Bank account error Your login credentials are incorrect.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @noxigen,

    I'm happy to help you dig into this, but as you already know, we use a third-party data provider for our bank connection system, so there are limits to what I can do. Can you give me the URL of the page you use to login to your online banking? It'll give me a solid place to start.

    Issues with bank connections are an industry-wide problem, they aren't confined to Wave (or Yodlee). Bank connection systems are incredibly complex and cover thousands of banks worldwide. A small change on the backend of your bank's online banking login page can break a connection. The data aggregator must then find the nature of that change and adapt to it. Banks are rarely forthcoming about sharing that information, which can slow down the process. We report errors back to our data provider as they happen, but they'll ultimately follow their own priority order.

    We'll recommend uploading your statements manually because it's a more reliable way to bring those transactions to your account. If the statement upload system fails, we can troubleshoot it ourselves much more easily, since it is ours.

    There hasn't been a universal outage of bank connections. There are ongoing issues with a handful of banks, but the bank connection system as a whole does work, even if individual connections might be causing trouble.

  • noxigennoxigen Member Posts: 9

    Please see my existing support ticket.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @noxigen,

    I understand that this is a frustrating answer, but I can tell you that we report issues like yours to our bank data provider regularly, and they'll work to resolve them following their own priority system. I can't offer a timeline for when it'll be resolved.

    Have you already tried removing the connection entirely, clearing your browser's cache and attempting to connect again? It sometimes fixes issues like this one.

  • mfdamfda Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Alexia I would like to ask, if I were to upload an August bank statement manually, would those synced and reconciled August transactions from the bank feed be replaced or will there be a duplicate or how would it work ya?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mfda,

    If you upload your bank statement, Wave will simply add those transactions to your transactions page. You will end up with duplicates. If you're uploading a CSV file, you could open it with Excel or Google Sheets beforehand and delete rows for dates when transactions were updated from your bank feed.

    You might also be able to bring up a custom statement that only covers a specific date range.

  • noxigennoxigen Member Posts: 9

    I deleted the bank connection and tried to re-add it. Still fails using valid credentials. I'm at a loss as to why an issue like this seems to be treated as trivial by you all (Wave).

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @noxigen,

    It's not that we consider it a trivial matter, but that there are limitations to what we can do. We continue reporting any issue with bank connections to our data provider but we don't have direct influence on their prioritization system. Your complaints are valid, we would love to be able to resolve this quickly as well, but it isn't in our hands. We are, however, doing what we can to make sure that our data provider is aware of issues with bank connections that our users are facing.

    We are also very aware that issues with bank connections plague the industry as a whole. It's why we provide an alternative way to get your transactions into Wave.

  • noxigennoxigen Member Posts: 9

    If any of my customers suffered a month long outage with or without an explanation, I'd be losing a lot of business.

  • GC9440GC9440 Member Posts: 2

    Bank connection is the big issue. On my one account has connection error and then finally fix but they download all the transaction from 2016 and uncatagorize it. So now I have to go back and fix all that.

    2nd account I have has the same bank credential as the first account.Still giving me connection error.
    I understand is not in your hand but we facing lot of problems.

  • TheLionPingTheLionPing Member Posts: 1

    I still can't connect Wave to HSBC UK accounts.

    "our data provider is aware of it and working towards a resolution following their own priority order" I would now ask for this priority order to be updated to allow the millions of HSBC UK customers who use the Wave Apps to connect their accounts.

    Let's get some action on this tiresome issue which ****DOES NOT EXIST IN OTHER PLATFORMS LIKE QUICKBOOKS OR XERO****

    Thank you.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @STA0987 ! If you could please send me a DM with your business name, as well as your email address... I will be happy to investigate what could possible be going on with your bank account. One other thing -- has your bank recently updated their URL in which you use to login? Please let me know!

  • STA0987STA0987 Member Posts: 2

    thanks, i've PM you.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @STA0987 ! Thanks again for providing that info. For security purposes, I deleted the information that you posted on my wall and sent you a support email regarding your specific issue. Let's move the conversation over there so we can get to the bottom of this :)

  • merlinccmerlincc Member Posts: 2

    I am having same issue. Has this been resolved?

  • JeannineJeannine Member Posts: 3

    I am also having the same issue....How do I resolve this? "credentials are incorrect" Re-entered numerous times. Please help.

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @merlincc @Jeannine just to confirm: are you also experiencing this issue when trying to connect to Cumberland BS UK?

  • JeannineJeannine Member Posts: 3

    I am connecting to RBC bank canada

  • JeannineJeannine Member Posts: 3

    @Erik said:
    @merlincc @Jeannine just to confirm: are you also experiencing this issue when trying to connect to Cumberland BS UK?

  • merlinccmerlincc Member Posts: 2

    @Erik I am trying to connect to Ideal Credit Union(US). Worked for 9 months and now it doesn't. They upgraded to new website on their side. At first it would get to security questions and then fail. Now it says my credentials are incorrect which they are not.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @merlincc in this case, the reason for the issue is that our third-party data aggregator needs to adapt to the site changes made by ICU US before reestablishing the connection. I recommend uploading statements based on this guide for the next week or two, and then try reconnecting after that.

  • linda_vlinda_v Member Posts: 8

    I am trying to connect a Capitec South Africa and ING Netherlands account to my WAVE. I can enter the username and password in the 'connect your bank account' screen, but when I click 'connect' nothing happens. For both. Please help.

    edited January 5, 2019
  • zuzazuza Member Posts: 31 admin

    Hello @linda_v. I'd be happy to help figure out what may be happening here. Let's first confirm whether the connection we have listed for those banks will work for you.

    For ING (Netherlands), does this URL bring you to a site you can login to successfully?

    For Capitec Bank (South Africa), can you also confirm whether you can connect using this URL?

    The reason I want to confirm whether these work for you is that those URLs are what our third party data provider uses to connect the bank to Wave. If those don't happen to work, then we may need to dig deeper to see whether the account types you have with those banks are supported. (Ex: Business vs Personal or Banking vs Credit Card).

    Please let me know if those work and we'll go from there.

  • linda_vlinda_v Member Posts: 8

    Good afternoon Zuza,

    Thank you for helping me! :-) When I follow the URL's you posted above they do indeed take me to the right login pages for both banks.

  • SvenSven Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I'm unable to connect to Bank (St.George - Australia). Error: Username or Password incorrect.
    The login page for this bank requires Username, Security Number and Password.
    Has anyone encountered this? Any suggestions.

  • HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

    Hello! I haven't seen this suggested, and maybe this used to exist in the old interface, but it would be very useful to be able to quickly find a customer on the Customer page through a drop down or search function, as exists in many other areas of Wave. We have a large number of customers as the nature of our business lends itself to one-time sales, and finding a specific customer involves a lot of scrolling and/or guessing the customer's name. The ability to type/search a partial name would make this much easier.

  • Barker2kBarker2k Member Posts: 1

    I have this error for my bank, Login credentials are incorrect. I have changed my password and need to change it in Wave. Each time I try to click on the password field and without being able to enter anything the screen changes to a blue line circling, and its endless. Please help

  • zuzazuza Member Posts: 31 admin

    hello @linda_v . Thank you for confirming :)

    Could you please try connecting on your end again? Once a connection has been deleted, we are unable to diagnose what the issue may be. Even if the login doesn't work, that gives us more info than one has been deleted.

    And while I have you here, could you please let me know what type of accounts you are connecting? Credit Card or Banking, that kind of thing.

    Thank you!

  • Barker2kBarker2k Member Posts: 1

    Mysterious Fixed!

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Sven. To confirm -- are you using the correct bank URL for when you login? As in, are you using the same URL that you use to login to your bank? I see a list of 4 options for your particular bank and perhaps trying a different option, this will allow you to connect your bank. Hope that helps! If not, please let us know.

  • SvenSven Member Posts: 3

    Hey Jamie, thanks for your reply. On the first couple of tries I seemed to be only getting the username and password fields, I was using the 'business' version bank URL and I thought I'd tried the first URL as well. I've since revisited the first URL and discovered that it included all 3 fields necessary for the bank connection and I'm in, hooray. All good, thanks.

    edited January 31, 2019
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