
How to show a discount on an invoice



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    MustafaMustafa Member Posts: 4

    Kindly add a percentage tab in invoices it will much easier for everyone. Thanks!

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    JR101_JR101_ Member Posts: 1

    Can I create an invoice after the client has already paid and show that it was paid already?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @JR101_ .. yep! In this situation, all you would need to do is create an invoice for the date that you were actually paid, and then if you have the transaction already imported on the transactions page, you can simply associate that transaction with the invoice itself by categorizing it as 'received payment for invoice' and choose the invoice number that it's meant for.

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    TinzTinz Member Posts: 0

    While the account head can be generated and used in the accounting transactions section, presently the invoice does not have the same head option. Since the discount is levied based on products, it would be really helpful if they are integrated, otherwise, it is leading top transactional errors.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Tinz . We're definitely looking to implement discounts in Invoices in the future. No concrete timeline, but the hope is that it will be coming later on in the year. Stay tuned!

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    BethanyBethany Member Posts: 0

    Hi, I am just in the process of going to send out my first invoice and within my business I offer discounts from time to time, but I didn't realise you can't add discounts to an invoice. So I now don't know how to change the total price on my invoice so that it's the discounted price.
    Is there anything I can do or is this not really a feature on Wave and I need to start looking at other sites that have this option available?

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    DedricDedric Member Posts: 52 ✭✭

    @Ryan_W said:
    @webcastlenz thanks for the feedback; I can't say if this'll change or not, purely because it's baked into the accounting and invoicing nomenclature for representing negative amounts, although all feedback is welcome!

    the nomenclature used specifically in the accounting world is probably great and well adapted in that context. (I can only assume, as I'm no accounting pro!)

    But Wave is not just a pure accounting system. In fact, it is more like an interface between the accounting world and the "real" world (no offense intended!!).
    And in particular with the invoice feature, which often are sent to individual customers, or small businesses (ie, non accounting specialists).

    So the parenthesis might be appropriate "internally", but "externally", everybody is expecting a "-" (minus sign) to represent a negative number.....

    edited September 14, 2020
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    webcastlenzwebcastlenz Member Posts: 5

    @Dedric said:

    the nomenclature used specifically in the accounting world is probably great and well adapted in that context. (I can only assume, as I'm no accounting pro!)

    But Wave is not just a pure accounting system. In fact, it is more like an interface between the accounting world and the "real" world (no offense intended!!).
    And in particular with the invoice feature, which often are sent individual customers, or small businesses (ie, non accounting specialists).

    So the parenthesis might be appropriate "internally", but "externally", everybody is expecting a "-" (minus sign) to represent a negative number.....

    I agree!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Bethany. What you can do is add a discount as a line item on an invoice (using the minus symbol infront of the dollar amount). One thing to also mention is that a more robust discount feature is coming in the near future, so stay tuned!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Dedric I can definitely appreciate and understand what you're saying here, so thanks for giving us some valuable input. One thing that I would like to highlight is that a primary focus of our Sales Service team at the moment is to add Discounts as a feature in the near future. We still don't have an exact ETA on this, but we're hoping that it gets launched before the 2019 calendar year is over (their focus is on Customer Statements & Discounts currently). There will be a community article with the release information once it happens.

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    Cavedwella_PTCavedwella_PT Member Posts: 1

    Hi this is great but I think i am echoing some of the earlier comments where i would really like to see an option to add a % discount rather than an actual amount.

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    igorkigork Member Posts: 1

    @JamieD After compiling an invoice, I added a New Item for a discount, this caused the system to throw the "Oops!..." error and won't let me save. Can you please review the bugs, because as it stand right now, I cannot apply a discount whatsoever.

    edited September 20, 2019
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @igork . Please ensure you're on Chrome when accessing the invoice and if that doesn't work, try accessing through incognito mode.

    If neither of these methods work for you, can send me a screenshot of your invoice along with the error message? If it has personal information you can send it to me through a DM.

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    HorizonHorizon Member Posts: 4


    I have different receipts (ex: $100 + $200 + $300) downloaded and which appear in my transactions. But I paid these only once for the total of it (ex $600), it's the amount which appear in my transactions from my bank import.
    I split the transaction of $600 in 3 amounts (100 + 200 + 300) but I can not merge the 3 receipts + my total (because in my transactions I have $100 / $200 / $300 / $600, so they don't match). It means that I have $1200 of expenses instead of $600.

    How can I deal with that?


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    DunxDunx Member Posts: 7

    I have this exact problem as well.

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    DPena12DPena12 Member Posts: 3

    I am having the same issue. I would like to have the discount feature below the subtotal line. That way my client can see the total of the invoice before my discount. Right now I am having to put the total in my description so they are aware of the total before the discount. It would also help to have this discount feature in another color. In my experience in customer service, people need the extra pointers at what discounts are being applied.

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    theactorsroomtheactorsroom Member Posts: 7

    Yes, we echo the below sentiments that an automatically calculated % discount would be an extremely efficient hassle-saver!

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Horizon @Dunx Are you able to explain the scenario in which you would have made one payment but received multiple receipts. To me it sounds like this may be an example of you paying multiple bills to the vendor in one lump sum, but want to make sure I have a full understanding before suggesting a workflow.

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    DunxDunx Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for looking at this @JordanD.

    In my case I had several expenses which were for by one person. I loaded the receipts into Wave and then reimbursed the total amount back to the person from the bank account.

    There is no Vendor so to speak as the expenses are taxi and similar type expenses which were paid for by the individual. Not from petty cash but from their own pocket.

    If I process each a expense individually the receipt can be linked to the bank account and the transaction from the bank is the same value and they merge.

    I'm not sure how to process these without having to reimburse each expense individually
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    HorizonHorizon Member Posts: 4
    Hi Jordan,

    Yes your example is exactly what happened.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Dunx @Horizon

    Thanks so much for the additional context on how and why this feature would be necessary for your business. Providing as much context to these kinds of posts is highly appreciated and gives our team more understanding as to how our users operate in Wave.

    Have a great rest of your day!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DPena12

    Thanks for reaching out to the community. As our team currently revamps the invoicing system on the back-end we are looking into ways of how to best suit our customers needs. I've merged your post into this help center discussion that has a lot of other users input as well as advice on how they offer discounts on their invoices.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @Dunx @Horizon

    So @JordanD @AlexL and myself discussed this and believe you may find some wisdom with this article on How to account for reimbursements. The key thing to do is to create a liability account and categorize all of these transactions into that liability account. This will credit your liability (↑) with all of your employees receipt expenses, and then debit that liability (↓) account when you've paid back the expenses.

    These two sets of transactions (the initial receipt expenses, and the payback of those expenses to your employees) are meant to be separate transactions, and not merged, but instead increased and decreased using the liability account. They are two separate incidences which took place in separate accounts. So this should be documented. Merging in Wave consolidates a transaction into one numerical value, not maintaining the integrity of those original transactions.

    Hopefully this makes a bit of sense, but check out the article I linked above and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else.

    edited October 9, 2019
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    DunxDunx Member Posts: 7

    awesome thanx @BarsinA and team.

    I had a quick read of the article and looks simple to do.

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    ThurstonPrintThurstonPrint Member Posts: 4

    How do I show a discount on a client estimate, so they know they are gettign a deal on their purchase?
    Do I simply put in the discounted net price per item or extended price as per total?
    It is clear as mud as how to do any of this with this example of only one item.
    I have a client who is buying 6 items at discount and I want the estimate to accurately show that .
    6 x $30 = $180, Discount per item is $5 x 6 = $30, $180-$30= $150 + 7.75 Tax = 11.63 Total $161.63
    I wish you had more extensive examples rather than simplistic ones that sho wno real world complexities.

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    DunxDunx Member Posts: 7

    Have completed the setup as per the article. Initially I was confused as there was still the issue of inability to merge the actual bank transaction with the manual transfer - which cant be done.

    So it would be good to update the article to remove this step if you are syncing bank data, and simply update the entry as a transfer to the "expense liability " set up in step 1.

    All sorted now thanks!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ThurstonPrint . You'd show a discount in the same manner in your estimate, the only difference would be that you change the quantity to 6. This would change the total, and although it doesn't actually break out each -30 charge visually, it will still show the product discount price (-30) at a quantity of 6, thus giving you the total of -180.

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    OkyerebeaOkyerebea Member Posts: 2

    Hi. It would be great if the system can be changed to allow for a discount applied to the total invoice rather than needing to discount each individual item on the invoice. I am an attorney and I bill my clients for time spent rather than products. If I offer a discount it is rarely ever for a specific piece of time recorded on the invoice - it's an overall discount. The inability to discount the whole invoice means I now have to randomly allocate discounts to specific pieces of work. I want to be able to record all the actual time spent so that clients can see the value of the work that has been done and appreciate the extent of the discount without having to discount random pieces of work in order to discount the overall invoice.

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