
Wave Developer API



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MarcusJ.

    We've recently brought back https://developer.waveapps.com/ after a long period of it being obsolete and not up to date. Right now, it's where you can register to be kept up-to-date on information about our upcoming new API.

    We'd love for you to visit and register your interest!

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    csmicfoolcsmicfool Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Alexia,

    I've just registered on the form as well.

    I represent many companies who have accounts with Wave. I'm an independent software developer and build custom-made apps for each business.

    If an API were available for me to send invoices, record cash/check payments made offline, and to pull collections data, we would be able to provide the "Single Pane of Glass" which my clients need for their daily "business at a glance".

    I see the ETA being set as "Late 2018". When will more information be available regarding functionality of the new API, and can we volunteer to be part of the beta testing period?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @csmicfool.

    That's not information that I have to share at this time. If you've registered on developer.waveapps.com, we'll send an email your way when we have more details to give out.

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    techsciencetechscience Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia you should really put the API in your roadmap! It is the only way to really expand your user base. It is extremely important to create synergies with other platform/services, and providing an API you actually allow your users to do the dirty job for you. For example for us, it is really important to link Wave with Zoho CRM, so that all info is passed there (payments, overdue invoices, etc.)

    So instead of saying 'thank you for your comments' and 'we are thinking about it', start working on it...

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @techscience.

    It is! As mentioned in my two previous replies, you can register your interest for our new API at developer.waveapps.com. We're aiming to release this new API by the end of 2018.

    I'd love to have been able to be more precise back then, but I'm here on the Community in a support role, first and foremost. I'm always happy to forward feedback and suggestions offered by the members of the Community, but I'm not directly involved in the decision-making for what's next for Wave. With that said, when it comes to the API, we now are working on it.

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    mclunemclune Member Posts: 9

    I am a new Wave member and I do like the Wave App and feel the wave payments and checkout features are really great. I think Wave's invoices and estimates are one of the better professional looking invoices out there and to be able to customize and brand your look is a big deal. With the other tools I use for our business, I want to use wave payments as the payment source with my other programs but I don't think that can happen without these API's. So I hope this API coming at the end of 2018 will be what I am looking for. It is essential for a business to be able to connect all their software tools in their ecosystem to truly be productive and efficient in running their business.
    Whenever your customers touch or interact with your one of your apps it's all about the user experience that makes it easy and pleasurable to do business with you. Wave keep forging forward to try and accommodate all members requests it will only continue to help to grow your platform otherwise your competitors will forever surpass you

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mclune,

    I hope you'll find what you're looking for in our API once it's released. Thank you for sharing!

    If you haven't done so already, consider registering your interest here to be kept in the loop for any updates concerning the API.

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    kashyapkashyap Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Alexia

    We run a B2B Online Marketplace for specific industries. Whenever a transaction happens on our platform, we have to manually create invoices in Wave and send to our customers.

    Wave is great in many ways but honestly, we assumed that an API would be available for us to integrate with when we chose to go with Wave Apps. We are aware that you are looking to release one in "Late 2018" and we've been anxiously waiting on an update since we signed up on the developer webpage but haven't heard back. Wondering if there's an update on this.

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @kashyap, we are still working on making sure we have everything ready for our interested developers! We are still slated for a late 2018 release for this. You should be seeing our developer page updated afterwards: https://developer.waveapps.com/

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    dstelmakhdstelmakh Member Posts: 1

    +1 for the Developer APIs that can be used to improve Wave routine tasks automation, e.g. Bill creation

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    moriartynzmoriartynz Member Posts: 1

    I would use the API to generate a GST report for Australian cash-based accounting. Our organisation has variable GST rates and the current workaround for cash-based accounting is useless to us. Australia uses a hybrid reporting system for small businesses. Income tax is done on accrual and GST taxes are done on cash-based accounting. Wave does not currently support this hybrid approach, but it could be done externally using an API.

    edited November 6, 2018
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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @moriartynz Thank you for the feedback! I can confirm we're currently looking into options for compliance with Australian tax accounting as it is probably one of our most requested features at the moment. Besides the API development we are opening up: https://developer.waveapps.com/ , we're also working with Zapier right now to connect a variety of apps into Wave. You can take a look here if you'd like to see if there are any pre-existing apps that can be integrated into Wave for these purposes for the time being.

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    herlarbsherlarbs Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia @Samd does the API's public availability still look feasible for the end of the year. Our dev team is concerned on whether or not the API's would still be available as slated. Can I get a word on this, please? The API docs look quite interesting though. By the way, I have already registered using the form provided at https://developer.waveapps.com/

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @herlarbs I just followed up with the team in charge of the API and they've said end of year is still the firm plan for the rollout!

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    nigelwheelernigelwheeler Member Posts: 20

    Hi @Alexia & @Samd Very much looking forward to wishing you a happy new year in a few days time!
    Although, just to point out, that does mean we've reached the end of the old one :)
    Should I be making a new year resolution to start work on some Wave API integrations?
    Best Wishes for 2019...

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @nigelwheeler would be delighted for you to work on some! We love seeing what our users can do with what is available! We have some APIs out right now that you can find on https://developer.waveapps.com, along with information about our API roadmap and a way to contact our developers for more API help!

    edited December 28, 2018
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    nigelwheelernigelwheeler Member Posts: 20

    Hey @Erik - thanks for the reply. I found the email from my pre-registration sent on the 17th December, so it's a Happy New Year all round.
    Please pass on to the team that this is very welcome news: if you look back over this thread it was starting to look a bit shaky as to whether there really was a roadmap for this, or if the same questions would still be being asked in 6 months time, so it reflects very well that this has all been put out there as promised.
    Looking forward to the journey...

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    adambadamb Member Posts: 1

    @Samd Do you know or could you find out the rollout date for the invoicing API? I'm currently building the back-end for my company applications and I'm integrating with Wave using the existing APIs but they are sparse. If the dev team is looking for Beta testers, I'd be happy to test things out and get a head start on implementation.

    edited July 9, 2019
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