What to do if Wave can't read your statement in CSV format



  • Abe100Abe100 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Wave Team,

    I'm trying to upload a CVS file of a bank statement but Wave can't read the dates for some reason. I have change the formatting to the ones you have in this article but nothing is working.

    I'm not sure where to go from here do you have any options for me?

  • GigabeardGigabeard Member Posts: 2

    Well, I've just wasted a couple of hours trying to get csv files for bank transactions to upload and even trying to get Wave Connect to work for Google sheets, neither has worked. I've tried all the different formats, the Wave csv template file, etc. still getting this error: "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type." Uploading a bank statement has worked fine in the past without issue.

    When trying to get Wave Connect to authenticate I get this error from Google: "This action is not supported while logged into multiple accounts in the same domain or multiple consumer accounts. Please log out and try again." I realize this may not be all Wave's fault, but it's not good user experience for me to have to log out of all my other Gmail accounts just to do this. Please advise. Thanks

    edited July 21, 2019
  • GigabeardGigabeard Member Posts: 2


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Abe100. Have you tried using Wave Connect to import your transactions into Wave? I feel as though this might be a viable option for you in this particular situation: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on- - If you are still having difficulty adding the transactions into Wave, please let me know so we can investigate further.

    @Gigabeard I'm going to create a support email for your specific case (I will be reaching out to the email that's on your profile) since I feel as though we might need to do a bit of testing to find out exactly what's going on here.

  • b_webber624b_webber624 Member Posts: 1

    Have spent a couple of hours trying to down load one month transactions from Santander in csv format. Problem with date format. Then tried excel file converted to csv, but only half a dozen transactions show on wave out of 58. Why? Please help

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @b_webber624. Our uploader can be finicky and fairly particular at times, which is why we embedded with Google to create Wave Connect. I feel as though this help centre article should provide more insight on how to accomplish this in Wave (and should allow for seamless importing for your transactions): https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

  • Abe100Abe100 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Wave Team, Thanks for the tip with Wave Connect I have now gotten it to work. But some feedback as I think there is a bit of a bug in Wave Connect.

    When I would upload the information every data would change and go back one day. Eg. 12/12/18 would become 11/12/18.

    Just wanted to let you know.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Abe100. Appreciate you pointing out the date changes here! I've touched on this a little bit in this help centre comment section: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on- -- if you take a look through there, you will find the resolution and hopefully it works the same for you as well.

  • FSQ_Excellence001FSQ_Excellence001 Member Posts: 1

    I am getting the error message that the CSV file must contain an amount, date and description column. I have used the template from this website and still get the error.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @FSQ_Excellence001 It looks like Nicolette, one of our super Support Specialists, got back to your support ticket on this. Like she said, it may be the number of transactions that are causing the issue- no more than 100 transactions will upload at once!

  • tescobar12tescobar12 Member Posts: 1

    Hello. I sent a direct message to ChelseaK, but I am not sure if it worked, so I figured I would post here too. I am getting the same error I see other people mentioning, "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type.", but I know the file type is right and I even went as far as using your template and just adding two basic transactions, but I still get the same error. I went through all of the tips on what to do before I started using your template, but it didn't work. I also tried just starting with a blank Excel sheet, adding two basic transactions and column headers, but that didn't work either. Your help will be really appreciated.
    Thank you,

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @tescobar12. In your particular situation, I do think it would be best if you filed a support ticket through this channel here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/requests/new -- this way we can efficiently engage the proper team members to find out what's going on with your particular upload, and escalate where necessary.

  • JeffreySJeffreyS Member Posts: 1

    When I uploaded a .cvs file of transactions, all amounts appeared in Wave as deposits, even those in the Expenses column. Whether in one or 2 columns, how does Wave distinguish between deposits and withdrawals? Is a minus sign (-) needed to indicates a withdrawal?
    Thanks, Jeffrey

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JeffreyS . Yep, that's correct, a minus sign would equate a withdrawal! Try it with a single transaction in your .csv file to see how it works!

  • semiconductedsemiconducted Member Posts: 2

    Using a 3-column csv with dates of the format "YYYYDDMM" results in "Wave is having difficulty reading the dates of your transactions". Sigh...

    What should I try next to troubleshoot?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    HI @semiconducted . Please ensure your .csv file is less than 100 lines and that there's no additional information other than the three columns in each row.

    If this doesn't work for you, try using our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect which should make it easier for you to get your transactions into Wave.

  • semiconductedsemiconducted Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL said:
    HI @semiconducted . Please ensure your .csv file is less than 100 lines and that there's no additional information other than the three columns in each row.

    For others out there, I was able to solve it by:
    1. thoroughly inspecting for extra information such as header rows
    2. find and replacing any extra non-alphanumeric characters (exports from MacOS Numbers.app put in extra quotes around dollar amounts)
    3. breaking up my exported CSV file into small chunks for easier parsing
    4. thoroughly inspecting each line by hand for extra commas or other out of place characters

    The developers at Wave should be REGEXing the imports to better handle these imports AND the documentation should be clear about what is and is not allowed.

    End users should not have to trial and error to discover that amount dollar signs break wave's code!

  • jwsjws Member Posts: 1

    After some experimentation, I found that Wave cannot handle CSV uploads with more than 12 rows (not 100 as stated elsewhere). It misleadingly generates the "Wave is having difficulty reading the dates of your transactions" error message when that limit is exceeded.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jws

    I apologize that this may be the issue for your account. I will however mention that this isn't universal. We know that other users have been able to upload transactions over twelve depending on their CSV formatting. The issue with CSV uploading is that each bank gives a very uniquely formatted document, and that's why we have this article to try and make sure that the formatting is something a bit more uniform.

  • daphnetddaphnetd Member Posts: 2

    Hi Wave team! I'm having trouble with the new version of Wave. The old version enabled me to choose the currency for my transactions (which is Singapore Dollar SGD) and automatically exchange the amount to USD (which is my business currency) following rates on xe.com. The new version, however, doesn't seem to automatically exchange the currency.

    Firstly, I upload the transaction using the "upload bank statement" with my SGD accounts and Wave has difficulty reading the SGD symbol, and once I eliminate the currency out, Wave assumes that I upload the transactions of USD and record the SGD number in USD without exchanging, plus there's no option from to clarify the currency from that uploading function.

    Secondly, I try to manually upload the expense by "Add expense" under the accounting > transaction but there's no way for me to choose the currency. I have to manually exchange the currency from SGD to USD since the new version doesn't seem to support that.

    Please help me out, this is painful. Thank you very much

  • SkafteSkafte Member Posts: 34

    Repost from the Community forum (https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/6744/):

    Would you please consider supporting the ISO 8601 standard? -for example:


    I use Monzo bank for my business and that's the date format that is included when you export a CSV file from there.

    I've also suggested that Monzo change the date format, but I've come to realize that it's probably unlikely that they'll make this change as a lot of current users have already built there solutions around the current format of the CSV file.

    Please see these threads for more details:



    I hope to see this improvement and many thanks!

  • Niklas_0709Niklas_0709 Member Posts: 1

    Hi i have been unsing the Tamplate from this website to create a csv file to upload a list of transactions. It is less than 100 hundered rows and 3 coloumns and i have also tried different version with just 3 rows. no matter what i try I get the message: The CSV file must contain an amount, date and description column" What should i do?

    edited December 31, 2019
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Daphne . The way that the system works now is that a transaction appears in the currency of the account that it's listed in. For example, if you import a bunch of transactions into Wave into an account that's listed in the SGD currency, they will appear as SGD. If your account is in USD instead, they will appear in USD. For this reason, there's no need to specify currency when importing or adding a transaction, as it automates to the currency of the account.

    @Skafte Looks like your thread was responded to in the original post.

    @Niklas_0709 Try using Wave Connect to get your transactions into Wave, I usually find that this method works more effectively than .csv uploads.

  • daphnetddaphnetd Member Posts: 2

    Hi @AlexL thanks very much for writing back but it did not answer my question. There is no automatic exchange as you said because there is no way for the system to understand what currency I am uploading.

    Let me clarify my situation. My company has 2 currency systems, USD and SGD. My SGD account on Wave applies the USD currency, which means although it is an SGD account, the numbers are in USD. The old Wave system used to automatically exchange the SGD transactions I uploaded to Wave into USD to fit with the system's currency.

    However, for the new wave version, when I upload my SGD bank statement (transactions in SGD) to the SGD account on Wave, the problems are:
    1. Wave can't read the SGD symbol
    2. If I eliminate the symbols, Wave doesn't understand what currency it is and the system will keep the exact numbers from the statement (which are in SGD). There is no automatic exchange from SGD to USD since there is no way for Wave to understand that the transactions are in SGD

    My question are:
    1. Is there any way for Wave to read the Singapore Dollar currency?
    2. Or is there a way for me to confirm with the system what currency I'm uploading?

    I'm open for any advice that can help me go through these problems

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @daphnetd

    To clarify a bit further what @AlexL Was saying, our new system does not allow you to change the transaction's currency from the transactions page. This is meant to emulate a real-life example of how your accounts operate. In your bank you cannot change currencies. You can only have different accounts in different currencies, and if money gets moved between the two, they are converted. In my example below I have created an SGD checking account and recorded a 100SGD transaction here:

    If you look into my reports page, you'd see that it was converted into 72.02CAD (as I am Canadian).

    So if you wanted to upload SGD transactions from an SGD account, you would need to download the CSV document from your bank and select the account to be SGD upload uploading.

    Otherwise you cannot upload your USD transactions and change only a select few to be a different account. This is where our reconciliation tool will help you reconcile all of your accounts.

    Let me know if you need further clarification on this.

  • hachehachehachehache Member Posts: 1

    Because Wave doesn't have automatic bank connection in the UK, nor an app to classify expenses on the go, I use an external app that automatically loads and helps classify my expenses. Now that I have this, I'm trying to import the csv file into Wave but it won't let me import more than date, amount and description... I want to include a fourth column of data that's including the TYPE of expense that I spent hours classifying. Isn't there a way to do this?

  • Andrew25Andrew25 Member Posts: 6

    I found that if I try and upload some bank generated CSV files then Wave will not recognize them. Also if I use Mac Numbers program to edit the files they are still not recognized when exported to CSV format. What worked for me was to read the CSV file into Excel and then export back to CSV. For some reason Excel cleansed the characters that were preventing good read of the file into Wave and saved me the trouble of reading the CSV files in a text editor and removing them all manually.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @hachehache! Are you referring to the ability to have a 'Category' column in a CSV? Unfortunately, that would not be possible, as it would not be readable by our statement uploader tool. Categories when uploading statements manually are going to need to be added manually to the transactions as well. The first section in this Help Center article will help you to bulk categorize similar transactions, though!

  • SNLSNL Member Posts: 4

    It would be great if we could specify a column for withdrawls to an account as well as deposits. It would also be good to have a check box which would invert the sign in these files... since my financial institutions do it differently. Save us from a lot of preping the file.

  • ArizonaAdminArizonaAdmin Member Posts: 2

    Anyone wanna fix my excel sheet I got cash lol.

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