Which feature would be the most helpful if added as an invoice customization?



  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Add payment Discounts & Premiums:

    • Payment Terms: "1% 10 NET 30" or "2% 7 NET 45" with automatic deduction if/when early payment is made. Discount is automatically documented and tracked on invoice.
    • Automatically add 2.9% to a invoice for cc payment.
    • Automatically add 1% for ACH.
    • Apply a 1% discount for a ACH payment within payment terms.
    • Apply a 1% discount for a CC payment within payment terms. (Assumes we increase our prices to provide the discounts.)

    These are common business tactics used to ensure that customer pay quickly and within terms.

    edited September 18, 2020
  • CyrusRazaviCyrusRazavi Member Posts: 1

    I would like to see the ability to actually have a clickable hyperlink on the invoice.

  • alsabbaghalsabbagh Member Posts: 2

    all of them is good, need also more like a refund to be easier, cancel of an invoice, and discount

  • lovepixellovepixel Member Posts: 4
    A field for customer signatures

    Add Contracts feature to Wave :)

  • scs8175309scs8175309 Member Posts: 2
    Additional columns
    I want to see:

    * An easy to read with pre added totals, a report that shows gross sales collected AND A total for sales tax sales Collected and show totals For both.

    * milestone payments for layaways. Square has the ability to create an invoice then had a drop down menu for splitting that invoice up over time. You get to choose as many dates as you want and choose payments for each due date. This is different and much easier to use than the recurring you have now. This milestone payment option makes setting up a layaway easy and allows for full customizability

    * a machine that lets us swipe in person sales.

    * automatic same day deposits

    *discount feature that does the math for you and works on the app. The current discount feature is not efficient and doesn’t work on the app. Discounts should be selected by dollar amount OR Percentage and totals should be automatically adjusted when selected.
    edited November 10, 2020
  • Yet_Another_MikeYet_Another_Mike Member Posts: 2

    I have a consultancy; I would like to see the following:

    • add a PDF version of the invoice to the emailed invoice; some clients require them
    • allow only specific customers to pay via credit card or ACH
    • Allow different payment terms for different customers
    • Specify a default PO number for each customer
    • Charge an invoice in part or in full against an estimate
  • TechConnect_JCTechConnect_JC Member Posts: 7
    Additional columns

    1) Another vote to add a "Date" field for line items (important when charging billable hours).

    2) Add a "Taxable" column to indicate whether or not a line item has Sales Tax applied.

    3) Option to add a "horizontal line" between line items (makes it easier for the client to read invoices with long product descriptions).

    4) List the Customer_Name and Company_Name when sending Invoice Emails.
    This minor customization will help prevent invoice emails from being marked as SPAM.

    Thanks for your consideration on new features!

  • scs8175309scs8175309 Member Posts: 2
    Additional columns

    I want to see features for the following!

    • instant deposit options!

    • A card swipe option for in-person sales

    • Invoicing options that allow for milestone layaway payments, Square offers this and it's SO user-friendly, when creating the invoice you can just choose the deposit amount then break up the remaining balance over as many payment dates as you wish by simply choosing dates from a drop-down menu and typing in the amount of each payment! Their entire layaway is set up in 2 min and everything is on ONE invoice. this is a MUST for businesses like mine that offer layaway.

    *adding in discounts shouldn't require math. I want to see the option to add in a discount either by cash value or by % and have the app do the math for me. The way it's set up right now stinks and right now the way your app functions (you have to do that math ahead of time and manually enter is a deposit amount with the minus button,.... major pain) there is NO way to even add a discount in the app because there is no minus button option.

    I was using the app and love a lot about it but I have stopped using it and won't come back until these things are added in. Its' just user friendly enough for growing businesses and isn't offering the tools I need.

  • K3TechK3Tech Member Posts: 3

    Hands down, my vote goes to

    • Automatically add 2.9% to a invoice for cc payment.
  • DBledsoeDBledsoe Member Posts: 2

    To be able to customize the Width of Columns and Rows is a must. Similar to a Google or Excel Spreadsheet. I don't need so much space in the Quantity, Rate or Total columns and often have very long descriptions of services provided. Over the course of several items this causes problems.
    I am submitting 2, 3 and sometimes 4 page invoices to our clients. It looks childish and unprofessional, and simply adjusting the columns - or having less space between rows would alleviate or eliminate the issue.
    If there was a way to do this in the "Settings > Customize your invoice" and have the same format for each one, or different template formats for different types of invoicing that would be great.
    Each company on your platform would be able to optimize the look they need.

  • Shark70Shark70 Member Posts: 6
    User created templates

    FORMATTING in the Notes/Terms field

    Since we can't add attachments to invoices we send (i.e. a report of the work we have done for clients), we have to put a DropBox link into the notes field to a PDF file...not too convenient. The thing is, we cannot format the notes so we can't bold text, create URLs, etc. It would be very nice to have formatting options in the invoice, very much like we see here when we can leave comments :).

  • Shark70Shark70 Member Posts: 6
    User created templates

    @Yet_Another_Mike said:
    I have a consultancy; I would like to see the following:

    • add a PDF version of the invoice to the emailed invoice; some clients require them
    • allow only specific customers to pay via credit card or ACH
    • Allow different payment terms for different customers
    • Specify a default PO number for each customer
    • Charge an invoice in part or in full against an estimate

    I believe you can already add a PDF version of the invoice...it's a checkbox option when you send.

  • Pkripper67Pkripper67 Member Posts: 5
    The ability to dynamically add the fees if accepting payment by credit card or bank payment
  • RebeccaArtRebeccaArt Member Posts: 2
    User created templates

    I would love to be able to add images for each item in an invoice. When selling visual art, that's almost a necessity.

  • hernameisluluhernameislulu Member Posts: 1

    The ability to add product image would be great!

  • shanandcoshanandco Member Posts: 1

    I'd love to be able to customize the automatic file names of invoices on export. For example the invoice file exports with the name showing the date that I sent the invoice. I would like it to be labelled the date that I sent the invoice. Thanks!

  • DTurnerDTurner Member Posts: 2

    I have a client that requires the invoice to be sent as a pdf with a specific custom file name for their records. I have scripts configured to send invoices to all of my other clients but for this one, I have to download it first, rename it and re-upload/send it every week which is a massive pain. Seems like a pretty simple feature.

  • LaVonMLaVonM Member Posts: 1

    I am a real estate photographer with 3 main service products (pricing varies based on home size). All of my items include the description: “Date, Address, RMLS#,” which I fill out for each service I provide.

    Most of my customers are individual Real Estate Agents, so the basic invoice is excellent. However, I have one client that is an agency for whom I provide services for multiple agents. The agency would like one invoice each month for all the services I provide for each agent. I have added “Agent” to the description field for this client. It would be helpful if I could sort all items by the description and give a subtotal for each Agent, I think now, I will have to provide a monthly separate invoice for each Agent at that agency. So instead of getting one invoice from me each month, they will get between 3-10 invoices depending on which agents use my services. I am trying to help streamline both sides of this transaction.

  • Jonathon_leachJonathon_leach Member Posts: 2

    I would like to see PayPal added as a payment option. A majority of my customers only want to pay through PayPal. I would prefer this over having to enter manual papal payments for every sale. This would greatly help me out.

    edited February 5, 2022
  • ourbusinessmattersourbusinessmatters Member Posts: 3
    Additional columns

    This has been mentioned before but so far we would love:

    1) Date Columns for services rendered. For example - right now its name - hrs - rate - total - the business needs we need show the hours worked for every day of the week Sunday through Saturday. Every other platform has this capacity to enter hours worked for specific dates and we would love for waveapps to incorporate this too!

    2) Ability to attach an image or file to an invoice as we always provide proof of hours worked to our clients.

    3) Ability to add an email line to the Invoices under contact info

    Details for 1)
    We were shocked when we went to create an invoice and there wasn't a capability to enter # of service hours performed on specific dates. We provide services to clients and have 60+ subcontractors working for us that we have to bill our clients for. Our clients need to be able to double-check if the hours entered on their end match the hours we bill for on a daily basis vs a weekly basis. We have one project that we invoice weekly that we have 30 subcontractors working on and having to enter the dates & hrs in the description is tedious and time-consuming work. I've read multiple threads in these forums where over the past few years these date columns have been a request and I truly hope that this will become a priority for the development team. Even an ETA would be greatly appreciated as we would love to use WaveApps in the long-run but for business-like hours - it adds more of a burden / creates more work for us.

  • seanvoseanvo Member Posts: 6

    The ability to use dynamic data in recurring invoices. For example, each month a client receives an invoice. At times they don't know what month's services the invoice is for. In other software, I was able to enter it like this on the recurring invoice:

    Monthly retainer for ::month::, ::year::

    And the invoice would then say "Monthly retainer for April, 2022" if it was sent out this month. Next month it would automatically say May, 2022 and so on.

    Other dynamic variables would include, Quarter (Q1, 2022 for example) for quarterly billing. And could be adjusted + or - if you wanted to pre-invoice or post-invoice. For example, to send an invoice in mid-February for March services you would have "Monthly retainer for ::month+1::"

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