How to edit your business information



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jitendra_Sahu! That's definitely a little strange - can you send a screenshot of what that page looks like from your end? I'd love to look into this together to see how we can help!

  • Jitendra_SahuJitendra_Sahu Member Posts: 2

    HI Connor, Thank you so much for looking into this. However, I have deleted the previous name and created another business name. I had recorded all the transactions under personal before.

    I have a new question related to accounting transaction, please answer if you are the right person.
    How to record "In Kind Contribution" in wave? What are the accounts to be hit? What is the journal entry? How would this be shown in Balance Sheet?


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Jitendra_Sahu

    Would you mind sharing a bit more details of the in kind contribution? What does this transaction look like in the real world? Is it a donation to your business or from your business? These additional details will be helpful!

    Check out this article on Journal Transactions for more information!

  • DanielNDanielN Member Posts: 1

    Hi there
    Is it possible to replace the fax field with an email address in my business contact section of the invoice?
    If not is this something that wave can look at implementing?
    A businesses email address is just as important as the phone number, location and website.
    It may just be me but a fax is a very out dated method of communication.
    Thank you

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DanielN , at the moment we don't have an email field in the contact details, but when your invoice is sent from Wave it does include your email address in the email that is sent. Happy to pass your feedback along to the team, but because the email address is presented somewhere else already I'm not sure that this feature will be picked up. Nonetheless, we appreciate your feedback and for taking the time to message us about this.

    edited July 2, 2020
  • jace992jace992 Member Posts: 2

    Hello @AlexL , I saw your reply to DanielN regarding adding an email box to the profile fields and I would like to add my vote to the tally as well. When someone downloads or prints the invoice it is a best practice to all ALL of the relevant contact information available for reference. Especially in the case of having to prove something in a dispute.

  • gianpierogianpiero Member Posts: 2

    Hi there,
    We changed our company's name and I was updating that in our wave account
    Before accomplished that wave displayed the below message
    << Archive This Business
    This will hide xxx Ltd from every menu and you will no longer be able to access it. You can always restore this business later. >>
    Can you explain it better ?
    That because I would continue the previous accountancy with a different name and not restart a new one from zero

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gianpiero

    You have the ability to change the information on your business. For example, I could be Barsin's Donuts one day and then change my name to Barsin's Delicious Coffee and Donuts the next day. You will be able to operate from your same account with the same accounting information. If you decide to archive your business this will mean you'll likely want to start a whole new business with new accounting. If this is something you wish to do you have that option. If you archive a business you have the option to unarchive it and restore the data if you wish.

  • gianpierogianpiero Member Posts: 2

    Hi Barsin,
    It is very clear, I did it
    Thank you very much

  • vcb9vcb9 Member Posts: 1

    Hi there, The 'State/Province' drop down menu in the edit business profile does not have my area in it to select. Please could you add 'Channel Islands' (UK) to it? Many thanks.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @vcb9

    The issue with adding in a new province is that we use a 3rd party software for our "geolocation based address settings". Essentially when you have to populate an address in Wave, this is using a third party system. Our team doesn't have much control over updating this function. I sincerely apologize about the inability for this immediate update :disappointed:

  • JudiJudi Member Posts: 2

    My account says "Personal" and I want it to be my business name. It doesn't allow me to change that and all of the entries are under "Personal". How do I change it to the business name?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Judi

    Typically every Wave account comes with a personal account, however you're going to want to Create a New Business instead of trying to edit the personal one. Personal accounts operate much different from the business ones. Follow the steps in that guide on how to create a new business!

  • JudiJudi Member Posts: 2

    I want to transfer all the accounting entries (without re-entering every single transaction) from the personal to a business account and that option doesn't seem to be available.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Judi

    At this point you will need to export your accounting data from your personal account and upload it into Wave using our CSV uploader.

    Hope this helps you!

  • MajdSAhmaranyMajdSAhmarany Member Posts: 1

    Hello there
    I cannot change my business Location (the country) on the invoices I am sending.. It is either USA or CANADA even though I am NOT using PAyroll or Payments.
    could you help please?

  • JemimaBevanJemimaBevan Member Posts: 1

    I have set up a new business on Wave apps and need to make some change to the business address. I cannot change my business Location (the country) on the invoices I am sending. I keep getting an error, I have been trying for 2 days now.
    Can someone please help.

  • Tommy_WTommy_W Member Posts: 1

    I don't have the pen icon to edit my business address.
    here's a screenshot.
    How do I change my address in this case ?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MajdSAhmarany , it looks like you've selected the US as your business location and we recently limited services to new accounts to only the US and Canada which is why you can't select a different business location.

    Hi @JemimaBevan , if you take a look at the comment above this will give you some more clarity. If. there's a specific reason that you're trying to change the country let me know and I'd be happy to advise.

    Hi @Tommy_W , you can only edit the business details of your business if you're the account owner and it looks like you're a collaborator on the business. You'll have to have the business/account owner make the changes.

  • mishtcmishtc Member Posts: 18

    It's slightly confusing without these instructions to go to the top company name. I instinctively go to Settings on the left that is clearly visible, and there you can only change the business profile for Payroll. Having the place where you find the business settings hidden under an extra click, when there's an intuitive click up front and visible that isn't correct....not friendly UI.

    edited February 14, 2021
  • MAHMAH Member Posts: 5

    I urgently need to change my cell phone details on my invoice but there is no pen icon to do so.
    Please help.

  • MAHMAH Member Posts: 5

    The page to edit my business account information such as my cell phone number that appears on my invoice, comes up as an error (code 404) and says the page does not exist due to an incorrect or outdated link.
    I urgently need to change the cell phone number on my invoice.
    I am the Editor and owner of the business.
    Please help.

  • MAHMAH Member Posts: 5

    There is NO PEN ICON next to my business name. So what do I do now as this is URGENT.

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @MAH Sorry to hear you've been running into some issues editing your business details. Can you please share a screenshot of your Manage your profile > Businesses page so that we can have a better understanding of what you're seeing on your end?

    Please don't forget to block out your business name for security reasons! Thank you.

  • MAHMAH Member Posts: 5

    Hi Nancy - at last, a human to talk to - thank you!
    Please see my screenshot - there is no PEN icon next to my business name where I can access my business details in order to change the information reflected on the invoice. My business cell phone number has changed.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MAH !

    Thanks for sharing your screenshot with me. It looks like you only have full access to your Personal account. If the business you are trying to make these changes for is the one you have collaborator access on, you won't be able to make the desired changes with this Wave account. Instead, the primary account holder of the business must sign in using the primary email address and make the desired changes. I hope this helps.

    edited June 3, 2021
  • TalkingfingasTalkingfingas Member Posts: 1

    Why can't I edit a collaborator business information, on my profile account - kindly help out in doing this.


  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Talkingfingas !

    As it turns out, only the owner of the Wave account themselves has permission to edit the their user profile, which includes editing the business information. You can learn more about user permissions here.

  • garyankergaryanker Member Posts: 2

    i see you changed address to USA and Canada only will you change this back at all? i allrdy use wave for one business wanted to use it for my 2en one

  • garyankergaryanker Member Posts: 2

    i see you changed address to USA and Canada only will you change this back at all? i allrdy use wave for one business wanted to use it for my 2en one too i would like a reply plz so i know if i need to find a new account program

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