Coming soon: Wave's new Receipts feature



  • BobsmithBobsmith Member Posts: 2

    FYI - If you didn't clear/submit your emailed receipts to receipts @ waveapps . com before June 14, you're toast. You have to download those receipts and manually enter them. Otherwise, they're lost. So we were on an extended travel/offline, so we weren't able to keep up, so now 2 months of forwarded receipts have been "lost" in the system. We have to go back, see what was forwarded, and manually load them. ACCOUNTING DISASTER.
    We also saw that a bunch of forwarded emails with receipts attached (like hotels, travel expenses) simply disappeared. So we have to go hunt them down in our Sent email boxes, export (PDF??), attach, add a transaction, etc.

    So what I learned from tech support:
    If you don't use direction linked bank transactions, you are in for a lot of manual work (from tech support):

    If your bank isn't supported for automatic transaction imports, another thing you can do is upload your transactions using a bank statement or by using Wave Connect. Then when your transactions are imported, you can attach the receipts the appropriate transactions.
    I understand that this change may not be ideal for you as it is optimized for bank connections so I apologize if this interrupted your previous workflow

    If you try to upload bank statements and credit card statements, you're in for a lot of manual work. Plus, if you're a small business like I run, we pay for nearly everything on credit card, then roll the payment into a single monthly payment from the bank. There's no way to link this expense in a bank statement to a company transaction in Wave. Also, we use our credit cards for multiple purposes, so the transactions would have to be split out and individually fixed. This would be a massive effort that would require me to hire a book keeper.
    This appears to be a move to be more larger business-centric. It's sad. Wave's days of being the best option for a small business are over.
    However, are there any other options on the market that are free, without the monthly, bleed-you-to-death SAS (software as a service) fees? If not, Wave may still be the best option if you don't want to bleed money. Plus Wave does offer unlimited clients, vendors, etc. I checked out this page: and found that for those who don't want to bleed monthly money, Wave does still seem like an excellent option. I'm not a shill and I'm always looking for a better product. If someone has an idea, the community is all ears I'm sure.
    If there was an accounting option with a PO system, unlimited clients, unlimited vendors, I might be willing to switch for a very small monthly fee so I don't have to maintain separate spreadsheets which is painful to manage on multiple computers. But, in the end, it's hard to pay ANOTHER monthly subscription when Wave does make do.

    If you have the HEIC format, you have to go into Photos and change the setting to most compatible. HEIC stinks if it's anything other than iPhone shared.

    edited July 1, 2021
  • ALPMALPM Member Posts: 4

    Great to see a company listen to their customers - NOT!
    Thanks Wave, now my receipts are piling up on the desk and not going into the system as it's so cumbersum to do with your new crappy set up. Tried it, hate it. It's a step back in time that requires the one thing most small business owners need more of - time.
    There's no shame in admitting to a poor decision and fixing it - bring the OCR option back and have both options.

  • MMarrkkMMarrkk Member Posts: 1

    Discontinuing that app is a terrible idea!
    Your app and OCR capabilities allowed me to manage expenses efficiently while on the move. I used to be a big fan and have recommend your app to my friends. Killing the app will cost me a Sunday every month...

    if its a money thing, can't you just charge us 99 cents a month and let us focus on work, not accounting...

    I'll give you credit for waiting until mid-year to change it. It will force quite a few of us to stay on for another six months.
    In 2022 I'll to change and get my weekends back.

  • aaronhaaronh Member Posts: 3
    why on earth would you remove the email processing feature, other than penny pinching and not wanting to maintain a very useful component.

  • aaronhaaronh Member Posts: 3
    I’ll be exploring other invoicing options fairly soon. You’re obviously under new management and have lost sight of your customers.
  • RussellCabournRussellCabourn Member Posts: 4

    Good video, but I don't want to do any of that

    I want to snap the receipt, it is automatically scanned and I just say what the expense is for.

    I don't want to set it against anything. Why have you made it so difficult when it was so simple

  • tankmctankmc Member Posts: 1

    The new feature is just awful. Why have you done this? The only reason I can think is to bring back the receipt feature in a few months and charge a premium for it.

    First, I have lost half the receipts I have uploaded in the last month.

    Second, it took me nearly 20 minutes to add one new receipt compared to before where I could just snap a picture or upload a PDF and it did it for me.

    Whoever decided this was a good idea has deeply misunderstood what your customers want! And please don't give me the line that it was "based on community feedback" because clearly from reading the comments here that is complete rubbish. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

  • pletzartpletzart Member Posts: 1

    Where the hell are my receipts from the last three months??????? I've been emailing to!

  • HalifmikeHalifmike Member Posts: 1

    I am very disappointed, as just about EVERY comment here has expressed, that WAVE has elected to return to the 1990s and remove OCR and emailing of receipts. This was a very important and time-saving feature for ALL of your customers. Removing it was thoughtless and reckless, and did not take customer requirements into account. I am mystified about the "bank connection" functionality, since my receipts have little to do with the bank. Even though my bank account is connected, this does nothing to help me at all.

    I saw that WAVE was removing receipt emailing and didn't look further into it since I trusted that it would be replaced with something just as good (such as receipt upload, and translation to a transaction) or better. I thought, it can't be all that bad to have to save receipts from emails and then upload them for translation to a transaction. What I totally missed was that there would be no translation at all, and transactions would have to be manually added, field by field.

    I am not sure if you realize the work you have just caused all your customers. I think by now you must be aware.

    Now is your chance to show that feedback from your customers is important to you and fix this serious error in judgement.

  • darkstar69darkstar69 Member Posts: 2

    This is a horrible change. It was so easy to upload when on the go, then have the receipt fully parsed ready to process when I got home. Now I have to tediously enter all the details manually?

  • darkstar69darkstar69 Member Posts: 2

    Can anyone recommend a free or paid alternative to Wave that has the OCR? Going to migrate all of my accounting to a new system over the weekend.

  • raysearcher123raysearcher123 Member Posts: 3

    @8Squid8 said:
    Can anyone suggest another accounting software that has the old OCR functionality? this is absolute garbage now and I want to see what others are switching too.

    try quickbook, it has OCR > @darkstar69 said:

    Can anyone recommend a free or paid alternative to Wave that has the OCR? Going to migrate all of my accounting to a new system over the weekend.

    Quickbook has the same feature though it is not free. But i don't mind to pay for it.

    Goodbye, waveapp, you successfully killed yourself.

  • ClaireWryghtAccountsClaireWryghtAccounts Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Some advance warning that the receipts functionality, as it existed, was going to be completely removed would have been useful. When I read the email I presumed this was in ADDITION. Not a replacement.

    Especially for those who's financial year just ended this week!

    Another example of poor communication and a ANOTHER downgrade on what was once an amazing software.

    Maybe I'm lucky financial year has just ended because I'll be heading elsewhere.

  • UnhappyclientUnhappyclient Member Posts: 1


  • NoMoreReceiptsAppNoMoreReceiptsApp Member Posts: 1

    This used to work great when you could just scan receipts on your phone app. Now it's too clunky, moving to quickbooks

  • CreeksideCreekside Member Posts: 2
    Very disappointed that this change was made, especially as there was such a negative response at the first announcement of this coming change. Why would you do away with something that was so valuable to your clients? The receipts feature was one of the main reasons we chose to use this software. Now that it is so difficult to use we will be looking at something else. Definitely a step backwards for your platform.
  • M_whoused2lovewaveM_whoused2lovewave Member Posts: 2

    Why is there no feedback from Wave on this? Everyone hates I haven't seen one response. Perhaps they want us all to move to accounting software.

  • NJANJA Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    @ClaireWryghtAccounts said:
    Some advance warning that the receipts functionality, as it existed, was going to be completely removed would have been useful. When I read the email I presumed this was in ADDITION. Not a replacement.

    Especially for those who's financial year just ended this week!

    Another example of poor communication and a ANOTHER downgrade on what was once an amazing software.

    Maybe I'm lucky financial year has just ended because I'll be heading elsewhere.

    Oh they did communicate and we ALL told them that this was a terrible idea and asked them to reconsider....and they promptly ignored the requests of their loyal users, or should I say ONCE loyal users!

  • CédricCédric Member Posts: 2

    @M_whoused2lovewave said:
    Why is there no feedback from Wave on this? Everyone hates I haven't seen one response. Perhaps they want us all to move to accounting software.

    That is THE question...

    The communication of the Wave team is very bad on this issue, although the feedbacks from the users are very clear (just by reading all the below comments).

  • SmallBusinessOwnerSmallBusinessOwner Member Posts: 2

    Is there anyway, anyway at all that Wave can roll this feature back? Please... even it is just for a month, need to complete the rest of the financial year. A 15 minutes job turned into several hours. I just had to drag and drop the receipts into the 'Receipt' page and Wave does it all for me. Now I have to manually create each transaction by straining my eyes on each receipt.

  • francescfrancesc Member Posts: 1

    Dear Wave team, have you considered to present the way this feature/change has been implemented to a business school as a best practice on how a company listen and engage customers?

  • SchlauFuchsSchlauFuchs Member Posts: 14

    How do I bulk upload receipts now? The email-receipts feature was not great but at least i could automate that.uploading part of it.

  • SchlauFuchsSchlauFuchs Member Posts: 14

    Seriously WavaApps is on a trip to dismantle itself and permanently disappoint its users. When was the last time you have released a feature that made the general user base happier? Are you doing this intentionally to move your users to Zoho?

  • michellewmichellew Member Posts: 2

    WHY... I really want to know why you retired such a helpful app... And WHY you are presenting this info like it's a "good" alternative. WHY make this so cumbersome when you know it's clients most difficult disciplines.

  • bassichonda96bassichonda96 Member Posts: 1
    Waiting for transactions to show up from connected accounts is a waste of time and introduces error. Why you did this is beyond me and I’m looking at quick books online now. An industry standard and mature platform. I guess you get what you pay for.
  • CTabCTab Member Posts: 1

    The change has costed us a lot of time. OCR is a mandatory feature for receipts.

  • ChipsChips Member Posts: 2

    Very sad to see the OCR feature for receipts retired. This was my absolute favourite feature of Wave and one of the main reasons I selected it in the first place. I really can't imagine why you would remove such a useful feature!

  • ChipsChips Member Posts: 2

    FAIL big FAIL

  • billiambilliam Member Posts: 1

    Please bring back WAVE receipts. Scanning physical receipts and forwarding electronic receipts to the wave receipts app was a great feature and time saver. I am puzzled at this ridiculous move. PLEASE BRING THE RECEIPTS FEATURE BACK!

  • AndorinAndorin Member Posts: 9

    I was reluctant to leave Wave after they stopped allowing UK companies to directly import bank statements. But this is just the dumbest of the dumb. What's wrong with them? They're clearly utterly incompetent. Stupidest feature change imaginable. Way to ruin their software.

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