Guide to recurring invoices



  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Warrick ! So to clarify, the "reply to email" is just that. If your customer replies to the auto generated email, their reply will be redirect to your "reply to email". The email you enter in this section doesn't actually generate the email your customer receives. I hope that sheds some light on your question!

  • SpineCareSpineCare Member Posts: 2

    Hello! Is it possible to pause a recurring an invoice for a few months for like when someone is going out of town? Or do I have to end the invoice and start over when they get back? Thanks!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hi @SpineCare !

    Great question. You nailed it here. I'm afraid that there is no "pause" functionality available for recurring invoices. In this case, you'll need to "End" it instead. Then, you can duplicate the same recurring invoice and reactivate it when necessary.

    edited November 12, 2020
  • ImaginAtticImaginAttic Member Posts: 2

    I can't seem to initiate late reminders on all recurring invoices. Any guidance?

    edited November 22, 2020
  • aristosvaristosv Member Posts: 2

    If a client doesn't pay a recurring invoice, is there a way to automatically add the unpaid amount to next month's recurring invoice?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ImaginAttic !

    To enable invoice reminders, please head over to Settings > Invoice Customization > Reminder Settings. If they were disabled, just check mark the square box to enable them. Below I attached a screenshot for reference:

    You can also send a reminder for a specific invoice generated by a recurring invoice by heading over to Sales > Invoicing and selecting the desired invoice. Under the "Get Paid" section, you will have the option to send your customer a reminder. Below is another screenshot for reference:

    If you're interested, you can learn more about invoice reminders here: How to set up an invoice reminder

    Hello @aristosv !

    I'm afraid that this functionality is not currently supported by Wave. I appreciate you bringing this to our attention as we are always looking to improve our software. However, for full transparency, we do not have any plans to implement this feature on our current product roadmap. With that being said, we are not dismissing your feedback as we may revisit this functionality down the line.

    edited November 25, 2020
  • ImaginAtticImaginAttic Member Posts: 2

    Hi @JulianP,

    This option doesn't appear. I followed exactly and there are no reminder settings when I go to Settings > Invoice Customization

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ImaginAttic , this setting is only available for user sin select reasons. If you don't find it under Invoice Customization, you will have to enable it whenever you send invoices I'm afraid.

  • davidcdavidc Member Posts: 6

    I would like the option of not sending the customer an invoice or receipt for automatic recurring invoices; the first one sent should definitely send an invoice and receipt but after that, it should be silent. This is especially good for a small monthly subscription as I don't want to annoy the customer with constantly repeating invoices--it should just be an unobtrusive charge.

  • KarissaKarissa Member Posts: 2

    Hello! I am trying to end some recurring invoices, but I do not see the option in the drop down menu. I'd appreciate any help. :)

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Karissa !

    You can end a recurring invoice by going to Sales > Recurring Invoices, clicking on the recurring invoice you want to end, clicking More actions, and selecting End from the drop down menu :smile:

    If you're still having trouble, could you send me a screenshot of what you see on your end when you follow the steps above?

    edited March 9, 2021
  • KarissaKarissa Member Posts: 2

    That worked! Thank you! :)

  • Mike_NYC_LawyerMike_NYC_Lawyer Member Posts: 2

    Hi. I set up my recurring invoices for "Manual Sending" but now cannot see how to actually send them. The only options on the drop down menu next to the recurring invoice are "View, Edit, End, View Created Invoices, Duplicate." Nothing to send. I tried all of these to see if they would allow me to send, but can't find it. Thanks!

  • NHurlbut12NHurlbut12 Member Posts: 1

    Would anyone have a guide like the one above that shows each screen for the phone app by chance?? Our business uses a cell phone for the actual square transactions and I can't seem to find a step by step that shows the screenshots as well. Thanks!

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Mike_NYC_Lawyer ,

    The recurring invoice works as a template, which the monthly (or other frequency) invoices are generated from. If you've chosen Manual Sending, you will be able to do so from the individual invoice itself, by going to Sales > Invoices, clicking on the generated invoice, and selecting Send invoice!

  • kkaminskekkaminske Member Posts: 1

    My client has saved their card with me but my invoice is different every time (I'm hourly). How do I set it up so when I send my new invoice the payment comes out of her account on the invoice due date automatically? I don't like having to create an invoice, send it, and then have to remember to go back and manually take the payment on the actual due date. Can that be done automatically?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @kkaminske,

    The only way for automatic payments to be taken would be by using our recurring invoice scheduler. However, this payment would be taken as soon as the invoice is created and sent, not on a set due date.

    Also, if your invoice amounts are different each time however, then this wouldn't work, as the individual invoices are created from the template recurring invoice, and so would be for the same amount.

    If you don't wish to remember to take the payment manually, you can always leave it up to your customer to pay via clicking the payment link on the invoice once they have received it!

    edited April 8, 2021
  • Antenna_ManAntenna_Man Member Posts: 3

    What happens when a customer's credit card, on a recurring invoice, expires? Does Wave send a message and a way for the customer to update his info or do I have to contact the customer for his current expiration date, then update it myself?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Antenna_Man ,

    Wave doesn't send a notice via email once the card has expired, but when you attempt to make a payment, you will get an immediate response if the card is declined. So, you will see a failed notice within Wave, if the payment fails due to the card being expired.

    When a credit card expires, or changes for your customer, you can head to Sales > Customers and select the specific customer. From here, you should be able to delete the expired credit card information, and add the new details, then save them. Please note that the client may have to re-authorize automatic payments after the update.

    Alternatively, the next invoice can be sent to the customer to pay manually, and they will be able to opt in to have their card saved. The new saved card will appear under the customer profile.

  • Antenna_ManAntenna_Man Member Posts: 3

    I know how to see when a payment doesn't process due to an expired card. Why doesn't Wave send a notice/link for the customer to update their card/expiration date? It'd be so much easier than us having to contact them and get the new info.

  • LaxLax Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to setup recurring invoices/billing for customers using ACH payments, or is this limited to CC payment methods only?

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