
Upload bank and credit card statements



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    SoloPreneurSoloPreneur Member Posts: 3

    I deleted my former Q. Note to anyone else figuring out how to import statement files from their bank ... if you get taken to your transactions page on Wave after importing / attempting to and there's nothing been added there, just try a different file format - if you have that option with your bank etc.
    Eg; for me: .QBO wouldn't work, but .OFX did.

    edited December 28, 2019
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    JShayJShay Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I was able to upload a credit card statement of missing expenses in csv format, but it imported all expenses as income and vice versa! How do I change this? Is there an easy way to undo the import? Or easy way to now change all these imported transactions to expenses as they should be. The csv file I uploaded showed all the expenses as a negative (-20.83).

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    AhlersAhlers Member Posts: 1

    I experienced the same problem - I can't seem to find a way to change it through the edit function. I am now correcting everything by hand and it is taking ages!!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JShay @Ahlers

    My apologies you experienced this issue with our CSV uploader. Sometimes a CSV document needs some reworking in order for it to upload properly. Often times the simpler it is the better.

    If you haven't already checked out our Troubleshooting your CSV upload help center article I'd give this a read to ensure that you've simplified your upload to be readable by our system!

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    tsnydertsnyder Member Posts: 1

    My bank can create a qfx file with transactions from all 6 accounts. Can Wave import this file and direct the transactions to the proper accounts?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @tsnyder . Wave does support .qfx files, but you'd have to ensure that each file you're uploading represents one bank account and that it's formatted appropriately. You may find that using Wave Connect works better for you.

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    SarahcSarahc Member Posts: 9

    Wave no longer automatically uploads my bank statements as I am in South Africa.

    I receive my statements in .pdf format. I have attempted to convert these to .csv following instructions from the help centre

    I get the following error message
    Oops! Something isn't right.
    Please correct what's highlighted below.
    Statement The CSV file must contain an amount, date and description column. Learn more

    Are there any other options. If not what accounting package will be easy to switch to from Wave


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sarahc! Wave actually has a really solid Help Center Article here on how to troubleshoot that error! Give the troubleshooting steps in here a shot, they should help you out!

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    SarahcSarahc Member Posts: 9

    Hi Connor

    Thanks so much for getting back to me.

    I've actually followed all the instructions in this article and I still get the same error message :(

    Take care

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    QldpossumQldpossum Member Posts: 3

    I haven't used Wave since before Christmas, so feeling I have missed a lot of information in that time. I am not a US resident. I really like wave, it seems much easier than square, but how do I accept payments through wave and have it deposited into my account? I believe you no longer support international accounts??

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Qldpossum

    So depending on Where you're from, if you head to Sales > credi card payments > you'll be able to onboard your payments application through our third party payment processor called Stripe.

    Stripe however doesn't offer their paid services in every country :(

    You can check out check out our Pricing Page and select the flag to see which countries Stripe supports for payments!

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    Legacy_Owner1Legacy_Owner1 Member Posts: 1

    Not at all helpful... NONE of the acceptable file types are supported. I have a pdf version. I can only export using adobe to so many other file types EXCEPT the ones allowed by WAVE. I'm about to chuck my computer into oncoming traffic

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Legacy_Owner1 , try using Tabula which should make it easy for you to convert your pdf files into a .csv file.

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26

    Hi, Sorry if this has been asked already - but, when importing a statement, it appears that the mapping facility doesn't have the ability to map the credit column if there is no entry? I downloaded a small CV file covering the last three days of the month which only had expenses and could not import it as the mapping stage wouldn't accept an empty column - this seems a bit of an oversight perhaps? - thanks.

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    Misha_15Misha_15 Member Posts: 2

    When i try to import my statement, there is an unusual error 500 and redirects to sign in page. Can you please check this error as I need this to be done ASAP.

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    springdalerocksspringdalerocks Member Posts: 13

    NO matter whether I upload my transactions in bank account as credits or debits, they are showing up in green. They should be black. i have ensured that the are in currency format, and tried them as both positive and negative numbers. The result is the same. I am importing as a CSV file.

    edited May 10, 2020
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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @solosails It sounds like the formatting of the CSV file that you are uploading might be missing something. If there is no value to be uploaded, can you confirm that you are entering a double comma (ie. ,,) this should ensure that you are entering no value.

    @Misha_15 Are you able to let me know if you are using a vpn when you are trying to upload the statement into Wave? Sometimes we find that this could be a cause of a 500 error, although one other cause could be related to the CSV file being too large. 100 lines is the maximum that is recommended so try splitting it out into smaller documents and let me know if that helps.

    @springdalerocks Thanks for providing more insight to the situation that you are facing. I'm wondering if you could add a dummy line of one of the transactions that you are entering so that I can see if it behaves the same way in my test account. That would mean just sending us one transaction as it appears on your CSV file (and feel free to change the transactions description if that includes sensitive information).

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26
    Hi JordanD,

    Thanks for the reply - no, there is no formatting issue - they import just fine if there is an entry in the credit column, but try it yourself, upload a csv with no entry in the credit column and the mapping facility will not allow you to select the corresponding empty column.

    Best regrads, Andrew
    edited May 12, 2020
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @solosails to confirm, you use both credit and debit columns in your upload, and when you have nothing in the credit column you're facing issues?

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26
    Hi AlexL, thanks. Yes that is the problem, the mapping tool does not allow the selection of a column if it has no entry in it , even though it has a heading.
    edited May 15, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @solosails

    My apologies you're experiencing this issue with your uploads. Can you potentially explain (or even show us) the columns you're uploading? A visual may help a bit. I'm curious why an entry would be uploaded without a credit column? What kind of transaction was this?

    Another method I've seen from users is just a single amount column and they upload their debits and credits using a negative ( - ) value for expenses.

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26

    I'm not sure I'm able to explain it any more clearly, but here is a screen shot showing what I mean - if I try to import a csv bank statement that has no entries in the credit/deposit column, the mapping page in Wave does not allow that column to be selected. In fact the column that is required is greyed out even though there is a heading for the correct column the screen shot shows the stage I get stuck at and the greyed out desired column. I hope this helps.

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    BnOzBnOz Member Posts: 2

    Hi I'm having the same issues as @solosails. The mapping tool wont let me select the appropriate columns for the deposits the only options available are the account number or balance. Even though the credit and debit columns are there but hey are greyed out and not able to be selected. I was able to import using this method only a week or two ago and I haven't done anything different.

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26

    It seems to me the mapping code looks for a column with numbers in it to try to make a guess at the right column - but if it doesn't see any numbers, it disregards the column - having said that, I just experimented by adding a zero in the credit column and it still wouldn't work, it does work if I put a positive figure in the credit column, so it must be a check the code does to see if there are any numbers when expected. - seems easy enough to fix to me.

    edited May 22, 2020
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    rskhan7rskhan7 Member Posts: 3

    as you have stopped Paypal integration, can i simply download a YEARLY CSV report and UPLOAD or Do i have to spend long time fixing csv 1st before i could upload here please advise? thank you

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @solosails, this is definitely an odd one. Just for the sake of experimentation here, could you try adding several 0s throughout that blank column? If you do so, and then upload, does that preview/mapping selector still show it as a blank column, or do you see the 0s in there?

    @BnOz just to make sure we're all on the same page, could you also upload a screenshot of this same screen that was above your comment?

    @rskhan7 Hey there! This would depend on how many entries there are in your CSV, however I would definitely recommend uploading one month at a time instead of an entire year's CSV at once.

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    BnOzBnOz Member Posts: 2

    @ConnorM see screenshot only options to select are the account number and balance

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26

    Hi @ConnorM , yes, I can confirm that adding zeros to all blank credit column cells does work - If I remove the zeros, it no longer works.>>>

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    rskhan7rskhan7 Member Posts: 3
    > @ConnorM said:
    > Hey @solosails, this is definitely an odd one. Just for the sake of experimentation here, could you try adding several 0s throughout that blank column? If you do so, and then upload, does that preview/mapping selector still show it as a blank column, or do you see the 0s in there?
    > @BnOz just to make sure we're all on the same page, could you also upload a screenshot of this same screen that was above your comment?
    > @rskhan7 Hey there! This would depend on how many entries there are in your CSV, however I would definitely recommend uploading one month at a time instead of an entire year's CSV at once.

    PayPal: uploading monthly statements would not be helpful, as got 4 different currency would be spending all days to download and upload each and every statement, i was expecting wave to make complex simple and not the other way around, please advise if direct download from PayPal statement is fully compatible format or there is a risk of missing information? Thank you
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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BnOz and @solosails! I'm thinking that your best bet for the time being is going to be adding those 0s into the columns, so that the system can recognize these as values. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    @rskhan7 I'm sorry for the inconvenience here. You can certainly attempt to upload a full year's statement from your account so as to have it all uploaded at once!

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