How to embed a Wave Checkout in your Wordpress website

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to embed a Wave Checkout in your Wordpress website

This guide will walk you through how to add a Wave Checkout to your Wordpress website, so your clients can pay you in advance.
Checkout works best when you use it to collect payment for a fixed cos...

Read the full story here

edited March 24, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • PaigettiePaigettie Member Posts: 10

    From what I'm taking away from this article, it sounds like it only works as a good option if a customer wants to purchase a single item, and I'm looking for something like integrating checkout for my cart with my Wave Apps account. Is that an option, or one being developed?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Paigettie . You're correct, Checkouts is definitely best used to purchase a single service/product. We're not currently working on a cart option, but I'd love to hear what your workflow is and how this feature would benefit your business so your voice can be added to this conversation in the future.

  • SublimePoolsSublimePools Member Posts: 2

    Hi @alexlewiszarkos, I am the owner of a pool company and love your wave products. However, I am looking to integrate a payment gateway with the wave service. I love how easy it is to keep all the accounting and billing together, but it is hard when you want to have the convenience of having customers come into your website and make payments monthly. One it helps our SEO by boosting monthly traffic to our website, and it also allows us to brand easier. Please work on this for me, as I will fully commit myself if there were a payment gateway created for business owners using wave.

  • SublimePoolsSublimePools Member Posts: 2

    This is my website: Https:// I am currently looking to add this to my website.

  • hawkettehawkette Member Posts: 1

    A link is cool, but an actual embeddedable checkout function would be great so the customer doesn't even have to leave the site + redirect option. Even better for Wordpress - integrate with WooCommerce!

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @hawkette. Appreciate the feedback here -- it could be something that we look at in the future so that your client wouldn't actually be redirect to our payout link, but we still don't have any immediate plans on this or what that will look like, if it's something that we do decide to add, we will definitely add it to a future roadmap and let our users know.

  • dan777dan777 Member Posts: 10

    I like Wave, but there needs to be better integration with WordPress websites, including WooCommerce and EDD (Easy Digital Downloads), so that it appears seamless to the end user. Let's be honest, a link is not integration by any stretch of the imagination!

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @dan777 , thank you for sharing your feedback on this. Wave is able to integrate with supported online platforms through Zapier. Zapier connects 2, or more, services together using these principles: if Service #1 performs a TRIGGER, Zapier can send instructions to Service #2 to record a secondary ACTION. For example, if Shopify creates a sale transaction, Wave can be told to create a matching transaction on your Transactions page. These chain reactions are called "Zaps". I have collected some links below specific to the Zap for WordPress and WooCommerce.

  • dan777dan777 Member Posts: 10

    Unfortunately, that does not work for me as I'm using EDD (Easy Digital Downloads). But thank you very much.

  • Roland_WymanRoland_Wyman Member Posts: 4

    This is somewhat useful, but it would be great if there was an option for recurring payments.
    We provide managed web hosting and the service is always either monthly or annual payments

  • MarcusWMarcusW Member Posts: 4

    Is it possible to integrate Wave Checkout with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel? i am running ads but cannot measure the effectiveness of my ads since I don't know where they came from. I saw the app on Zapier but I am not sure if that works with the Checkout page. Can you help?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MarcusW . You cannot incorporate Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel to your checkouts at this time. Can I recommend creating different checkouts for your different ad placements so you know where things come from? That would be the best workaround at the moment.

  • MarcusWMarcusW Member Posts: 4

    @AlexL sure, what's your recommendation? I am planning to switch to Stripe, but haven't had the chance to do it. Wave Checkout still works for my needs for the most part. Just need to measure the success rate of my ads, who made the purchase and where they came from.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @MarcusW If you create a different checkout for each ad placement, and name them accordingly, you'll be able to track the traffic to each one. Definitely not as efficient as have analytics on it, but it would definitely function as a workaround.

  • ErikHaagensenErikHaagensen Member Posts: 1

    @MarcusW if the ads take people to landing pages, and they need to click a button to get to the checkout, it might be possible in Analytics to track those button clicks as a measure of ad performance. Not quite the same as tracking all the way thru to purchase, but it would still be meaningful data.

    edited October 25, 2019
  • NahaNaha Member Posts: 2

    Adding a link to a page is NOT what "embedding" means. Nobody on earth wants that when they search for "how to embed on my wordpress page". You should really either offer actual embedding (what people are actually looking for when they come to this page) or change the name to what it actually is: How to add a wave link to your website.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Naha

    I'm a bit unclear of what you mean by this. Typically if you code it in your wordpress page correctly it should allow you to embed it. Could you kindly show us with screenshots what you're seeing and why it's just posting as a link?

    Also you may want to reach out to Wordpress' support team to see if there is something you're doing that is stopping you from embedding the link properly.

    edited December 11, 2019
  • MajaMaja Member Posts: 1

    Can I make a redirect to specific pages after successful payment... for example to registration form?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Maja

    Sadly this type of API adjustment is not customizable in Wave at his time, my apologies :disappointed:

  • BlaineVBlaineV Member Posts: 3

    Wave definitely needs to integrate natively into woocommerce or wordpress. Im still waiting for estimates in the app. Even if I create an estimate in the browser version, i still cant see estimates in the app. Just trying to help you guys move into the future. If you don't have a road map for this, you should start.

  • KipKip Member Posts: 8

    Self serve quote/estimate would be a great options!
    We sell high low volume high priced items ($10K per item) our clients are business customer and they may need to get a authorization before a sale (and a PO) for either a cc, bank transfer, or check. Self -service quote/estimate would make this incredible option. We would need the ability to create a custom discount option one-time use code or a code that can be used to by a sales rep. Sales rep tracking would be great as well.

  • JohnHorningJohnHorning Member Posts: 2

    I need to do recurring billing. Is there a way to have the customer start by making the first payment with checkouts, then switch to recurring billing?

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @BlaineV @Kip +1 to your feedback especially the extra details you gave!

    @JohnHorning We don't have this kind of feature available in Wave. Instead, you will need to create a recurring invoice based on the Checkout information you've received.

  • BDDBDD Member Posts: 2

    As mentioned by others, adding a link to go from my website to the Wave website isn't what I'd call "embedding" a Wave Checkout. Any plans for an actual embedding/integration option so I can keep my customers on my site instead of sending them to yours to finish this up? Thanks.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BDD , we currently have no plans to integrate Checkouts into other websites directly. For improvement purposes, I'd love to hear what about the process of being sent to the the Wave Checkouts portal you think is less than ideal. Let us know!

    edited April 28, 2020
  • BDDBDD Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @AlexL. Disappointing (since I'll likely be using another service for my website checkouts because of this), but I understand.

  • KwikSitesKwikSites Member Posts: 1

    I highly agree with the other statement made below. You really NEED to create some type of a way to integrate WaveApps into Wordpress. Simply adding a hotlink to some text isn't cutting it. In fact, it looks quite unprofessional. Even if it's integrated into Woocommerce would be better than this, although a native Wordpress plugin is the ideal way to go.

    I design Wordpress websites for a living. The standard way of shopping is to choose an item to purchase, and place it in your cart. When the customer is ready to purchase the item, they're taken to a checkout page within the same website to finalize their purchase. To be taken to a completely different website to conclude their purchase make the original site look amateur and is highly unprofessional. I can guarantee 100% that Waveapps is already losing customers (and not a small amount of them) to other services that are fully integrated into the Wordpress websites user experience (UX).

    edited July 24, 2020
  • TonyRTonyR Member Posts: 1

    Use iframe tags to embed in WP page.
    Link to instructions at this google doc: since can't paste images in comments

    edited August 24, 2020
  • KipKip Member Posts: 8

    It's super frustrating that waveapps took a the easiest and cheapest shortcut that doesn't provide anything but lip service to online transaction because it's pretty much useless and applies to to less than .1% of all customers.

    I get the cart problem... but even with that set aside, how does anyone know a transaction even took place without logging into WAVE and looking at the income account - how does one (or more like a system in 99% of the use-cases) know when somebody (a customer) successfully paid for something and that a business process should be initiated to deliver something? Callbacks are necessity and required. Pretty useless for 99%+ of customers the way it is implemented - unless you have the resources to have somebody watch that sales pages 24/day. Sorry for being negative - but were seeing so many unthought-out implementation from WAVE lately. Same thing with receipts accepting email only with attached PDF's - who gets reciepts as a PDF? (I haven't seen an attached PDF as a receipt in at least 10 years).

    So were off to another vendor, again, to do what Wave should have done. Very frustrating.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Kip , when your customer pays you through a Checkout, you're alerted via email with information to exactly what Product it is that was paid. In addition to this, we do have a telephone number space which you can enable for your customer to provide you with so you can initiate the callback if that's a necessity for the product you're selling.

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