Bank account troubleshooting tips



  • BearStandingTallBearStandingTall Member Posts: 2

    Wave is letting me down. I'm trying to find help and the looping support is not helpful. I want to talk to a live person because there is no solution with bots. My business will die if Wave support can't be accessible. I have 7 months or Pandemic money that Wave is holding. I'm not liking Wave anymore..

  • PeakBodyCoachPeakBodyCoach Member Posts: 2

    I keep getting this message.
    We need to talk.
    Looks like we're having difficulty verifying a few things.
    You should have received an email from our Account Management Team. The fastest way to resolve this is to respond to that email directly with all of the requested information at your earliest convenience.
    If you have not yet received an email from our Account Management Team, please reach out to our Wave Support Team here.

    However I HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN EMAIL! I have emailed wave 4x and no response.

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