Best Of
Re: Deleting old products
I'm adding my voice to this feature request, because while the way it currently works is probably necessary from Wave's database/infrastructure side, it is a massive problem from the user experience side.
Multiple users here have expressed a need to simply hide discontinued products or services from their list. For me, as a freelancer, I have different rates and different projects for each of my clients, and over time that leads to an extremely cluttered services list.
Why is it so hard to hide these items without deleting them from existing invoices? A lot of people seem to be very confused by what appears to be an intuitive fix, but communications haven't been clear on that front.
If the user is doing it "wrong" and not following the expected workflow you designed, the onus is on your product team to design a workflow that makes more sense. Being told you can't even hide or archive an old product or service for "clean bookkeeping" reasons is not aligned with how people conduct their businesses in real life (as many people here and on other threads have made abundantly clear.)
I strongly urge you, your product team, and your user experience team to reconsider this and make this request a higher priority.
Turn off auto categorization
the auto categorization feature is creating more work for me than it is eliminating. How do I disable this feature?

This is the worst small business accounting software I've encountered. I usually use wave for accounting and invoice. This is the first time, I send my invoice to my client with bank online payment.
I got a congratulation email on Oct 27 and informed me that I got a payment from my client. But few days later, nothing happened!!! NO MONEY COME IN.
ON 4 Nov 2020, 16:18 GMT-5, I got another email stating they're either going to hold the funds for 65 days or refund them back to my client. Super surprise!!
Why wouldn't you say something on the day the transaction was initially processed? If there is any problems, why wouldn't you tell me instead of congratulation?
Why would you wait one week until my client's bank can't ask for payment return or chargeback?
Why wouldn't you have the decency to call the small business owner and tell them this over the phone? That's what GOOD customer service is all about.
Why isn't there a support phone number on your website? You're holding people's money and processing payments. There needs to be a phone number for a real people there.
For this reason alone I'm filing with the BBB because that's insane.
Add [Vendor] and [Customer] to Multiple Transaction Edit
In [Accounting] [Transactions], when I check multiple transactions and choose [Edit], I can only change [Category] and [Tax], but many of my transactions have the same [Customer] or [Vendor], so it would be nice to be able to change those at the same time, rather than go back into each every transaction and set the [Customer] or [Vendor] one by one, which quickly becomes tedious and time consuming when doing so for 50 transactions or more.
Re: Chart of Accounts features
@Barsin Export of Chart of Accounts is now possible with Wave Connect/Google Sheets, but you can't import yet.
This is a very necessary feature and should be implemented with the same add-on using the upload feature.

Re: How to categorize money reserved for quarterly tax payments?
If you are trying to segregate to save for taxes, then I would set up a separate savings account with your bank and transfer money there. You would need to devise a system to determine the amount to transfer. The accounting would be in the physical transfer of the funds from one cash account to another. I would not try and automate a system where for every invoice, X dollars are posted to a payable account. That is because the entry needs another side such as tax expense. Which would not be appropriate. If you tried using taxes payable - the journal entry is debit to tax expense and credit to taxes payable.

Is it possible to pass any variables to invoice template?
It would be great if we could pass known variables to a customized invoice template.
For example, I have a few folks that I invoice separately for different companies. Rather than just sending with the standard subject line that comes across as something like "Invoice #10 from MY COMPANY", if I could customize that line in the invoice section to be more like "Invoice #{%invoice_number%} for {%customer_company_name%} from {%my_company_name%}...or something like that.
Then, if we can start passing field names, there's no telling how cool we could make invoices and estimates! :-)

Re: Print accounts payable checks from Wave Accounting
Just found this post because I'm in need of checks, can't believe the feature still isn't available after 3 years!

Adding Dates to Items
Been looking through the options on wave. However, we are looking at a way to add dates to the data input on charges. We charge clients over consecutive days as they do activities and apart from adding the date manually in the 'description' we don't see any other option. Is there a way of doing this automatically? Is this something that may be added in the future?

Re: Transactions Not Updated for Over a MONTH - WAVE PAYMENTS customer
Unfortunately - as you can see - I received "0" assistance regarding this issue - and this includes commenting on another's post, reaching out directly to Wave "experts" via this community, using the bot, and tracking down a corporate phone number in Canada that was useless. I even contacted my bank and Plaid - no answers were to be had. Frustrating to say the least.. The customer service @ Wave is abysmal. Furthering my frustration is the fact that I am a "payments" customer - which is exactly what the bot says is required to get live support - but when I tried to access live support it would not connect me to a person - unbelievable. The Catch22 is that Wave, as a software, is pretty good - and I haven't been able to find a suitable replacement that I was happy with - nor am I interested in spending a massive amount of time transferring over the data to another application. All this being said - I was able to fix my syncing issue finally - but it is not for the faint of heart. I had to delete my banking connections and then add them new. Before I did this I exported all my information via CSV in case I lost everything. Thankfully my transaction history was saved. Re-adding the bank connections did create duplicates for all my transactions for the past 90 days (that's how far back my bank allows transactions to be downloaded). So it took me some time to identify, delete, and categorize the three months worth of duplicate transactions in order to balance my account. Once I did that my syncing issues were resolved. Best of luck.