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I can't update my business details
Hi guys, when I try to update my business details (in the invoice page) it raises this error. The request returns 4xx
Re: Sales tax does not calculate correctly
Re: Is there a way I can give my employee access to only generating invoices?
It's almost been two years, and surely we are not the only ones that would like this feature. Can you tell me if this is on the roadmap at all?

Re: Scotiabank accounts no longer syncing
Radical idea: switch to a bank connection that works
Crazy thought for a feature, I know, but Plaid simply isn't working, and it makes Wave look like liars (you advertise but do not provide a system that "can connect your bank accounts, sync your expenses"). It seems shocking to me that you would be considering new features while your old ones don't work.
Re: Project based accounting
Hey @Chayil! I'm thinking you might want to just track those with separate businesses within one Wave Account! That might be your best bet Check this out!

Re: Expense Percentage Split (Business vs Personal)
I can definitely say that this would be a VERY helpful feature.
Without it users are pretty much left to do all the calculations in excel before transferring them into Wave. That kind of defeats the object.
Expense Percentage Split (Business vs Personal)
It would be great if we could add a split percentage for an expense category in the charts of accounts for things like vehicule, apartment rent, etc.
For example, 30% of my vehicule expenses are for business. I could just add that percentage to the expense in the chart of accounts. So when the total amount shows in the transactions, the split is done automatically between business and personal expense.
At the moment, the only way way to do that is to go to Accounting > Transactions, select this transaction, calculate the percentage amount and split it for each transactions with an expense category for business and the other amount part categorized to Personal Expense/Withdrawal > Owner Investment/Drawing.
This would save a lot of time.

Wave rejected my CC processing. Why?
I just opened my Wave account and made 2 invoices one for 374.99 dollars and one for 200.00 the customers paid then wave sent a rejection of my processing business
Not sure what financial history they looked at
I assume the IT business is acceptable.
I have had a website for years.
I have operated in the same city since the founding of my company in 1995
I just recently incorporated as a new business.
Noone contacted me to discuss.
ZERO stars so far
So what gives?
below is what I received
BT (Wave )
Jan 25, 2022, 1:35 PM EST
Thank you for your interest in the Wave Payment service. We’re reaching out to let you know we have reviewed your account, and unfortunately are unable to continue providing payment processing services for your business.
What caused this?
We consider a number of factors when evaluating eligibility for a Wave Payment account, such as how long you have been in business, the industry in which you operate, your business's online presence, and prior financial history. Payment processing comes with various risks that expose both your business and Wave to financial losses from uncollected refunds and payment disputes with customers. For these reasons we conduct account reviews to determine eligibility to use the Wave Payment service.
What happens now?
Credit card payments which have not been paid out to your bank account will be canceled, the transaction refunded and funds returned back to your customers bank so you can accept another form of payment.
What about the rest of Wave?
All other Wave services, including Wave Invoicing, will continue to work without any interruption.
Thank you for your understanding. Our operating hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm EST should you have any questions.
Thank you,
Risk Analyst,
Wave Payments, Risk Team
Re: Update on changes coming to Wave Receipts
Oh this is terrible news, I only signed up for wave to use this feature. And it worked so well. Shame you had to cripple the software this way.