
Upload bank and credit card statements



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    ZimboDaveZimboDave Member Posts: 9

    In the absence of the RBC connection I tried the .qbo file download and upload into WAVE. This recommended process is dead slow and I do not have a lot of confidence in WAVE completing the upload ..... I am seriously reconsidering WAVE.

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    MondeDSMondeDS Member Posts: 1

    @erikaspeirs said:
    For some reason two months worth of statements never automatically uploaded from my bank to my wave account, so I manually uploaded them as CSV following the instructions here. When I did so, both times all of the transactions came into wave as deposits though they were a mix of withdrawals and deposits, and even when I categorized the transactions as expenses, they still show as deposits but with a (-) negative but still in green when they should be in red. This has now made my accounts look like I have way more money than I really do...please help!

    Hello, I figured out a solution to this. The problem lies within the table format in which you and I uploaded our bank statements from- the CSV file. If you edit the table in your CSV file to read so that all the 'transactions' both 'credit' and 'debit' are in the SAME column, then you make sure you delete the spare column so that the table reads across the top in order as follows;


    Whereas before it was incorrectly uploading in this format below;

    DATE - DETAILS - DEBIT - CREDIT - BALANCE (incrorrect)

    This should now upload into Wave with Debits in BLACK and Credits in GREEN.

    Hope this helps :)

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MondeDS

    Thanks so much for offering up a solution to a potential issue some of our business owners are facing. We love to see this kind of contribution. I've granted you a Wave Pro badge for your work here :smiley:

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    eagle_one34eagle_one34 Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone,

    Do you know why the National Bank "Business" connection doesn't exist? I see the National Bank personal bank connection available. Can wave support this?

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    RobLouwRobLouw Member Posts: 1

    I upload OFX statements but duplicates are not detected, meaning I have to manually go through old transactions. Is there a workaround?

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    ReneezaReneeza Member Posts: 1

    Problem Uploading OFX bank statements: hello please can you assist me with this. I used this function very successfully up until September with no problems. Since then I have been trying to upload new bank statements and all goes well with the message: "Your transactions are being imported from your bank statement. Please check back in a few minutes."
    No new transactions are added and I have tried multiple times with no success. I see there are others who also experienced this - what can be done to solve this?
    Thank you, regards Renee

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    MordelMelts03MordelMelts03 Member Posts: 1

    Wave user, I didn't receive my bank transactions download since Nov. 20?

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @eagle_one34 !

    If you are unable to find a Nation Bank "Business" connection, then I'm afraid our third party data aggregator does no support this it. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. They are constantly working to improve this functionality, so it is certainly worth checking back from time to time to try connecting again in the future. I'd also recommend when searching for your bank in the search bar, selecting "can't find your bank?". This will request some further information and notify you if and when your bank updates its API and allows a connection with Wave apps. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Hey @RobLouw !

    When importing any data that already exists in Wave, our system will not recognize the redundancy. As a result, when uploading your OFX file, be sure to only import data that doesn't already exist in your account. If you currently have duplicates in your account, feel free to check out our Help Center article on how to resolve this: How to resolve duplicate transactions

    Hey there @Reneeza !

    I'm sorry to hear that. A lot of the time, this can be fixed by tweaking some things in your internet browser. Wave supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. We'd also recommend that you try using Wave with browser extensions disabled. If you have Chrome, try opening up an incognito window, logging into your Wave account, and try again (or if you have Firefox, open a private browsing window).

    If that doesn't work, you may also need to clear your cache and cookies. You can read more about the browsers we support, and how to troubleshoot issues for your individual browser HERE.

    Hi @MordelMelts03 !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your bank connection. If you haven't already, I suggest trying these troubleshooting steps. If the issue persists, please feel free to send us an e-mail at anytime so one of our support agents can investigate your particular case.

    edited December 8, 2020
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    JSeifferJSeiffer Member Posts: 1

    How do I so this for a credit card statement? My card won't link to wave. When I upload the CSV file I can't assign transactions to any expense accounts.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    HI @JSeiffer , the expense categorizations have to be done after the transactions have been imported into the system.

    If you're having further issues with .csv, try using our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect which verifies the data before importing.

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    LauraHMLauraHM Member Posts: 4

    How can I undo the upload of bank statement? I have uploaded the wrong year and it has messed up all of my accounting for 2020!!!! my numbers changed and now everything is a mess!!! please don't tell me I have to go in a delete one by one!!! Thanks for your help

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    KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @LauraHM , when it comes to uploaded transactions, I'm afraid there is no way to undo the upload all at once. If you've uploaded the wrong transactions to your account, you will need to delete them all through your Accounting > Transactions page. That being said, Wave does have bulk edit options which allow you to delete many transactions in bulk. For more information on that, check out this Help Centre article!

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    WPPretoriusWPPretorius Member Posts: 1

    Good day
    Ive downloaded my bank statement in .OFX when i want to upload it and click on choose it doesn't want to do anything. can you please assist

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @WPPretorius,

    Could you please try out some browser troubleshooting to resolve this? Firstly, ensure you're using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

    Then, try uploading this statement in Wave with your browser extensions disabled. If this doesn't work, please clear your cache and cookies, and try again.

    If you're still having trouble after this please let us know!

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    helliefant_123helliefant_123 Member Posts: 1

    My credit card statemnet is showing my purchases as income!

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    TehKTehK Member Posts: 3

    Unable to alter the imports from income to expense, it thinks my credit card statement is income :(

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @helliefant_123, it looks like our Customer Support team has assisted you via email with this issue. Feel free to thread below if you're still having issues!

    Hey @TehK To clarify here, since your Credit Card is added as a liability account, received payments i.e. transactions "paying off" your credit card are debits (income). In comparison, expenses/purchases are credits (withdrawals).

    Is this how the transactions are appearing in your account? If so, this Help Centre article can provide some more context here. If not, could you please thread a screenshot of what you are seeing below?

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    TehKTehK Member Posts: 3

    @KiahD said:

    Hey @TehK To clarify here, since your Credit Card is added as a liability account, received payments i.e. transactions "paying off" your credit card are debits (income). In comparison, expenses/purchases are credits (withdrawals).

    Is this how the transactions are appearing in your account? If so, this Help Centre article can provide some more context here. If not, could you please thread a screenshot of what you are seeing below?

    The csv file generated by the credit card has all the expense transactions listed as negative values, which uploads them as deposits instead of withdrawls. The refunds are positive values, so they are imported as credits instead of debits. So every transaction is backwards and i have to manually change them all after the fact. so time consuming.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TehK

    Do you mind sending me a screenshot as an example? Please provide an example from your credit card statement and how it populates in Wave on your Transactions page. Also, please remove any sensitive data from your screenshots as well. This will give me a better idea of the issue at hand and will allow me to investigate further.

    edited June 25, 2021
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    TehKTehK Member Posts: 3

    @JulianP said:
    Hey @TehK

    Do you mind sending me a screenshot as an example? Please provide an example from your credit card statement and how it populates in Wave on your Transactions page. Also, please remove any sensitive data from your screenshots as well. This will give me a better idea of the issue at hand and will allow me to investigate further.

    Thanks for your help.

    CSV is the only form i can use, id on't have microsoft money or anything. and my credit card can't be auto imported, it's not a supported bank/card at this time. so i upload manuallly

    Browser: google chrome Version 91.0.4472.114
    OS: windows 10 home

    So it thinks these are income and imports them that way. I can manually work around this by making a second column and multiplying by -1 to generate the right number to have it as an expense, but this seems silly. Maybe i'm doing something wrong or my creditcard/bank is just... dumb? Idk. Any help appreciated.

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    NC_Dave1NC_Dave1 Member Posts: 2

    I'm using the Quicken file format from my Wells Fargo bank account. I also tried the QuickBooks format. Both times I got an upload error saying Wave is having difficulty reading the dates.

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    Franny_MBFranny_MB Member Posts: 1

    I am trying to upload a .CSV file and I keep getting an error message that the site is undergoing maintenance, which is inaccurate as other site abilities and functional and the status page shows everything as operational.

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