
Discussion List

  • xvnxvn
    This announcement in the news letter email I received today: Coming soon: Automatic categorization of transactionsYou want Wave to automate repetitive tasks, but you also want control over your bookkeeping. We hear you!We’re planning to roll out a new feature that will notify you about automatically categorized transactions so you can review them…
    xvn 1 view 0 comments Started by xvn January 27, 2022 8:20PM
  • Hello! :) I'm wondering why Estimates items can't be re-ordered like Invoices. I know the Estimates are not managed like Invoices on the back-end. But, implementing a simple re-order tool in front-end (like in Javascript) is so simple normally and don't take a day of development (I talk as a web developper). I think you really need to put this fea…
    Shad 2 views 0 comments Started by Shad July 6, 2021 7:05PM Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas