Which feature would be the most helpful if added as an invoice customization?



  • b0bafe7tb0bafe7t Member Posts: 1
    Discount would be my biggest thing.
  • TransactTransact Member Posts: 1

    Switching between invoices, estimates, transactions etc... directly with tabbed content instead of switching between whole pages. Currently, Wave is very slow between moving from one page to another only to do some minor changes. I prefer things to be well stacked together under a unified single page rather than have multiple split pages. That would be faster and much much easier to do accounting.

  • oldsleoldsle Member Posts: 2

    Adding a credit memo feature would be good

  • LoriMalaysiaLoriMalaysia Member Posts: 1

    Hi! Thanks Wave Accounting for being FREE for small business!
    I have used for some times, I think probably there would be good if Tax (in Estimate) can be hiding since Tax supposed is auto calculated. Also, the tax column size is too wide, make the Price column looks smaller. Maybe it could be an option to be chosen in Setting. Thanks.

  • MiasSteenbergMiasSteenberg Member Posts: 3

    I need the ability to switch from Units/Quantity/Hours/Other per line item

  • MiasSteenbergMiasSteenberg Member Posts: 3

    Ability to move a invoice back to Draft

  • tsfjaxtsfjax Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
    User created templates

    Functionality for retainers/customer pre-payments.

  • RhoSimRhoSim Member Posts: 1

    how about a feature that allows you to attach pdf files or spreadsheets when emailing invoices

  • magmamelbmagmamelb Member Posts: 2
    User created templates

    I think it would be beneficial to have a checkbox to agree to terms and conditions set by invoice issuer, especially for reoccurring invoices.

  • magmamelbmagmamelb Member Posts: 2
    User created templates

    Saved custom templates for messages sent with emails via wave for invoices, reminders etc. instead of having to retype the same message every time.

  • Shae_MarcuShae_Marcu Member Posts: 6
    User created templates

    Would be fantastic to be able to see a total amount made per customer added up for me at the bottom of the invoices overview page. There is a page called "Income by Customer" under "Reports" but it would be nice to see this amount on the invoices page when I toggle through customers.

  • Shae_MarcuShae_Marcu Member Posts: 6
    User created templates

    I forgot to mention being able to add multiple emails to a customers personal info so that it's not needed to re-add them everytime I go to send an invoice. Often I need to send the invoice to more than one person on a team. PS I love Wave and recommend it to every freelancer that I know!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all! Thanks for your input on this poll! We definitely appreciate any and all of the feedback we've received thus far.

    As far as invoice signatures go, we're happy to point you in the direction of Terms of Service for your invoices! This will let you protect yourself by not allowing customers to submit payment until they've agreed to your terms. Stay tuned for future releases, and thank you for your continued support!

  • AsheAUSAsheAUS Member Posts: 3
    Additional columns

    As others have said, a column for date would probably make the biggest difference to our invoicing.

    In recurring invoices the ability to customise the due date instead of the default on receipt, 15 days, etc.... for example we have clients who are invoiced on the Sunday and their payments are due on the Thursday.

  • SpoonhandleSpoonhandle Member Posts: 13
    A field for customer signatures

    @K3Tech said:
    A way to add credit card processing fees that aren't added to the invoice amount would certainly be helpful to me. For example, I charge 3% if invoice exceeds $500. So for a $500 invoice I have a "Credit Card Processing Fee" as the last line item for $15 (%3 of $500). That changes the invoice amount to $515 which is then paid by the customer. The issue is that now I get charged the fee by Wave to process a $515 invoice instead of $500. Might not seem like a lot but when you process $5000, $10,000 or more and process several a month that adds up. So basically, I set the fee amount in invoice customization section, then when the customer clicks to pay with card that fee is added then. That amount would automatically go to Wave and remaining due (if any) to Wave would then be deducted like it currently does.

    This is typically not allowed by merchant service providers. Just an FYI.

  • SpoonhandleSpoonhandle Member Posts: 13
    A field for customer signatures

    @Chirpie said:
    Another vote for being able to add dates to per line items. I bill by the hour and having to manually type in the date for every. single. item. is prone to mistakes and non-standard formatting. (It also just takes longer.)

    This would be great. I do a fair amount of consulting and sub-contracting, so it would be great to be able to include the date that the service was completed in an invoice.

  • RudiRudi Member Posts: 1
    Changing pre-existing field names (such as Invoice Number)

    Do you have a rough estimate for when you are planning to implement the customization?

    It seems pretty evident at this point that this feature alone dissuades many businesses from choosing Wave as their accounting platform, especially those based in countries with another first language than English. (An invoice with a mixture of English and another language looks very unprofessional,)

    Other than that, I really appreciate Wave and all the effort that has gone into building it.

  • JeremyGoveJeremyGove Member Posts: 2

    Add a tip feature. It isn't listed, sadly...and it's what the people want.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Rudi , thanks for your question! This is a poll to see what people are looking for, rather than a request queue, so at present there is no plan to implement the customization you chose in the poll. Rather, our data teams will aggregate the replies here (along with our other customer-facing systems) to determine which feature data points align with product goals & resources!

  • LeroySchulzLeroySchulz Member Posts: 2
    Additional columns

    Definitely a date column on invoices. My clients expect to see a date when a service was rendered. I'm already using a service address in the description field so that's not a viable solution.

  • fasfas Member Posts: 11
    User created templates

    (1) I'd like to see more customisation available on the emails accompanying invoices - remembering the boilerplate text I want for sending, reminding and especially receipts for invoices - I always have to retype the provided text.

    (2) More customisation options for estimates/quotations, and their accompanying emails, as well as for invoices. It would make sense to use a common mechanism for all of these.

    (3) A space on the invoice for customer supplier number which is filled automatically from an entry in the customer record

    (4) A place to upload purchase orders received and the like, along the same lines as expenses receipts. If you OCR/analyze them, maybe it would be possible to create an invoice from a PO withte PO number already filled in.

  • LetItGrowSavannahLetItGrowSavannah Member Posts: 4

    @Mrm____lv114 said:
    If there is a way to do a "scheduled send" of the invoice (like in gmail), that would be extremely helpful. I work in a different time zone than most of our clients and I prefer to send invoices when it is normal hours for them. I know there is a way to get the share link and send through my gmail, but would be much easier to do directly from wave.

    Why is this not standard issue?
    If we can "schedule reminders to get paid" (which I can't turn off?) then certainly we can easily have the ability to "Schedule send" invoices. There has to be an appropriate middle-ground between not sending invoices at 3am on a Sunday, and not having to remember to do it at "an appropriate time" manually.

  • mishtcmishtc Member Posts: 18

    @Mrm____lv114 said:

    @RebelGraphics said:
    Ability to add pics as attachments. I do graphic design and I'b nice to be able to add the design to the invoice so I can keep better track and the customer knows what they are paying for

    And also to be able to add an attached document which I can use to attach an activity report (from myhours etc.) with the clients that we bill hourly.

    YEEESSSS. This is exactly what I was going to post. We need a way to add an attachment to an invoice, like time billing sheets, or material billing back up, detailed task back up documents, etc. We use Toggl for our time tracking and it's got some slick reports that we can pull to PDF to show the billable time for a project. It would make all the difference to my workflow to be able to send the invoice through Wave with the PDF backup attached all in one go, instead of doing a separate email in our email program to send the backup (which doesn't look professional to me). I know there's the "download PDF and send from your own email" work around, but I don't want to add steps for me, I want the robots to do it for me in one go.

  • RonyRony Member Posts: 7
    User created templates
    For invoicing, It would be great To have 2 fields ( Discount and Shipping) separated as part of template while creating an invoice like quick books has. It will help to avoid making mistaking in calculation discount As we just enter percent or set amount and it calculates the discount amount. Same for shipping if we can have this field as part of template and define various shipping it will be helpful.
  • RonyRony Member Posts: 7
    User created templates
    I think, Discount and Shipping fields will be very important for most business
  • CHerbertCHerbert Member Posts: 2

    To be able to set up more than one invoice template - as I am self-employed I run 3 businesses which all use the same bank account etc so would be great if I could choose a template based on which 'business' the invoice is coming from.

    edited September 10, 2020
  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Implement CC holds or Limits on CC fees for Deposits!

    We need to collect large refundable damage deposits for high value items that we rent. We've tried creating item and just charged for it and then issuing a refund but the 2.9% upfront and on the return is pretty much a deal killer at this point.


    • Ability to create a deposit like a tax as which which place a hold on that amount rather than charge the credit card. 90% of the time there isn't' an issue so I would envision a filter on the invoices to show "invoices with holds" and then being able to go into the invoice and either click "Release the hold" or "Charge". When clicking charge, it would prompt you for how much of the "Hold" monies to charge and a expense account to put it into. (something along those lines...)
    • The other option with be similar except the "deposit" 2.9% would be refunded if that line item is refunded to the customer. This might be a better option with ACH transactions.

    The point is the 2.9% on $2,000 to $10,000 on both sides (purchase and return) are insane. A $10,000 rental cost us $600 to WAVE to process a damage deposit. Unsustainable.

    edited September 17, 2020
  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    We need ability to have default option to send estimate and invoice with a PDF by default.

    -- Use Case --
    Our quotes and invoices are typically multiple pages and have a page of Terms and Conditions. The default email send with the link does not paginate and include page numbers.
    So unless the customer chooses to print page numbers within their browser, page numbers do not appear and therefore a customer may or may not see or print the TOC or abusively claim they didn't get it.

    WAVE's PDF attachments includes the pagination we want along with the page numbers so it provides better protection for us. We would like the ability to have "attach PDF" on by default, not as something that has to be clicked every time.

    The option to require the customer to accept the TOC for cc/ach payment is nice option but only works half the time since we work with government and organizations which may only issue checks so having the PDF with the page numbers is important.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Product Variants would be Nice!

    Use Case
    Our use-case is a bit different in this case. Usually people want color/size... but customers may rent or purchase products. It would be nice to have same product descriptions with a buy price or purchase price. Another example might be a product with 1 or 2 years of extended support or even the type of support like business days/hours or 24x7, etc.

    edited September 18, 2020
  • tsfjaxtsfjax Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
    User created templates

    The ability to bcc in sending invoices and estimates. I use an external CRM and being able to log those communications would help better serve our clients.

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