
Accepting Retainer/Deposit

LadyLawLadyLaw Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to
1. accept a customer deposit before creating an invoice?
2. then issue a receipt for the deposit received?
I accept a retainer prior to starting work.
I want to be able to track the money in Wave, and issue a receipt for the deposit received.
At a later date when I eventually create an invoice, I can then pay the invoice using the deposited money.
Is this doable?



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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LadyLaw !

    1. You can't accept a prepayment or deposit through Wave before creating an invoice at this time. However, you can accept a prepayment/deposit outside of Wave and record it in your account to pay off the balance of future invoices. We have a great guide you can check out here: How to handle invoice deposits or pre-payments

    2. I'm afraid that you cannot issue a receipt for a prepayment/deposit in Wave at this time. However, we appreciate you reaching out about this and bringing it to our attention.

    edited March 18, 2021
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    skymakaiskymakai Member Posts: 1

    Ugh. this completely kills Wave for me, as one of Square's most basic feature is splitting invoices for pre-payment/deposit, and allows sending a receipt/notification for any payment. Please update and fix this or I can't use Wave.

    edited March 12, 2021
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    JoeHawkinsLawJoeHawkinsLaw Member Posts: 1

    You all are losing money here. I have to accept retainer payments outside of Waves because of this lacking feature, so you all are only getting money from invoice payments that do not involve retainers. I tried creating an invoice, getting payment, then deleting the invoice, but that cause all kinds of issues, so I just take payments outside of Waves.

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    AGKAGK Member Posts: 3

    Has this been resolved yet?

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