How to add a customer

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to add a customer

In Wave, a Customer is anyone you might issue an invoice to, provide a service to, or sell a product to. Essentially, customers are where your income comes from. A Customer may be a business or an ...

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edited April 29, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • QuetzalitoQuetzalito Member Posts: 6

    How do I add an accounting customer to my Wave Account?

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Quetzalito - if they already have a business in Wave, they'll need to add you as a collaborator by heading to Settings > Users, and sending you an email invite!

  • QuetzalitoQuetzalito Member Posts: 6

    Thank you Samd

  • SyazSyaz Member Posts: 2

    Should I put the company name or the name of the person in charge as Customer?

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Syaz In theory you could do either. I'd recommend the person in charge, simply because if you end up with 2 contacts at the company, you can send separate invoices to each customer and ensure that you are sending it to the correct contact.

  • SyazSyaz Member Posts: 2
  • Lise717Lise717 Member Posts: 2

    Before your last update we used to be able to add a customer right in the "Transactions" - now I can't do that, and furthermore when I finally do the cumbersome job of adding a customer where it takes me to a brand new screen, it doesn't even bring over the customer I just created?

  • Lise717Lise717 Member Posts: 2

    ALSO - how come you can't SEARCH for a customer? The customer screen is just one long alphabetical list????

  • JimbopJimbop Member Posts: 2

    So...I find it a bit odd that there is no option for Company Name. Technically, I suppose thee is, but it is so limited it's not worth much to me. For example, I am hired out by multiple people within the same company. So I may have George Washington and Abe Lincoln at ACME Realty. They are individual clients who are independent contractors at ACME who pay me individually. But their office and billing address is at that company address. Yet, if I try to import my list, it is a duplicate company error when I try to validate it. Additionally, when I do an import from your own downloadable CSV template, which has company as a column, nothing will import. I had to connect Google Sheets just to get my list in, but even now, it is incomplete, because I have no company field. The Customer field is simply concatenating the first name and last name fields. Please add a Company field to solve this issue.

    edited January 21, 2020
  • JimbopJimbop Member Posts: 2

    You can do a CTRL F on the web browser and search there. It will highlight and take you to the result.

    edited January 22, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Jimbop very interesting use case here and I appreciate you giving us all of the necessary details to understand your situation. I'll pass your feedback on to the appropriate team.

  • BaileeTimmonsBaileeTimmons Member Posts: 1

    What does "Ship to contact" mean? Also, under phone number what does "contact" mean?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BaileeTimmons! Within the customer creation screen, there are a few fields like the one you've noticed that will let you enter your customers' information. Under 'contact', there's a couple fields that will let you enter alternative forms of contact for that customer. Under 'Ship to Contact', you'll find a place where you can enter your customers' mailing address.

  • Murray_RiverMurray_River Member Posts: 1

    Can I use my customer information to send a letter/email to each customer? Alternatively, can I export this information to a compatible "Customer Management" platform and if so which one might this be? Thank you, Joanne

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Murray_River! Thanks for reaching out here. You could certainly use that information to do that, if you'd like! With that said, Wave does not have the ability for you to submit those emails from within our software. In order to export them, you'll want to look into our Wave Connect feature here!

  • Murray_RiverMurray_River Member Posts: 1

    Thank you!

  • ttfvttfv Member Posts: 1

    Can I add multiple email addresses for invoicing, i.e. with commas? It is a bit of a hassle to have to go find extra email address at invoice time and manually add them.

  • Gen_7Gen_7 Member Posts: 2
    How do I delete a customer? There's info on adding but not deleting. Waze is a great app but it's weird & a tad bit frustrating that something so simple cannot be easily done. It would be nice if that's addressed. Please advise on the how to delete a client thanks.
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @Gen_7 ! To delete a customer, head over to Sales > Customers and press the trash bin icon beside the customer(s) in question. With that being said, you won't be able to delete a customer if they are tied to any invoices in your account. In this case, you would have to remove them from the invoices that they are associated with to delete them successfully.

  • Gen_7Gen_7 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Julien P, is there a paid version of wave that I'm unaware of that offers these options? I'm not seeing sales. I'm also unable to delete an item. I'm only able to edit.. Very frustrating.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Gen_7

    Our users in North America (and some Stripe supported countries) will be able to see the Payments or Credit card payments tab under Sales. If you're in a country where you cannot process credit card payments on your invoices, then this likely will not appear for you unfortunately.


    Below is a Payment Timeline depending on the type of payment made by your client!

    1. Credit card payment: This process takes about 2 business days to process. The fee for this method of payment is 2.9% plus an additional 30 cents per transaction. For Amex card it's 3.4 + 30 cents.

    2. ACH Bank payment: This process takes about 4-7 business days to process. The fee for this method of payment is only 1% with a minimum fee of $1. So for example if you send an invoice for $100 Wave collects $1 depositing $99 into your account, however if you invoice someone for $10, Wave collects a minimum of $1, depositing $9 into your account.

    Perks of Processing with Wave

    • all payment processing fully integrates with our free invoicing and accounting software
    • no additional fees (no subscription fee, no settlement fee, no cancellation fee)
    • no fees for refunds (all funds are returned to your client)
  • Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    When I add a new customer and enter the first line of the address, it no longer fills out the remaining (postal code, city, province, county). It used to do this but now no longer works.

    I have reached out to the bot and have sent numerous emails and have yet to get any help. Next step is to use a different accounting software (free of paid) but with a company that tries to help their customers!

    edited November 19, 2020
  • ACPRODACPROD Member Posts: 1

    Hello..I have added several customers but I am having troubles with adding one now..It just says oops there's a problem..Any ideas please. Thanks

  • Novel_FinancialNovel_Financial Member Posts: 1

    It would be great functionality for you to add so that we could use customers across multiple business entities. Lots of double entry at times!

  • Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    I have lost count how many times I have reached out about this issue. I'm scratching my head as to why I'm evening attempting to get assistance because at some point I do need to realize that I am not a valued waveapps business customer. Mind you, I have wave Payments set up, so waveapps does generate quite a bit of revenue from me (average of $50 per payment is the fee you receive).

    Nonetheless, for new customer, when I enter the street address, normally a drop-down list is generated (via google maps I assume) which shows me options I can select to auto-populate the remainder of the address.

    This has now stopped happening. It's frustrating I have go open a new window and search on google then go back to waveapps to copy and paste that information.

    I really just need to know if this is a feature waveapps has eliminated or if there is an issue with my account.

    This is the final attempt I make to reach out to waveapps.

    Please, can someone just assist me with this.

    Alternatively, if this is too much to ask, can someone suggest a competitor accounting app that I can easily transfer my data to so that you don't need to deal with me any further.

    Thank you in advance.

    edited December 14, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Yama_N , I see that our team has been in contact with you about this. If you do have any further questions, please don't hesitate to respond back to the agent.

  • berajberaj Member Posts: 4

    This account takes in primarily donations, adding customers to each transaction is way to difficult. I do not invoice therefore the customer is not preloaded. We need a way to Quick add a customer rather than having to switch over to the add customer window. Then having to refresh the transaction just so the new customer will appear is unnecessary and not intuitive.

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hi @beraj At this time, the option to add a customer to a transaction would be to click on "Add customer > select customer from list" on the transactions details page. Thanks for your suggestion a quick add button!

  • ayoubayoub Member Posts: 3
    How to i enter customers starting balance in wave accounting?
  • ayoubayoub Member Posts: 3
    I have tow customers and their starting balance is for customer-1 $100, for customer-2 $200.Total receivable is (100+200)=$300. Please share me how to i enter this balance as starting balance in wave accounting software.
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