How to invite your accountant, bookkeeper, or business partner to help with your account



  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @QLee !

    Thanks for sharing how this feature would help you and your business. We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through our Community forum looking for feature ideas from our users.

  • dlrowedlrowe Member Posts: 1

    I have been added as a User and administrator for a client with a Wave account I have set up a new Wave account for me but I do not see how to get connected to my client's account Based on his info in wave, he told me that I am active as a user and admin (using 2 different emails, I changed emails to see i this as the problem in getting connected it as not I am having same problem).. I have asked 4 other people using Wave and all of them had same problem Their solution is to print reports and email them - no one could see how to get a connection, even with multiple authorization thru Wave.

    How do I get connected?

  • TonymathisTonymathis Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I had my account gain access last tax season and was able to get into the program without issues. However this year I have been deleting and reallowing them to get an invite. They have not been able to find it in their email, junk or anywhere else. I have given them admin priority and even check by trying to login to wave under their email and says they have a registered email. Kinda at a loss and really need to get my taxes done. Thanks, tony
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @dlrowe !

    To clarify, did you receive a collaborator access invitation from the business in question? If so, did you complete the instructions outlined in the invitation email. If all of these steps were actioned, and you connected to the business successfully, you should be able to select the Wave logo in the top left hand corner of the page and select their business profile. If you did get invited but are still having issues, I suggest going through the invitation instructions again to ensure all of them were actioned. Otherwise, I will gladly assist you further!

    Hello @Tonymathis !

    So we can better assist you with your issue, please submit a ticket request to our Support team. From there, you can privately share any personal information like your accountants email, etc. so one of our agents get investigate your case further.

  • JetSet_PetsJetSet_Pets Member Posts: 1

    Hi Team,
    I just invited a new employee to Wave and the invite was sent to him, however when completing the email and password, he gets the message: "It seems like we can't create your business right now, please try again."

    Well, we tried many times, what's the problem? Please advise.


  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey there @JetSet_Pets ,

    As it turns out, we removed the ability of users outside of North America to be able to create a new Wave account back in December 2020. This also includes users who have been invited by a Wave user who had an account before this shut down I'm afraid. This is why they are unable to create a new account.

  • CLKDesignStudioCLKDesignStudio Member Posts: 1

    Is Wave only limited to North America?

  • ProgramDavidProgramDavid Member Posts: 2

    Currently an invited "viewer" can see my bank balance in the reconciliation feature. The description of the "viewer" category says that the viewer will not have access to bank information. Is there a way to prevent viewers from using the reconciliation feature? or from seeing my bank balance?

  • SServiceSService Member Posts: 3

    Another person answered my question. Thanks!

    edited January 12, 2022
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