What to do if Wave can't read your statement in CSV format



  • HywelThomasHywelThomas Member Posts: 1

    The date format in the above instructions and the template are different. So far, been trying to import for an hour...



  • rizo13rizo13 Member Posts: 3

    Wasting hours on trying to import CSV files. Retyping would be faster. Seems like there is a bug for sure as I tried all the recommendations. Wave Team please correct or I need to find a new provider.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @HywelThomas @IBTEHAJ_AHMED @rizo13 , the date format is often the issue although sometimes having the rest of the .csv file formatted wrong can cause issues as well.

    If the .csv statement upload just isn't working for you, I'd recommend trying to use Wave Connect as it will even verify your transactions before uploading them.

  • rhinorhino Member Posts: 1

    I have linked my credit card but there are no transactions being shown. it says it was successfully connected with my credit card bank and but all the transactions made on previous months are not being shown. Do i need to wait some time for the transactions to appear?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @rhino !

    As soon as your bank shares your data with out third party data aggregator, Plaid, it will be imported immediately. Your transactions are typically imported every 24 hours. However, this timeline can vary from bank-to-bank. With that being said, if you are still having issues with your bank connection, feel free to submit a ticket request to our Support team so one of our agents can take a look at your specific bank connection(s).

    edited December 31, 2020
  • ViktorKViktorK Member Posts: 1

    Unbelievable. finally after 4 hours play with data format save to CVS, make some pushups, squads I uploaded Q3 and Q4. Last time I uploaded in the end of June and it was different. As usual WAVE improvement is terrible. If someone ask me how to upload, I have no idea, I divided upload by month and every month have problem with date. I have no clue about pattern of error. For example 2020-07-27 if you will convert to 7-27-20 it isn't work because month must be 07, at the same time EXCEL isn't show 0 in a table. Very disappointed it was crazy.

  • daybelldaybell Member Posts: 3

    Getting a message saying site is under construction when I try to upload bank statement. When I check status it says that all systems are working.

  • daybelldaybell Member Posts: 3

    Tried to switch to ZOHO but cant get that done either.

  • Global_MichelleGlobal_Michelle Member Posts: 1

    Also, you can't have a debit and credit in the same row. Took me a while to work that out, but the Template you provided which goes RED when something is wrong really helped my trouble shooting...thank you :)

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @daybell !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues when trying to upload a bank statement. If you are getting a "page is under construction" message, I suggest trying some browser troubleshooting steps. I liked them for you here: What browsers does Wave support?

    To get set up with Zoho from Wave, you'll need to export your Wave data using our official Google Sheets add-on, Wave Connect or by using Wave's data export tool available under Settings>Data Export.

    From there, you can follow along using this guide that Zoho has created just for Wave users who are ready to set up their Zoho account. If you need help along the way with your new Zoho account, the Zoho team is ready to help and you can reach them at support-wave@zohobooks.com.

  • GanggngGanggng Member Posts: 2
    I need help ASAP
  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @Ganggng,

    It looks like our Customer Support Team has already been able to assist you with your issue via email. That said, if you have any further questions or issues, I'll be happy to help :smile:

  • bernievanbernievan Member Posts: 1

    it will not change the date of 1st entry

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @bernievan,

    I see that you're currently being assisted by a Wave Advisor, and a member of our Customer Support team with this issue. Hopefully you've been able to resolve this, but feel free to let me know if you still need assistance :smile:

  • gdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgd Member Posts: 1

    Tried all the troubleshooting, simplified the CSV file, followed formatting, and it still gives me the first error... I've wasted so much time I may as well have manually input all the data. Will be switching providers...

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @gdgdgdgdgd I'm sorry to hear you're still running into issue with uploading a csv file. Can you please confirm if you've been running into the error (the first error listed in the article):

    Error: "The CSV file must contain an amount, date and description column"?

    I understand you've already tried the troubleshooting steps and followed the formatting, but we'd love to better understand the file that's being uploaded so that we can help dig a little deeper what the issue may be. If you can, please share a screenshot for part of the CSV file you're uploading (please block out any personal information).

    From my experience based on what I've seen from other users, I find that one of the common cause for a failed to upload file is if there is a field that's empty (missing date, description or amount).

    Below is an example of the formatting of the csv file with 3 columns

    edited May 7, 2021
  • CheeseCheese Member Posts: 1

    No matter how many times I have tried to reformat and resave, including using the template provided, I am still not able to upload my CSV. It gives me the error "unable to read transaction dates".

  • bgisbgis Member Posts: 2

    The inflexibility of the CSV upload is infuriating. Every month I run into this "unable to read the dates error" because my bank includes pending transactions (with future dates) in the CSV. Why can't you accept future dated transactions in the upload?

  • LianeLiane Member Posts: 2

    I tried all the trouble shooting options but none of the file types can be downloaded. It always says: Oops! Something isn't right. Please correct what's highlighted below.Wave needs you to make a small change to your file so we can read it. Learn more." So I click learn more and changed the encoding but it didn't allow me to upload the statement. I cleared my cache. Any other suggestions? Hope you can soon because I'm falling behind on my banking due to this issue. thanks!

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