One Customer different contacts

One of my customers is large company, in which I have various contacts to whom I send invoices and estimates. Is it possible to create one Customer with Multiple Contacts?
One of my customers is large company, in which I have various contacts to whom I send invoices and estimates. Is it possible to create one Customer with Multiple Contacts?
Hi there, thanks for posting! So sorry it seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle.
At the moment, Wave only allows for one email address to be saved to a customer profile. There are two things you can do if you need to send the invoice to multiple addresses.
1. At the 'Send' stage, click the + icon next to the recipient email. This will enable you to add more recipients for this invoice.
2. Export the invoice to PDF. You can send the PDF copy via another email client and add as many recipients as you need to.
We too have similar requirement. Every month I need to copy invoice to multiple people in the same company and its a pain to save their email ids, copy and paste to the to textbox when this is a very easy feature to implement
Plus 1 - this is a real pain and I would imagine a very easy fix
Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion, @patpending74.
Does the peole you are sending the invoice change from time to time? Or is it a fixed list of people who you send the invoice to?
If it’s a large company then they should have an Accounts Payable department. Though regardless if they have it, try to ask your customer to create a distribution list/nab group/group email address where you can send the invoice to. That’s how it’s usually done on large companies. If this is not an option, @Charlotte suggestion is the best way to do it. Though I know you would not prefer to add email receipients one by one everytime, in you email app, you can then create the distribution list yourself.
I have this issue was well as we deal with different individuals at a company, depending on who we are working for at the time. Having the ability to save the company as the client and then have various contacts linked to the company would make it easier to to track a clients invoices and payments.
This also makes it easier to get a better picture of total outstanding invoices for the company, throughout all their locations and various contacts.
Hi, @MJS.
I can see how that would be time-consuming. Thanks for adding your voice to this discussion. I would've suggested treating these different contacts as different clients entirely, but you seem to have already thought of that, and you are right, that would mean being unable to easily keep track of their customer statement as one same company.
Oh, please add this capability. I have no desire to create separate companies. Multiple contacts per customer would be fantastic.
Thank you for adding to this discussion, @M7_Adam.
I can't promise anything, but I'll be sure to share your feedback with the product team!
Yes, this would very nice to have. You could have an AP email field in the customer card and would/should be pretty easy to add that as well as a secondary email if needed.
Your customer card could essentially have the same function as adding emails on the fly but in the customer card section where you could label the email address. e.g. AP:, VP:
Please add this functionality, it would be very handy.
Thanks for listening.
Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion, @SoloAnt!
Plus 1 - would love to see this feature or something similar — dealing with multiple contacts and departments within the same company. Alternatively, this could be remedied by being able to "group" customers. It would solve the tracking issue and I could create separate customers for each department with their own primary contact in the same Company group.
I 2nd this! Basic feature in any contact list so should be no different in wave.
@nisrvideo ahh yes, that is a great suggestion! I'll bring this up to the team as well! Thank you for this feedback
+1 to this feature.
I am a graphic designer that works with different groups or locations in the same company, some companies do have centralized accounts payable departments but others do not. I usually send the proofs along with the invoice or receipts but a lot of the times they require specific employee information on the accounts for their records.
This feature would be awesome!
Adding my voice to this one. I would love this feature as well. At the moment, I have to edit the contact to change email address, which is a bit of a faff. This also means that on the list of invoices, it just gives me the company name, and I can't see at a glance who I have sent what invoice to who.
That would be really handy :-)
Hi @JoeyMyers @Shelley . Thanks for this feedback and for adding your workflow to the situation so we have a better understanding of how this would benefit the needs of your business.
Along with time tracking, another feature I'd need before making the move from Freshbooks.
adding my vote to this one! would be really useful
Any news on this? I'm moving from Freshbooks and this is an essential feature. Other invoicing systems I'm testing out have this feature.
No updates on this feature at the moment, @magestyx .
Please add the ability to have multiple contacts for the same customer. I have government clients where I need to bill different people. This seems like a logical feature addition.
Plus 1 to this!
Plus 1 to this as well.
I have a customer (large company) where I work with 8 different contacts. The ability to choose the customer then also pick the contact for that company would be great. I love Wave Accounting and I would love to see this feature sometime in the future (maybe sooner than later).
Thanks in advance!
@ShaneSolo @tsfjax @Slideckly Thanks for the upvotes on this. For full transparency, this isn't on our current roadmap but with voices like yours, I'm hopeful this will gain more traction with our Product team to make it a reality!
+1 for me also.
Most of my clients are SMEs and I usually need to send the invoice to the accounts person and to the boss and to the person I'm working with.
Workaround for those that have control over their own email server:
At the moment I'm using forwarders on my server. So create a forwarder, say: that forwards to,,
Hope that helps, the notifications go a bit screwy, but for me this is easier than having to stop the automations and send all invoices manually, digging out the list of people, etc, etc.
What happens if you put multiple email addresses in the email field? Can I separate by a semicolon or comma and have it route to multiple email addresses? (i.e. company contact and accounts payable..)
Hey there @Donna_G
You will likely see an error appear when you try to do this as we don't have this feature available at this time.
+1 add to features wish list, please and thank you
All my clients require multiple contacts. Why has nothing been done about this. Just testing this app wanting to move from Harvest. So far, disappointed.
This is a basic requirement for any invoicing app. Requested Nov. 15, 2017.