
[Beta release] Transaction page redesign



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    bufordr1bufordr1 Member Posts: 6

    Overall I like the new transactions page.
    Here's a behavior to fix. When I've searched for uncategorized income, found some and assigned categories, and I then click to expose the filter and click to apply the search criteria again, the transactions remain displayed, even though they now show having categories. I have to clear the search, then add the "Uncategorized" again and then it will show an empty list.
    For bonus, how about a button or text to click to apply the search criteria without opening the very large search criteria dialog?

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    HFloydHFloyd Member Posts: 2

    I see that the issue with different transaction line heights has been resolved, however, like some other commenters have mentioned, the amount of useless space is annoying. being able to only scroll 1/2 of the available screen is annoying:

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    Howard ThawHoward Thaw Member Posts: 11

    The split feature appears to no longer shows the remaining amount when you split up transactions. This is a key piece of data needed when splitting up complicated deposits.

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    JCowanJCowan Member Posts: 10 admin

    Dear Wavers,

    Thank you so much for your valuable feedback about the beta release of the new Transactions page! Thanks to you, we’ve been able to identify and resolve issues with the beta, as well as generally improve the experience for the full launch.

    We are excited to announce that the beta has reached full parity with the previous version, and the new Transactions page will become the permanent experience for you as of today. This means that you will no longer be able to toggle from the beta to the prior view. With the official release of the new page, we’ve launched a new Community thread where we welcome you to continue sharing your feedback with us. You can also check out the Help Centre article overview of the new page.

    To close off this thread, we wanted to share some of the improvements we’ve already implemented based on your feedback.

    • Marking as reviewed: A few of you had identified that it was difficult to distinguish between transactions that had been marked as reviewed vs. not reviewed. We have since implemented a new design to clearly distinguish between which transactions have been reviewed, and which have not.
    • Transactions details: With the initial release of the beta, you could access the details for a transaction by hovering over that row, and selecting the “Show details” tab that appeared on the right. This “Show details” tab appeared over top of the transaction row beneath it, which several had identified as not ideal. We have since implemented a new method of accessing the transaction details, and replaced the “Show details” tab with a dropdown arrow that is contained within the transaction row. To access your transaction details, you simply click the dropdown arrow!
    • Account dropdown: When selecting an “Account” while editing a transaction in-line, the dropdown menu now includes the ability to search for an account by typing in the account name. The “Account” dropdown menu now matches the behaviour for the “Category” dropdown menu.
    • Responsiveness: Those working with smaller laptop/desktop screens identified issues with the responsiveness of the page causing it to appear as though it were a tablet view. This issue has now been resolved!
    • Uncategorized transactions: Some had indicated that it was difficult to identify uncategorized transactions vs. categorized transactions. We have now implemented UI/UX improvements so that uncategorized transactions are clearly marked with a dotted line under the category menu. When you hover over the dotted line, a tooltip will pop up providing a directive to categorize the transaction.
    • Column width issue (lengthy descriptions): With the initial release of the beta, the text for columns within the transaction was set to wrap. This meant that for columns with lengthy amounts of text, the row would expand so that the full text was visible. We have since corrected this behaviour, and the text now clips after reaching the max character length for the column width, preventing rows from indefinitely expanding.
    • Dates for newly created transactions: When manually entering in new transactions and adding a date, the transaction would automatically sort to that point in time within the chronological list view of the Transactions page. This meant that if you entered a past date for the Transaction, it would disappear from the view. This has now been resolved. When creating a new transaction and entering a date in the past, the view will now scroll through the list to where the new transaction should sit chronologically, and maintain the page focus on the newly created transaction as you continue to manually input the details.

    Once again, thank you so much for your feedback, and for helping us build better tools for you!

    edited March 22, 2021
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    PatsyPatsy Member Posts: 1

    I dislike the changes to the transaction page. When you split a transaction, it no longer tells you what number you are on. This makes it harder for me to keep track of my 24 entries. I have tried to split 2 invoices (one income and one expense over 24 entities and both times it said my numbers did not match the original total when they did. It would not let me save it so I lost my work. It also did not say by how much I supposedly was off so I could not change it by that amount just to be able to save my work. Also, on the main transaction page you cannot see whether you added a vendor or a customer. This leaves the entire database open to more errors when you run your profit loss statement. There is no benefit to the update for me.

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    Any3_Any3_ Member Posts: 1

    I guess I'm part of the beta. I LOVE Wave. I'm all for trying new things out. Even though it's a change, I don't mind the inline editing (and certain aspects of it do make it easier). :) I have always appreciated the filtering capabilities and love having even more. THE ONE THING though, is the update to the journal entries, for me, is terrible. The old way made it so easy to understand how to do it even when I wasn't totally sure... the format made it so that I was able to make sense and logic my way through the journal entry. Now though, the journal entry format is SO unhelpful. I don't like it at all... now it matches closely the typical accountant journal entry which I'm sure for some is great, but Wave had a way of making things understandable even to people with limited knowledge (I was minimally trained to do very basic bookkeeping by an accountant). I know the new format is more simple, but it's less helpful honestly. And, even with a refresh, after I did a journal entry I didn't see the transaction in one of the accounts in question. Sad day for me.

    edited March 30, 2021
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    phikphik Member Posts: 8
    1. Copied a transaction, then tried to edit the amount. Either inline, or with the details panel expanded, it gives the error "The total of the split amounts does not match the original transaction amount." -- but it's not a split transaction! This is 100% reproducible for a particular transaction, but not for all.

    2. I deleted that transaction by clicking the checkbox and selecting bulk delete. The dialog that came up afterwards said that it deleted TWO transactions! This scares the shit out of me. Fortunately I had a report page open for 2021, and I was able to painstakingly review the entire year looking for the other deleted transaction. I couldn't find one. So did it delete a transaction randomly from a prior year? Was the dialog just wrong? How will I ever find and fix this?

    3. Not for nothing, the fact that a just-completed deletion can't be undone is a travesty. Spend time on that, instead of making UI changes nobody asked for.

    4. In the old UI, I could click anywhere on a transaction to open the sidebar. Now I have to click on the tiny little down arrow on the right, which requires much more precision. This is not an improvement.

    5. I'm in agreement with the other feedback that having Notes on a separate tab -- requiring another click to see if there even are any notes -- is really suboptimal.

    edited March 30, 2021
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    phikphik Member Posts: 8

    @phik said:
    1. Copied a transaction, then tried to edit the amount. Either inline, or with the details panel expanded, it gives the error "The total of the split amounts does not match the original transaction amount." -- but it's not a split transaction! This is 100% reproducible for a particular transaction, but not for all.

    Figured out what's broken: this nonsense error appears if the amount contains a comma. How on Earth did that make it through three months of beta?

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    midnight1204midnight1204 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, @Jeff_B!

    I'm part of the user group with the Beta release and my Transactions page shows only a third of my Accounts, most of which are not active anymore. Is there any way to go back to the previous interface or by when should I expect to find all updated transactions? I really need the numbers for two-thirds of my accounts which have surprisingly disappeared on the Transactions page.

    If anyone can help me through this, I'd really appreciate that as well. Thanks!

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    Major_SevenMajor_Seven Member Posts: 1

    I appreciate what y'all are trying to do. So many variables. As for me, I really don't care for the new update. I only work with the desktop version. A couple things...

    • Trying to edit the transaction description is a freakin' nightmare. I have to expand the transaction every time I want to edit the description. That's very frustrating.
    • Splitting transactions doesn't give you the opportunity to give a description for each split item. That's very frustrating as well. I need that feature. Also, when the line item is collapsed you cannot tell that it is a split transaction.

    All the Best.

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    smjameel93smjameel93 Member Posts: 1

    I am facing a major issue, I am unable to select some of my accounts, they are missing in the newly redesigned page.

    Recent transactions on those accounts still show up on the page, however, the drop-down menus are incomplete.

    Other pages like account reconciliation, chart of accounts, and reports are fine.

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    StephKayStephKay Member Posts: 7

    Hi :-)
    Looks great and streamlined. I have a small issue.. When I want to split my transaction into sub categories, the split amount is not showing up anywhere and so when I work it out on my calculator and try to insert it, will not allow me to put in a decimal point. So I cant split my transactions. Any ideas how t o resolve this will be most welcome. Thanks in advance

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    lecirlecir Member Posts: 8

    Hello. I like the old version better. Split transaction can not calculate itself. Some account is missing? I try to find my PayPal accounts on the dropdown, but can not find it.
    The uncategorized item I still like it in red, So I know where I'm. I hope it can be fix soon. Thank you!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @StephKay , when you split the transaction, you should see the entire amount as well as both sub-amounts. If you're still having issues with the way this is viewed, can you try accessing through a different browser like Firefox or Chrome? If that doesn't work, try clearing your cache and cookies or accessing through incognito mode.

    If you're still having issues, please feel free to reach out to us in the thread below and we'd be happy to take a deeper look for you!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    We're closing this thread out as the Transactions page is no longer in Beta. Please feel free to share all of your feedback in our new Transactions page launch thread.

This discussion has been closed.