Delete a recurring invoice



  • enlightened_FL1enlightened_FL1 Member Posts: 3

    Please create the ability to delete recurring invoices! We will be moving away from Wave eventually without this function, as it crowds up our invoicing making it extremely unorganized. I would also appreciate the ability to restart an invoice without having to duplicate it, then keep the original and the new one in a long list. Please add this Wave!!!!!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @enlightened_FL1
    Wave likes to follow guidelines for standard bookkeeping practices and with that being said, deleting your recurring invoices (or any invoice with a payment processed through it) is not in line with proper bookkeeping. An audit trail is necessary when a transaction occurs for the business owner. We appreciate you reaching out about this, and I apologize if you're frustrated by the lack of this feature.

  • dendingdending Member Posts: 1

    @BarsinA This would make sense if we were also not allowed to delete regular invoices but since we can I don't understand the difference. Why can I delete a regular invoice and not a reoccurring one that hasn't yet been sent? As I was trying to learn your system I created several draft reoccurring invoices that I would now like to delete. Having them stay in my invoice list is cumbersome.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @dending
    I think what you're saying makes sense of course. Our product team are constantly looking to make improvements and I will make sure that they view this post.

  • WFSWFS Member Posts: 1

    I echo this request. I have draft recurring invoices I cannot delete as well as some very old recurring invoices that opted out. I need to clean this out of my system.

  • SandraWSandraW Member Posts: 1

    @Charlotte I too would like to delete recurring invoice and draft versions. Easy to make things by mistake or don't need them. perhaps you could have pop-up that would say "are you sure, you may lose invoices that need to be sent" or some such thing as a precaution. There really should be no reason not to be able to delete a draft tho.

  • StephPStephP Member Posts: 1

    I agree with the request to be able to delete a recurring invoice. If it is a draft and has been created in error there is no way to even discard the draft. A very frustrating and untidy feature. Please consider a "discard draft" feature. Thank you so much.

  • MicahMicah Member Posts: 6

    Agreed, please add the feature to delete recurring invoices and add a warning message before doing so. Thanks.

  • Pierre2020Pierre2020 Member Posts: 7

    I do not see a way to delete it, end it. Stuck in draft

    edited January 26, 2021
  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Pierre2020 Good q! You are correct that we cannot delete draft recurring invoices. If you want it removed from your drafts, you will want to approve it and then end the approved invoice.

  • TopRowTechTopRowTech Member Posts: 5

    Please add the feature to delete an "ended" or draft recurring invoice. I created one by mistake and it's a pain to not be able to delete it. Especially since you can delete a regular invoice, it makes no sense to not be able to delete a recurring invoice.

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @TopRowTech Thanks for the feedback! We are always looking to make Wave a better product and your investment will help us do that! In the meantime, as a workaround, you can approve the draft and immediately end it if you don't want it in your Drafts section.

  • FixItDikFixItDik Member Posts: 8

    Hi @NicoletteB , I have followed these instructions and sure enough that moves the "test" recurring invoice I created in to the "all recurring invoices" list, but I still cannot delete it. Please can you add the feature to be able to delete a recurring invoice that was never sent nor paid (there is a comment that you cannot delete invoices that have payments made and that makes perfect sense, but for a draft recurring invoice or even a recurring invoice that was never sent it should be possible to delete them - besides anything else it clears up space on your database and makes your system cheaper to run :smile: ) Thanks. Dik.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @FixItDik Hey Dik, thanks for this input. At the moment this isn't possible, but I may suggest an alternative for you. If you do find that you have to create a new recurring invoice for one of your customers in the future, feel free to edit this one and use that so that it's being put to good use.

    Until then, I'd be happy to pass this feedback on to the team!

    edited May 25, 2020
  • HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20


    I actually sent this as feedback a couple of days ago. I don't see the logic in not being able to delete a recurring invoice that has not had any invoices associated to it. And even if it has any, the relevant part is the actual invoice (which can be deleted!).

    On this note, we should also be able to "un-end" (i.e. resume) an already ended invoice, rather than having to re-create it from scratch. In my case, I ended it by mistake. It would have been a much simpler step to just cancel its "ending" so that it resumes generating invoices on a recurring basis.

  • CorinnaVCorinnaV Member Posts: 1

    I created a recurring invoice as a test — just a test! — to see how it worked and now I can't delete it. Please add a delete option! I shouldn't be forced to have this stay there.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @CorinnaV , thanks for this message! As you've discovered, there's not a delete option for recurring invoices. As an option, you can approve the invoice draft and then end the invoice by clicking the arrow to the right of the invoice > End. Wave isn't currently working on changing this part of the recurring invoice usage as we focus on improving other areas of the Invoicing product. Thanks for sharing your feedback with us here.

  • Philip95Philip95 Member Posts: 18

    Is there a reason why a draft recurring invoice can't be deleted? I can understand that an activated one can only be ended, but not being able to delete a draft seems odd.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Philip95! Great question here. When a draft recurring invoice is created, it's as if it's the start of setting up a schedule. Since the schedule hasn't been finalized, it doesn't necessarily 'exist' yet, so it's sort of a halfway set-up where we haven't told the software "Hey, create this invoice on this date every x time period, and send it to y person." yet, so there actually isn't anything to delete. You can leave that schedule there and edit it as much as you'd like before finalizing it, at which point you can 'end' it, because now there's something tangible to get rid of. I hope that makes sense!

  • theactorsroomtheactorsroom Member Posts: 7

    Absolutely 100% voting this up

  • Philip95Philip95 Member Posts: 18

    Thanks @ConnorM ... Not sure I agree that "it doesn't necessarily 'exist' yet". It has to exist as a record in a table somewhere in order for it to display on the page. So, I still don't understand why you can't delete a draft... you would just need to allow deletion for records in this table that have a Draft status. Something like below would make sense:

    In Draft, you can view, edit, delete.
    Once Approved, you can view, edit or end.
    Once Ended, you can only view (not sure why you're able to edit in the current solution).

    Not having a delete feature for Drafts seems sloppy.

    edited August 4, 2020
  • gramattergramatter Member Posts: 2

    Hi, there's no way to approve a recurring invoice.

  • gramattergramatter Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I finally worked out how to get a recurring invoice approved which was to go through all 4 steps and then END the invoice. However, now I can't delete these invoices. Please advise.

  • Philip95Philip95 Member Posts: 18

    Thanks @ConnorM ... Not sure I agree that "it doesn't necessarily 'exist' yet". It has to exist as a record in a table somewhere in order for it to display on the page. So, I still don't understand why you can't delete a draft... you simply need to allow deletion for records in this table that have a Draft status. Something like below would make sense:

    In Draft, you can view, edit, delete.
    Once Approved, you can view, edit or end.
    Once Ended, you can only view (not sure why you're able to edit in the current solution).

    Not having a delete feature for Drafts seems sloppy.

  • JigarJigar Member Posts: 8

    I am still shocked by the speed wave is working. This thread was created 2 and half years ago for such an important feature and Wave developers are still not ready with the feature. I have experienced such slowness with some other threads which are mentioning other missing important features. All those threads are more than 3 years old and the feature requests for all of them are still pending and the feature is not available.

    Anyone with basic accounting knowledge can understand that deleting a processed invoice may break the audit trail. But here, people are not requesting to delete the processed invoices. There simple two requests.

    1. If the recurring invoice in draft status, there should be a button to delete a draft. This is simply a draft, there is no audit trail attached to it.
    2. If the recurring invoice is ended, there should be a button to delete the ended invoice. User can end the invoice without even processing a payment. so there will be no audit trail in this case as well.

    I can understand that the developers and product team must have a priorities to work on. However, 3 years is a very long time to prioritize such an important feature.

    I hope this feature gets availalbe soon.

  • RobinSRobinS Member Posts: 13

    Absolutely do need the capability to be able to delete a recurring invoice created in error with the option to display any applicable warnings. Maybe only allow this for invoices for which now payments have been processed yet

  • RobinSRobinS Member Posts: 13

    @Barsin - your comment is true for a regular invoice.
    However this question relates to a recurring invoice which does NOT have a Delete option in the drop down list

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @RobinS

    As you may have discovered already this is something that is not possible in Wave's recurring invoices at this time. I do apologize about that. Be sure that you've ended the recurring invoice already so that it does not continue to create new ones, this will essentially do the same thing although it might still appear in your recurring invoice list, it will not show up in your accounts receivable any longer.

  • RobinSRobinS Member Posts: 13

    @Barsin - Understood and I would consider this as a defect. Either a code defect or a design defect

  • RonnoRonno Member Posts: 1

    Agreed with the other posts. Seems like a trivial task to just add the option to delete invoices that haven't even been sent yet.

    It's a roadblock for me and others who are interested in switching to your platform, but are now frustrated, confused and just end up leaving for another service.

    Hope you figure that out soon, meanwhile I'll move on.

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