, and then record a payment against the new item, or, you could create a new invoice - it really is up to you! The dates on the invoice(s) will reflect differently in your income/reports, so it may be best to speak with an accountant about which would be the better option based on the tax implications of each.

    If you'd prefer not to use an Invoice, you can use Checkouts! Head to Sales > Checkouts to get links for single price items which you can add and then send to clients as you need.

    Lastly, if you have their credit card in person, you can also add it to their customer profile if they're comfortable, and then charge the card as an option when you are recording a payment on the invoice. To add the card to their profile, head to Sales > Customers > pencil icon to the right of the customer > Add a Payment Method!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @DemerrickB

    I understand how frustrating this may seem and I sincerely do apologize on behalf of our team. Our accounts management department works to ensure that you and your clients are safe and secure. They continue to monitor all transactions in Wave hoping to minimize chargebacks.

    Just to be clear Wave will not keep any of the invoice transaction fees. All fees will be returned to your client on their invoice payments. Hope this answers the last part of your post.

  • dentecdentec Member Posts: 4

    I have customers that pay invoices with credit cards and save the info themselves. Problem is that when they go to pay the next invoice, their information is not available for them to just pay it. They have to put all the cc info back in to pay it. Is there a way that they can just put the info in once and pay the invoice/s, once reviewed, and pay every invoice from that time forward with the info that was saved vs. having to re enter their cc info every time?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @dentec

    When a customer saves their CC information on your invoice, what it actually does is adds it to your Wave account for you to be able to charge the card later. You can see how to do this by reading THIS ARTICLE. So now if you go to Sales > Customers > You'll notice a little credit card symbol beside this customer which will allow you to charge the card on future invoices. It won't retain the info on their next attempt at an invoice payment.

    Hope this helps.

  • acc9901acc9901 Member Posts: 4

    But what if they pay through the invoice initially? This article only addresses if the owner is entering the card information. My clients pay online after they get the invoice, then I need to charge their card one month later for recurring bill. HOw do I do this? Thank you

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @acc9901 , if your customer is paying you through the invoice, there's a checkbox option below where they enter their credit card details that has them give you their details for next time you want to charge an invoice. Your customer does have to check this box and agree to it.

  • FATE1FATE1 Member Posts: 1

    I have a recurring customer who has a credit card that expires on 1/21. They have the new card but I can't find a way to update the expiration date and security code. They get charged on the 10th. How do I fix this?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @FATE1 , you'd have to completely re-add their card under their Customer settings. When we store customer details, we store a token of the details for security, not the actual details themselves. This means you can't go in and edit some of the card details, but instead have to re-add it.

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