Which feature would be the most helpful if added as an invoice customization?

AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

We've seen a lot of different requests in regards to adding new invoice customization options. Which of the following features would you find the most helpful when running your business?

If a feature isn't listed in the poll, feel free to add it in the comments below!

Which feature would be the most helpful if added as an invoice customization?

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This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.


  • gsa_ltd32gsa_ltd32 Member Posts: 1
    Customizable reminders and receipts
    I think every one of these features would be of benefit to most people
    edited December 20, 2019
  • PowerHouseConsultingPowerHouseConsulting Member Posts: 1
    Customizable reminders and receipts

    Definitely everything mentioned in the poll is highly required.

  • BrainstormingBrainstorming Member Posts: 1

    I'd like to see the ability to add a percentage discount to individual invoice line items! I don't want to apply a discount to everything or to shipping or other hard costs, but would like to target specific items for a price reduction. Thanks for considering!

  • PaigeCraftPaigeCraft Member Posts: 1
    1. Line item discounts and markups.
    2. "Add discount" and "Request a deposit" at the bottom in the subtotal and total area.

    I feel like these are KEY features I'm missing with my switch from Freshbooks. I switched from Freshbooks to Wave due to the better bank syncing/accounting features, and now I'm finding the above things were very important to how I run my business.

    Making it super easy for a client, by sending ONE invoice for a project that requires a deposit, to then reference back to and show prior payments when requesting the final payment is really important.

  • RebelGraphicsRebelGraphics Member Posts: 1

    Ability to add pics as attachments. I do graphic design and I'b nice to be able to add the design to the invoice so I can keep better track and the customer knows what they are paying for

  • TahaTaha Member Posts: 2
    User created templates

    Definitely everything mentioned in the poll

  • Colleen_LionHeartColleen_LionHeart Member Posts: 9
    Additional columns

    I'd really like to have a column for date. Everything I invoice for is a service, so I need to put what date the service was provided. Also, I'd like to attach receipts to invoices I send, so I they can see what goods they are reimbursing me for, that I purchased on my client's behalf.

  • rmaerovrmaerov Member Posts: 2
    Additional columns

    Agreed, a column for date would be super useful. Should be pretty easy to add this feature. Let's make it happen!

  • DPena12DPena12 Member Posts: 3

    Everything mentioned in the poll for sure. I love Wave but wish there was a bit more customizability. User created templates that offer more/less columns, signature space, changing line names at the top, however, I highly recommend a discount line after the subtotal and individual discount option that can be added to individual products/services. Also, would love to see a "partially paid" status for invoices and being able to view a customer without having to go into the "edit" feature.

  • MikeKMikeK Member Posts: 1

    Date column would be good, But what would be best is able to have custom column or two for us users. Example: I have a carpet cleaning company and there is no way I can look at what apartment unit I have serviced without pulling up the invoice. (Note: on the search invoice screen, the hover over an invoice feature would pop up some information but that works only for the top 2 invoices that are displayed on my screen, the 3rd and below - forget about it!

  • Narwani_Deepak55Narwani_Deepak55 Member Posts: 1
    Additional columns

    @AlexL said:
    We've seen a lot of different requests in regards to adding new invoice customization options. Which of the following features would you find the most helpful when running your business?

    If a feature isn't listed in the poll, feel free to add it in the comments below!

    Customer Tax number and Salesperson Name

  • Mwynn13Mwynn13 Member Posts: 5
    Additional columns

    Would love to be able to add additional columns, such as Size or Color, to Invoice Items, so I don't have to create a separate item for each.

  • KL_Excavation27KL_Excavation27 Member Posts: 1
    A field for customer signatures

    I think having an option for customer signatures on the invoice and estimates would be most beneficial.

  • WaverrWaverr Member Posts: 1

    Fix the 'unable to archive business, rename z' bug before any other feature additions :)

  • RicieRicie Member Posts: 2
    User created templates
    A customised Invoice template would be good as each client I provide services request the invoice to have a certain look and format. With different data and methods.

    Almost all of them bower want to know what date I’m billing for not just the invoice date < This is paramount
    edited January 24, 2020
  • K3TechK3Tech Member Posts: 3

    A way to add credit card processing fees that aren't added to the invoice amount would certainly be helpful to me. For example, I charge 3% if invoice exceeds $500. So for a $500 invoice I have a "Credit Card Processing Fee" as the last line item for $15 (%3 of $500). That changes the invoice amount to $515 which is then paid by the customer. The issue is that now I get charged the fee by Wave to process a $515 invoice instead of $500. Might not seem like a lot but when you process $5000, $10,000 or more and process several a month that adds up. So basically, I set the fee amount in invoice customization section, then when the customer clicks to pay with card that fee is added then. That amount would automatically go to Wave and remaining due (if any) to Wave would then be deducted like it currently does.

  • VirgilVirgil Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Customizable reminders and receipts

    A more flexible footer – I use this to give my bank information, but there isn't really much space. It doesn't even allow me to put line breaks in by default!

  • VirgilVirgil Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Customizable reminders and receipts

    @K3Tech said:
    A way to add credit card processing fees that aren't added to the invoice amount would certainly be helpful to me. For example, I charge 3% if invoice exceeds $500. So for a $500 invoice I have a "Credit Card Processing Fee" as the last line item for $15 (%3 of $500). That changes the invoice amount to $515 which is then paid by the customer. The issue is that now I get charged the fee by Wave to process a $515 invoice instead of $500. Might not seem like a lot but when you process $5000, $10,000 or more and process several a month that adds up. So basically, I set the fee amount in invoice customization section, then when the customer clicks to pay with card that fee is added then. That amount would automatically go to Wave and remaining due (if any) to Wave would then be deducted like it currently does.

    Couldn't agree more, I have literally just suggested this feature separately: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/7166/option-to-make-customer-absorb-wave-payment-fee-when-paying-by-card#latest

  • DwayneKDwayneK Member Posts: 6
    User created templates

    I used to do invoices and quotes using a spreadsheet before trying out wave. I loving the experience so far. I would normally start an invoice/quote with a title or summary of the job. So i think it would be a nice feature to add. What i currently do is add that info at the beginning of the first line item.

    I'd also like the ability to add links to documents on my website. For example adding links to my agreements and pre-shoot check list for reviewing before a deposit is paid.

  • Dmartinjr22Dmartinjr22 Member Posts: 1
    Hi there! I know this is the wrong topic to suggest something but here goes! Could you please add a way to search customer base by name? Also it would be great to be able to choose monthly recurring invoices for specific days, like every 3rd wednesday of every month or every 2nd tuesday etc. Adding a Setting for a customizable default email message for receipts and estimates etc... would be wonderful too. Oh by the way I love wave!!!
  • Juan427Juan427 Member Posts: 2

    I wish there was a big "PAID" stamp on paid invoices instead of just showing zero balance.

  • SmithySmithy Member Posts: 4
    Changing pre-existing field names (such as Invoice Number)

    The ability to add attachments, such as contracts and photos. I second the request for PAID on invoices (though, ideally, the ability to edit that, too, as I'd need to use French language (reglé), which I can't do when none of the fields are editable).
    Definitely the ability to edit fields names but also the ability to save those changes as our own templates, then I can produce estimates and invoices in both English and French, which I desperately need. My client base is English but my residency requires documents in French to be legal.

  • SmithySmithy Member Posts: 4
    Changing pre-existing field names (such as Invoice Number)

    @K3Tech said:
    A way to add credit card processing fees that aren't added to the invoice amount would certainly be helpful to me. For example, I charge 3% if invoice exceeds $500. So for a $500 invoice I have a "Credit Card Processing Fee" as the last line item for $15 (%3 of $500). That changes the invoice amount to $515 which is then paid by the customer. The issue is that now I get charged the fee by Wave to process a $515 invoice instead of $500. Might not seem like a lot but when you process $5000, $10,000 or more and process several a month that adds up. So basically, I set the fee amount in invoice customization section, then when the customer clicks to pay with card that fee is added then. That amount would automatically go to Wave and remaining due (if any) to Wave would then be deducted like it currently does.

    Sorry, what do you mean you add it into the invoice customisation section, please? In which part? Can you explain a bit more - I've only just joined so still feeling my way around.

  • ChirpieChirpie Member Posts: 3

    Another vote for being able to add dates to per line items. I bill by the hour and having to manually type in the date for every. single. item. is prone to mistakes and non-standard formatting. (It also just takes longer.)

  • Mrm____lv114Mrm____lv114 Member Posts: 11

    @RebelGraphics said:
    Ability to add pics as attachments. I do graphic design and I'b nice to be able to add the design to the invoice so I can keep better track and the customer knows what they are paying for

    And also to be able to add an attached document which I can use to attach an activity report (from myhours etc.) with the clients that we bill hourly.

  • Mrm____lv114Mrm____lv114 Member Posts: 11

    If there is a way to do a "scheduled send" of the invoice (like in gmail), that would be extremely helpful. I work in a different time zone than most of our clients and I prefer to send invoices when it is normal hours for them. I know there is a way to get the share link and send through my gmail, but would be much easier to do directly from wave.

  • AndrewBrownAndrewBrown Member Posts: 2

    Would love to be able to schedule recurring payments on a specific day of the month. For example, I bill twice monthly: on the 15th of the month and the 30th of the month (28th in February). Would love to have that added as an option in recurring invoices.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AndrewBrown

    Thanks for this feature idea. I do agree that this would be a drastic improvement to our invoice scheduler. As a workaround you can create two separate invoices, select the custom button and set your schedule accordingly for both invoices.

  • AndrewBrownAndrewBrown Member Posts: 2

    @BarsinA If I schedule one to go out every 30th, will it automatically default to the 28th in February?

  • wekplacewekplace Member Posts: 2

    Add a payment options section to the invoice and an option to add a signature to the receipt just Bookipi or many better

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