[Limited Release] Everything you need to know about Instant Payouts

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

image[Limited Release] Everything you need to know about Instant Payouts

As they say, time is money. With Instant Payouts, you’ll be able to push funds to your bank account via your Visa or Mastercard debit card and receive the money nearly instantly, even on evenings, ...

Read the full story here

edited February 28, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • ARonNYCARonNYC Member Posts: 1

    Will those 1% instant fees be included in our transaction fee reports?

  • Matt12345Matt12345 Member Posts: 2

    What if they paid the invoice by ACH Bank Payment? Can I still do an instant paymout from that? So be charged 2%, 1% for the ACH and 1% for the instant payout.

    edited April 17, 2019
  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @ARonNYC :smile: The 1% instant payout fee will be included in your Account Transactions report under Merchant Fees.

    Hello @Matt12345 :smile: Yes, Instant payouts are possible with Bank Payments and the fees charged to you on that payment would be 2%, like you said :smile:

  • GailG_lucky13GailG_lucky13 Member Posts: 2

    If I try this feature, it doesn't mean that from here on out this will automatically happen correct? This is at my discretion based on need?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @GailG_lucky13. Exactly, this is totally at the user's discretion. You will have the option to pay yourself out instant depending on the specific invoice and also have the choice to wait the normal processing time to get paid for your invoices.

  • svsmithsvsmith Member Posts: 3

    On 6/28, a customer paid an invoice through Wave (bank payment). I transferred the money to my bank account, through Instant Payments, with no problem...my bank statement reflected deposit and it was also shown as "success" on the Wave payments page. On 7/1, said $ was withdrawn back out of my bank account through Wave. I have no idea why? I did not make or authorize any type of payment out of my account! Wave "payouts" page does not offer any type of information as to where the $ was deposited to, doesn't say refund, insufficient funds, or anything like that...only "completed." I've emailed but haven't gotten a response and "live chat" has been offline all day.
    I actually just received another invoice payment (different customer) a few minutes ago. I sent $600 to my bank account through Instant Payments and got a "success." However, on the Payouts page, it's showing the rest of the invoice payment (I didn't transfer it all) will payout to my account on July 3, but the first $600 will pull back out of my account on July 5?!?!?! Why are Instant Payments all of a sudden being withdrawn from bank accounts????? Where's the $ going? Back to the customer?

  • harvey_lynch83harvey_lynch83 Member Posts: 4
    Wave needs a phone support hotline. 24/7 for customers worldwide. It would add immense value and trust in the product.
  • svsmithsvsmith Member Posts: 3

    @ harvey_lynch83 YES! Who doesn't have a customer service #?! Craziness!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @harvey_lynch83 @svsmith

    As we don't service payments or payroll for all countries, opening a general 24/7 support line wouldn't quite work for our model. We do offer phone support for paying customers in North America to check on a pending paymentS or a payment account setup. We also offer live chat and tickets for countries who are available for a Wave payment plan. Lastly we also have the community to reach out to for our global users who are unable to use our payment or payroll system.

    We aim to offer a high quality support outreach to our paid and unpaid customers and having 24/7 support would mean that we would need to hire staff remotely outside of our home base in Toronto. Not having a complete eye on monitoring this group might mean that we are unsure of the quality of work we put out there.

    If you are a North American and want to reach out via ticket regarding a pending payment or a payroll matter where funds weren't delivered to an employee/taxes were not paid, feel free to email us HERE with as much detailed info as possible and we would be able to set up an outbound phone conversation.

  • jmtanzojmtanzo Member Posts: 2

    I was offered instant payout, filled it in, next thing I know my payout is under review... I’ve been using this app and service for over a year, now this??? Then I go to call the number you guys put and it say you no longer have telephone customer service and you are closed at 5pm. I need help here.

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @jmtanzo , I am sorry that you experienced this issue. I see that you were able to get in touch with one of our Support Heroes about this over Live Chat. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

  • ChrisjcChrisjc Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I’ve sent and invoice out for $3550, but the instant payout amount is only $3000. Where does my other $550 go? Does that remainder go through as a normal banking process? Not clear as to where that money goes. (less all the fees )
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Chrisjc! You've hit the nail on the head - the rest of that money, less the fees, will be deposited on our normal banking timeline :)

  • Era_KayEra_Kay Member Posts: 1

    It is disappointing that this service is not offered to all customers. How can I become eligible for Instant Payouts?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Era_Kay! Thanks for reaching out! We're still working on this feature and as we do, I'm afraid we have not been able to roll it out to all users.

  • Christine TaborChristine Tabor Member Posts: 6

    I clicked on instant payout trying to learn more, not see it pending. I do NOT want an instant payout. I have NOT uploaded a debit card, so I'm hoping that keeps it from happening. Please advise. I don't want to lose $15 on a $500 payment... too much.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Christine Tabor! It does not look like any instant payouts have been made on your account! If you choose not to connect a debit card then it will not be able to process an instant payout.

  • dsallredpadsallredpa Member Posts: 1

    Invoice is $1800, Instant pay out is $1500, If I take $500 from the instant pay out, will the remainder of the payment $1300, be deposited on the scheduled date?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @dsallredpa! Thanks for reaching out! You are correct - if you choose to only take a partial amount of the instant payout, the remainder of the funds will follow the usual processing time for a credit card payment. You can view the expected payout date under: Baking -> Payouts in your account.

  • TMooreTMoore Member Posts: 1

    Hi, under "Accounting" Transactions, I see my Invoice Payments and then the "Deposits", and how Wave automatically fills in the Journal Entry, however, I also have Instant Payouts. For accounting/bookkeeping purposes, what is the proper journal entry for Instant Payouts or Person-to-Person Transfer, it shows up but what do you put for the "Category"?? Thanks much!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TMoore , for clarity, Wave doesn't use a Journal Entry for any of our Payments deposits, as it uses regular transactions instead. For Instant Payouts, they work in the exact same way as regular Payout transactions do so there should be no difference for this.

  • SPS_JohnSPS_John Member Posts: 10

    Hi I'm not sure if I'm heading in the same direction of TMoore, but wave funding payments for instant payout seem to be doubled up on the income report. I think the question was how do we adjust the books to correctly show the income paid to the invoice and to the ledger so that it doesn't sit there as a separate income category?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SPS_John , can you send us a screenshot of exactly what you're seeing and how it's doubling up? This will help us analyze the issue and point you down the right path. Also, do you have a bank connection active within your Wave account that pulls in all of the transactions that hit your bank account?

    edited August 12, 2020
  • BakwoodBakwood Member Posts: 1


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Bakwood

    I understand how frustrating this may seem and I sincerely do apologize on behalf of our team. Our Risk department works to ensure that you and your clients are safe and secure. They continue to monitor all transactions in Wave hoping to minimize chargebacks and protect you from all transactions being processed. Our team is currently reviewing your responses and will likely followup with you by phone, however they may need to reach out by email to setup a time. I appreciate your patience on this.

    edited October 7, 2020
  • storage_unlimitedstorage_unlimited Member Posts: 4
    Hello??? I need someone help it’s a bad business from u company or website to keep peoples money hold it’s a lawsuit criteria if you guys keep my founds in hold without any reason my client pay me from his account strait to wave app and the $7,500 it’s there without my reach if by today this money it’s not released to my Bank of America account who this wave company have already all my info tax ID social security number address company name and info etc etc etc I’ll be taking a strong claim agains this wave company app or whatever it’s called BAD WAY TO DO BUSINESS WITH I’m storage Unlimited L&M Corp complaining about this web keeping me out of the reach of my own money who needs to make payments with this Funds
  • storage_unlimitedstorage_unlimited Member Posts: 4
    Need help I have $7,500 stock in the app from u and I need to pay my Employe and pay my merchandise ASAP u have not the right to keep my money in hold need the money release ASAP to my Bank of America account who u have already on the system need help ASAP I’m getting in trouble because u bad and poor assistance
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @storage_unlimited , I see that an agent on our Support team was able to action your refund this morning. If you do have any further questions about this, please reach out directly through the ticket and the agent would be more than happy to answer your questions.

  • marketdavemarketdave Member Posts: 1

    How do I set Wave to make Instant Payouts to my Wave Business account so I can avoid the fees

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @marketdave , you can set up your Instant Payouts account by heading to Settings > Payouts and updating your Instant Payouts account number.

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