
How to show a discount on an invoice



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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Yes, I agree. One of my clients has a second hand goods shop, and they use Discounts extensively. Mostly on volume of sales. They would like to both be able to pre-set discounts and also to choose to add discounts on the fly. They created a new bank account called Discounts and process receipts to it, but that is really not the ideal bookkeeping entry.

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    EdenWellness_IsraelEdenWellness_Israel Member Posts: 1

    the concept is simple and understandable but not practical. just like the little "add tax" button we need a discount button that allows for at least two options
    1) can choose a percentage off and why or what its for
    2) choose amount off and why or what its for
    This is the only professional way to do this actually... to add this as an "add an item" is ridiculous and a waste of time and effort. Only our sales items should have to be in that category.

    Thank you for your consideration and help

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    MullinsReels2020MullinsReels2020 Member Posts: 0

    Hi All,

    Can anyone tell me how i can add a % discount to a Quote/Invoice for a package deal?

    Thank You

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MullinsReels2020 , I've merged your post into this one so you can have more context and see the options available to you for what you're looking to accomplish.

    edited January 7, 2020
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    ICOSICOS Member Posts: 3

    I’m happy with entering a discount as a separate “product” with a negative price, editing the amount as needed on each invoice. I can do that on the web. I also have the Invoice app on my iPhone; editing the price there brings up the numerical keyboard which has no minus key… FAIL ;-(

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    ICOSICOS Member Posts: 3

    Ok, I got it. I defined the Discount “product” with a default price of -1.00. Then I can edit that in the app, being careful not to delete the minus sign. ;-)

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    faisalabdullaumerfaisalabdullaumer Member Posts: 1

    WaveApp is an excellent product for Providing Quotation(Estimate), Invoicing,etc . It will surpass most online applications if A discount can be shown after the sub-total and total after that. currently we are adding the Discount as a product and the total amount before discount is not shown.

    A format of the same is below

    Subtotal 1000.00
    Discount 200.00
    Total 800.00

    Most customers would like to see the Total Value and the Discount They Received along with the Net Total.

    Hope to see Waveapp with this feature in future.

    Ps: I am aware of the various comments and request for this feature in waveapp.

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    atanneratanner Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to have the program calculate the percentage discount for me?

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    HumphriesHumphries Member Posts: 1

    Hi is there a possibility for the app to add the discount after from the TOTAL and not from the particular Item... and also the app it self to calculate the discount

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone! Thanks for sharing your feedback here. Currently, Wave does not have the ability to calculate the percentage automatically, but it is a popular request! Our team often visits this space when planning changes or features so this is great information to have. I can also see that having the discount reflect in the invoice where the totals are would be more helpful! Thanks again :)

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    ShaneSoloShaneSolo Member Posts: 6

    My customers consider the discount amount a key feature. And it is a great way to earn love and loyalty from longtime customers too.

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    Julielaw79Julielaw79 Member Posts: 1
    I am using wave app on my iPhone and can’t add the negative number. Can this only be done on a computer??
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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Julielaw79 Good q! You can add discount items onto invoices through our app. When creating a new item, beside the keypad is a .- symbol. If you hit it once it will be used to denote the cents in a product but if you hit it again, it will become a negative sign. Try that and send a screenshot if you still have issues with this (remember to remove any information you may not want us to see!)

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    JohnpJohnp Member Posts: 3

    The 20% discount example above could also be applied for a withholding tax deduction which is the opposite to a sales tax addition, but because Wave only allows a positive % value in the "select a tax" drop down, a line deduction of a negative amount is the easiest way to do it. Hopefully this will help others trying to perform "withholding tax deductions" on invoices.

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    solosailssolosails Member Posts: 26

    Yep, definite need for a % discount option in invoices as well as quotes. - thanks

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    CliveRobertsCliveRoberts Member Posts: 2

    It would be good to be able to give a discount based on a total invoice containing several items

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    BbdecorBbdecor Member Posts: 1
    The option to add discount and deposit by using negative number with the price on the App is not available.
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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Bbdecor , thanks for reaching out. To clarify, you mean that in the web app (rather than the mobile app), you're not able to type a "-" symbol in front of the number in order to make it a negative/discount? If so, it may be best to submit a Support ticket, where our Support team can investigate your unique account more closely. If you submit a ticket, would you be able to walk them through the steps you've taken so far, and at which point you encounter an error? Would you be able to send a screenshot of what you're seeing there? The entire screen would be best!

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    rameshramesh Member Posts: 0

    Yeah, I agree. One of my clients has a second hand products store, and they use Discounts extensively. Mostly on amount of sales. They would like to both be able to pre-set discounts and also to choose to add discounts on the fly. They built a new bank account called Discounts and transfer receipts to it, but this is just not the perfect bookkeeping entry.


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    subirsubir Member Posts: 1

    When the beneficiary pays me the commission or minimum guarantee on sale they normally deduct the TDS (Tax Deducted At Source) from my invoice value which is refunded by the IT Dept on the next financial year. Now when I show my received value in the statement, the deducted components show as outstanding and receivable. Now how can I write off this TDS amount and not to show as receivable ?

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    K_WilliamsK_Williams Member Posts: 1

    Let's say you have a subscription program and your clients earn hours for their subscription. Once their earned hours total to a service level dollar amount, they can apply them to a service. How do you send a "zero" invoice showing that they are using their banked hours but will not be charged for the service?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @subir

    I think you might find this article on How to write off an invoice as useful. This article mentions writing it off to an account called "bad debt" but in your case you can call it TDS or whatever you like!

    Hi @K_Williams

    The only thing I can think of here is if you were to create a line item for the services, then create another with a negative value ( - ) negating the amount in your first line item. Otherwise Wave doesn't have the ability to add a quantity of hours and use this as a discount unfortunately.

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    CharmaineKohCharmaineKoh Member Posts: 1

    After so many requests and like taking more than a year, still we can't see a basic function of discount available in the invoice system. It actually really makes me have to reconsider to other accounting software options. May we really know what is the concern of not adding this basic function?

    edited October 21, 2020
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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @CharmaineKoh ! Do you mind sharing a use-case example of how you would want to use the discount functionality in Wave? At this time, the only way to apply a discount to an invoice is with the negative item line method outlined in this Help Center article. To be completely transparent with you, there are no plans on building out our discount functionalities on our current product roadmap. Please note that this does not mean we are dismissing any feedback as we may revisit this functionality in the future.

    edited October 30, 2020
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    JennWardJennWard Member Posts: 1

    It's disappointing that I can't have a discount on a particular line item. For example: if I have four line items, but only wish to discount one of them, I currently have to add a fifth line item, instead of having a drop down on the line item I wish to discount, selecting the discount amount or percentage I want to apply to just that line item, and having a subtotal for that line off to the far right. The current way makes for a longer invoice, instead of a more streamlined invoice.

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    astronetsterastronetster Member Posts: 1

    This is disappointing feature. Normally, my invoices have at least 20 items and i just have to add 10% discount on the sub-total. If thats the case, my invoice will have 40 lines instead of 20. Also, sometimes I have 2 discounts instead of just 1, that will make even longer unnecessary lines. Please just make discount on the subtotal with just percentage or fixed amount. Dont make things more complicated.

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    Eddie_QEddie_Q Member Posts: 2

    @Neilr2 said:
    This is not a very good solution. This means that you will have a product item for every conceivable discount amount. That is a lot of clutter in your product list, not to mention having to search thru all of the discounts to find the right one so you don't make a duplicate. It also clutters it up when trying to add the regular line items because of all of the"discount" products.

    There is no need to have multiple DISCOUNT item in product line. Here is how we do it:
    We added 1 DISCOUNT item like this:

    Item: Discount
    Description: % of discount (here you just modify the % everytime you use it or need it)

    When we use it we just add it to the invoice and manually add the % to be used and insert the negative amount (as a discount) to the invoice.

    That simple.

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    MikeRothfussMikeRothfuss Member Posts: 1

    At present we can create a product that is a discount now as a flat rate by adding an amount that is negative and description as whatever discount. Would it not be conceivable to give us the ability ability to add a product as a discount that is entered as a percentage (say .20) of the total subtracted from the total? Or have a check box that flags an item as a discount and an option to use a flat rate or percentage. Have the discount either apply to the item it is below or to the subtotal. This is common business practice. People want to be able to display to the customer the discount their receiving on their invoice and they don't want to have to calculate it manually every time, which is the height of inefficiency.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey folks, we appreciate you reaching out about this and we hear you loud and clear. A more streamline method of discounting is on our list of changes we wish to make in the future. Although we don't have an ETA, we appreciate you using the workaround in the meantime.

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    ZimboDaveZimboDave Member Posts: 9

    I am finding WAVE tooooo basic.

    I want to create a Sales Invoice that has a gross sales amount and deduct a Partner Fee (similar to a discount) on the invoice, BUT I want to allocate that Partner Fee (taxable) as an Expense. That is I do not want to have it allocated as a debit to the sales account. The customer would pay the net amount to settle the invoice.

    Not being able to do that in Wave, I figured an acceptable workaround "would be" to create a Sales Invoice for gross amount and a Bill for the Partner Fee (plus the sales tax). Good so far? And then, when I allocate the payment from the customer, split the amount:
    1. settle the Sales invoice for the "gross" amount
    2. settle the Bill for the fee+tax

    BUT, no. Wave does not allow for the allocation of a deposit to settle a Sales Invoice and a negative amount to settle the Bill.

    Wave needs to fix these types of shortcomings.

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