
How to create an estimate using the mobile app?

jashan munilalljashan munilall Member Posts: 1

How can I create an estimate on the mobile app?

As my app only allows me to generate invoices

edited August 29, 2018 in Mobile Feature Ideas


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    NopDesign_ConnorNopDesign_Connor Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Estimates aren't a thing in the apps right now.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Connor, Jashan! The above is correct. At the moment, estimates can only be created within the web version of Wave.

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    XTNXTN Member Posts: 5

    Good day,
    When can we expect to do estimates on the mobile app? I’m seeing clients and is on the road alot, and get alot of requests for estimates while on the road and it’s not always possible to stop and setup a laptop to do estimates.
    This would really assist the business and boost the Waveapps professional functionality.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @XTN,

    We are working on improvements and new features with our mobile apps, but I don't have a timeline to offer for any specific features right now.

    Can you tell me a little bit more about your business and about how you use estimates? Maybe we can figure out an alternative to make your job a little easier for now.

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    motmot Member Posts: 3

    This is the feature I’m looking for, I’m running a B&B and I did away with computers, I only use ipads and it’s a little struggle to creat estimates at the moment :smile:

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @mot.

    Thanks for adding your voice to this request. We're working hard to bring better mobile support across the board, so stay tuned!

    In the meantime, please feel free to explore the community and engage in discussions that catch your eye.

    edited March 14, 2018
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    andr3yandr3y Member Posts: 3

    I am electrician, I do estimates on site on my phone. I really need this to switch to Wave

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for letting us know, @andr3y! We would love to be able to count you as one of our users.

    We do have plans to give mobile platforms better support, so keep an eye on us!

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    PlentyOfMulchPlentyOfMulch Member Posts: 1

    This would be a Great Addition for the mobile app to have the ability to provide an estimate..
    I provide estimates for landscape / Mulching jobs. This would be a nice feature to quickly send an estimate on the spot and then transition that estimate to an Invoice.
    When I travel to our customers, I work from my phone app.. Currently I can't provide an estimate until I get home enter the detail from my computer and sometimes I loose details lost from the scratching on paper..
    It would also be Great to have the ability to attach a few pictures to the estimate. Providing that visual to my customer adds much value and understanding of the work to be completed to eliminate any confusion..

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    kbennettkbennett Member Posts: 3

    This would be Great! I am a one man service tech and sub big jobs out, I invoice onsite and would really love to send estimates onsite also.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @PlentyOfMulch and @kbennett!

    edited April 27, 2018
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    NimchimpskyNimchimpsky Member Posts: 1

    I echo what others are saying. I am a landscaper, and need to be able to create and access estimates on my phone.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @Nimchimpsky.

    We'd love to add this feature as well and have big plans for Wave on mobile. I can't give timelines and anything more precise, but stay tuned!

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    kurtthemakerkurtthemaker Member Posts: 1

    I'm a handyman I fix everything from computers to boilers and AC Units. The ability todo an immediate estimate would be tremendous benefit.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for throwing in on this, @kurtthemaker!

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    KellyHelpKellyHelp Member Posts: 2

    Yes, mobile estimates, please. I am a tech/virtual assistant to several contractors and have recommended Wave to many of them for invoicing. At present, I have to create estimates for them using the online version.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @KellyHelp!

    Can you tell me more about your estimate and invoicing workflow, both as it is now and how you wish it would be? If we can learn more about your process, we'll have a better idea of how to make Wave into the best possible tool for you.

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    ibeedatguyibeedatguy Member Posts: 1

    I do live honeybee removal. The ability to create an estimate on the spot during a site evaluation via my phone or tablet, including pictures, and a way for the client to sign or accept the terms would remove a few of my biggest annoyances using wave.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ibeedatguy.

    That's a fascinating job! Also, I can absolutely see how that tool would help you out. Thanks for following up!

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    RRTSRRTS Member Posts: 19

    First, I love WAVE and it has been a beautifully almost perfect product for me as I start my small business. With one minor catch: I need the ability to draft estimates onsite and when in possession of my mobile device. I do tree work, and the ability to attach photos in the estimates would enhance the understanding my customers and I have.
    More importantly, estimates support on mobile would allow the estimate to be drafted, reviewed, and approved (assuming the customer also has a smartphone and the ability to review the estimates immediately) within mere minutes. This then allows me to schedule the work appointment at that time with the customer as well! Talk about expedient and efficient!
    Please, estimates support on mobile is a feature I look forward to!

    edited August 18, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @RRTS. Thank you so much for adding your voice to this discussion, and for the compliments! We work hard to be able to offer solid tools to our users and it's always heartwarming to hear that we're helping.

    I can see how having access to the Estimate tool from your mobile device would be helpful and save you time. I can't offer any guarantees, but this feature has been requested often and we are looking to improve our apps. Feedback from Wavers has a big impact on what our product team chooses to work on next, so thank you for taking the time to share yours.

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    WesternCartWesternCart Member Posts: 1

    Need android estimates. We don't use PC's anymore. What is the timeline? Thanks in advance.

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    Josuetm1Josuetm1 Member Posts: 1

    I need to make estimates to my costumers on site, this will improve my sales a lot! Please put extra effort in this area. Do you have an API I could use to create my own app meanwhile?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @WesternCart and @Josuetm1,

    I don't have a timeline to offer, nor can I promise that this feature will be added to Wave. I can tell you that we're aware of the impact a feature like this one would have for some of our users and are taking it into account as we decide what to build next for Wave.

    @Josuetm1, we don't currently have an API, but we are working on releasing one by the end of the year. You can register your interest here to be kept informed of any development concerning this new API.

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    XTNXTN Member Posts: 5

    As a designer I meet up with clients at their office or even a coffee shop, and discuss some changes to their current platforms. Also while driving they request just a quick quick for an update or design which is a set function / product on my quotes, and I need to send them while on the go.

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    SupersandorSupersandor Member Posts: 3
    I would call estimates an essential feature, much like the folks above. Many freelancers don’t have an office and rely on the apps to do business on their phones. I just opted out I QuickBooks invoice (still use self employed app for its automated receipt tracking) so I’m in need of an invoicing app. Had high hopes for wave. Will have to keep looking I think. Please add this feature and then all my data is yours to mine.
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    LeveragedITLeveragedIT Member Posts: 3

    I agree. I have an IT Consulting firm, and we do a lot of work with clients where we need to give estimates onsite before work begins or before someone goes into a meeting. Being able to create estimates (maybe as part of the invoice app), would be a great boost to our company.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @XTN, @Supersandor and @LeveragedIT,

    While it isn't possible to send out estimates from the Invoice app, you can log in to Wave's website from a mobile device and create your estimate from there. It's not perfectly optimized for mobile devices, so you might run into some issues, but it is possible. As a note, however, I need to add that there is an issue for some users when trying to send estimates from a mobile device through the website, preventing the sending entirely. With that said, we are working on resolving this issue, so it shouldn't be a problem for much longer.

    I know this isn't the ideal solution, but it might help for now (or starting when the sending issue is resolved).

    Thank you all for your feedback.

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    SupersandorSupersandor Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for letting me know. That's something. At least it's possible. And sounds like you understand that the lack of mobile optimization may make it challenging, and therefore a little time inefficient. Looking forward to moving towards that functionality via the app. Amazing product, thanks for giving it to the world

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    LeveragedITLeveragedIT Member Posts: 3


    I agree that using the Web version is possible on a smartphone or tablet. However, we have encountered the problem you have mentioned several times.

    Here is to hoping to seeing a solution from you all soon as you develop your product more.

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