Invoice Email Template

I'm trying to figure out how to setup the invoice email so it defaults with some standard text rather than being blank. The email for receipt email defaults with some text but not for sending an invoice. Is there someplace to change this or would that have to be a new feature?
Hi, @RonP.
There currently isn't a way to set up a default message to accompany all of your invoices. Those have to be entered manually when you hit the send button.
Do you just find that email is a bit too blunt as it is, or is there specific information you'd like to relay to your clients through that email? I do understand how that would be a useful feature, but I'd love to learn more about how it would be a useful tool for you, specifically, in the context of your business.
Alexia, I just like to write a note to my clients in the email. "Jane, here is your invoice for the widgets. Thank you. -Ron" Something simple. It would be really cool if it auto-populated the name base on the contact info. I just don't like sending an email with nothing. Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback, @RonP!
I can't promise anything, but I can tell you that input from Wavers has a significant impact on what we choose to build next, so thank you for taking the time to share!
I'd like to second this. Is there a feature request/vote thread somewhere?
Hey @Jono, thanks for the feature request! And no worries, there isn't an exact spot for feature requests at the moment. We have some threads specific to certain features, but we track the posts in community so if anyone would like to see a feature we can submit one for them.
I second. Most of the big accounting software players like Sage and Intuit have this feature. It will really be a game changer.
I second this also. I was trying to come over from Fusion Invoice (which as far as I know was developed by a single person, yet has email templates among other things like custom payment terms). It seems like Wave is missing so many common features like this I'm finding myself continuing to look for other solutions.
I'll second it, its a pain having to rewrite emails constantly. All of the other packages I use have that basic functionality. Its a bit of a miss to be honest.
Would love default message from the Invoice so my clients can have a link to my Google or my BBB for reviews.
I would love to set up my own default message too and then be able to go in and personalise it to the client a little more. This would save me sooooo much time as the info I have to put in there for every client is lengthy 😫
Also seconding this! I was very surprised to see that this feature did not yet exist. There are so many other great automations and templates in Wave, hopefully invoice e-mail templates are coming soon.
Please add this feature already, QuickBooks has it and its the only thing I miss about their software.
Pleasure doing business. Here’s the incoice for [JobTitle].
Any questions just ask.
Kind regards.
On a similar note, I’d also love to be able to edit the payment receipt template—or at least change the first line from the company name to the customers name so that I’m addressing a person.
Definitely like to see templates for emails being sent for invoices, estimates, payment receipts, etc. Everyone has their own preferred communication style and it doesn't make sense to modify standard emails every time they go out.
Hey everyone, thanks for all of your feedback on this! This is an oft-requested feature, and we're looking to make refinements to the invoicing tool in the near future so this is a great time to share this!
I mentioned the ability to have a pre invoice message drop down box to wave ages ago when they put out there "suggestion box". To no avail, What I've had to do is write my message in Word, copy, then paste it on every invoice I send out. Works of course but a bit of a faf.
Would love for this feature to be added! Couldn't believe there wasn't a default message you could add into the settings for invoices/estimates.
Sending a blank email is very disrespectful, and having to re-write one every time is very tedious.
@Everest Thanks for checking in and weighing in on this! We love learning more about how we can improve to suit business owners' needs.
> @Everest Thanks for checking in and weighing in on this! We love learning more about how we can improve to suit business owners' needs. :)
Is there any updates on it at all? I noticed people have been requesting or inquiring about the feature just about over a year now, wondered how the progress could be going if at all 😭 the manual typing as clients increase is quite a lesson in discipline and patience 🤣
Hi @Sanianitos ! No updates to this at the moment I'm afraid.
Hey @burnsy180 , no plans at the moment, but in the meantime to save you from having to rewrite each invoice, try duplicating the invoice using the drop down arrow next to the invoice itself, and then just change any necessary details.
This is such a simple feature though. I’m shocked Wave doesn’t have this. For getting so many things right, how can this feature be overlooked for so long with no updates to its implementation??
PLEASE ADD ME to the list of people who would like to see this. Personally, I’d like a way to create a custom template for my invoices but also for estimates and the reminder email (which at this point I can’t even find a way to see what this reminder email will even say!! Do I have to create a fake past due invoice to myself and wait to see what the body of the reminder email says??)
Hey @AspeniTech , this is what the invoice reminder email looks like
Putting my vote in for a default email template. My emails are almost always identical: something along the lines of here's your invoice, you can pay online, please call with questions. Even Gmail has a default template!
Vote me in for this too!
Me too, please. Its such a pain to have to copy and paste every time from a saved text document. Would be nice to default tick the attach pdf as well, as most businesses want a pdf. Thanks! Stay well
I would love this feature! as someone who send 7+ invoices a day this is very tiresome to type the same thing over again. PLEASE ADD FEATURE
Hey there @Jimmy_The_Flynn, @UglyM
Appreciate you reaching out about this. At this time unfortunately we don't believe this is going to be an update in our invoicing section that we know of yet. That's not to say it would never be addressed but is currently not on our roadmap. Thanks for your contribution in the community!