How to create a bill



  • InlandicgInlandicg Member Posts: 2

    Is there a way for a vendor to add their bill directly to you waveapps account? For a 1099 contractor who routinely does work for your company?

  • Jenjiyana42Jenjiyana42 Member Posts: 1

    Can I add recurring bills for monthly services (internet, health insurance, etc.) so that I can see what my upcoming predictable expenses are going to be?

  • spinesspines Member Posts: 1

    Hi! is there a way to pay a vendor bill through Wave?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @SagesOfRPG @Jenjiyana42 . Recurring bills are not currently available in the system, but as an alternative you can duplicate the Bill using the drop down arrow located next to it.

    Hey @Inlandicg , you have to add the Bill to the software yourself as your vendor isn't able to do this.

    Hi @spines . You cannot pay vendor bills directly through Wave.

  • johnnyojohnnyo Member Posts: 1

    How do I attach/upload an invoice to a bill?

  • john99john99 Member Posts: 1

    I upload receipts- great. how do i ensure they are bills so they end up in the p and l?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @john99 and @johnnyo! Unfortunately, at present, it is not possible to do either of these things within Wave. Invoices and bills live separately within the Wave ecosystem, as do Receipts and Bills. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here!

  • asparatuasparatu Member Posts: 2

    I am new to wave.
    how would i add a bill for credit card statement or power or telephone bill?

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @asparatu Welcome to the Wave Community Forum! If you are using the web-app through, then you can navigate to Purchases > Bills to create the bill there. On Mobile apps, we do not yet have this feature. To further clarify, Wave does not yet have the option to scan and upload an image of the bill, so recereating it in your account through the Bills Tab would be the best way to ensure that it shows up in your Accounts Payable until you make the payment

  • Canuckie13Canuckie13 Member Posts: 1

    I'm trying to delete a bill and I get this message:
    Error saving bill from undefined

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Canuckie13! I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're having when trying to delete a bill. Are you able to try some initial troubleshooting steps to see if this helps to resolve it? Try using Wave with browser extensions disabled. If you have Chrome, try opening up an incognito window, logging into your Wave account, and deleting the bill again (or if you have Firefox, open a private browsing window). If that doesn't work, try clearing your cache and cookies. You can read more about the browsers we support, and how to troubleshoot issues for your individual browser by clicking here. Let us know if you are still having issues after trying these steps!

  • AnnaVreeAnnaVree Member Posts: 1

    I read through the comments below and was quite surprised that the administrators seem not to understand that bill is nothing else than the invoice that we receive from our vendors. And just like receipts allow us to view scan/picture of the source document for this particular transaction, we would like to be able to to have a source document/source invoice attached to the bill.
    Now the question could be: why receipts module is not sufficient? The answers sits in the difference between accrual and cashflow accounting. Receipts and their related bank transactions share the same date - the cost is made on the day of the transaction, so your "accrual" and cashflow have the same date.
    With the bills we can register cost under different date that the payment is done, which is a common situation in most of our little organizations - we do receive invoices from vendors (what you call BILLS) and we need to register them in the system. It would be ideal if the current receipts function could allow us to choose if we want to post receipt to the transaction or link it to the bill.

    With that: One more voice of support to everyone here below: PLEASE enable possibility to upload BILLS into the system (my preference: allow us to use the same function of with receipts, especially the email to function) or at least add attachment to the bill.

  • NelsonBNelsonB Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for the article.
    In Sales> Invoices, I have the option to view Unpaid, Draft, and All Invoices.
    Is the same feature coming to Purchases so that when I go to Purchases> Bills I would be able to see Unpaid and All Invoices?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @NelsonB

    Currently we don't have any updates on whether this feature will be implemented but we appreciate you reaching out about this in our community!

  • Bashar_ZeedanBashar_Zeedan Member Posts: 1

    I am struggling to find a way to record a Credit Note.
    When we review our invoices, our suppliers sometimes overcharge us or we dispute a certain charge, and they issue us with a Credit Note. I have tried almost every option on the menu to try and record it, even by recording a minus value bill to create a work around, yet it doesn't work and it's impossbile to apply a payment to an invoice and a CN.

    Any suggestions?

  • QD_0126QD_0126 Member Posts: 1

    How do I pay a 1099 Independent contractor with check I ordered through Check Print?

  • ProfileBossProfileBoss Member Posts: 1

    I am trying to save a bill and it won't save. I have inputted all relevant information but still, NOTHING.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @QD_0126! Thanks for reaching out here. After you approve a payroll in Wave, you'll see a screen that looks like this:

    Clicking the 'Print Cheques' button will let you print from your system dialogue, which should let you choose formatting that will pertain to these checks.

    @ProfileBoss I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're seeing here! Can you please send a screenshot of any error messages that you're receiving when you attempt to save this bill? Otherwise, a screenshot of the bill page itself with the Save button greyed out would be fantastic.

  • BBVCo3264BBVCo3264 Member Posts: 1

    This is not telling me how to make and send/print a purchase order.

  • JoyJoy Member Posts: 4

    I need to be able to enter a negative (minus) amount in a bill, to show Taxes Payable and Superannuation Payable. We have been doing this for over a year, however, in the last couple of weeks it no longer accepts this and returns an Error.
    "Error saving bill from VENDOR. "
    Can you please advise why this feature has changed? If it can be fixed or if there is a workaround?
    Note: it appears the error is when posting an item in a Bill to a Liability account, rather than because the amount is negative.
    Resolved: By removing any reference to Taxes from the line item, the Bill is able to be saved.

    edited August 27, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @BBVCo3264

    At this point we don't have purchase orders available in Wave. Check out THIS THREAD for more on that discussion.

    Hi @Joy

    Glad to hear you were able to resolve your issue and thanks so much for updating us with your answer in the community :smile:

  • MFenMFen Member Posts: 1

    Hi Katie, I can't see any fields when I click Add a bill. It just gives me a blank screen with the title "Add Bill". Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a glitch in the system?

  • JoyJoy Member Posts: 4

    I have a Bill that has several items. Within the Bill view, the 'Total' = $1,526.35
    The Bill has been paid, and the amount shows $1,526.35
    However, the Dashboard shows an amount outstanding of $0.01
    The Bills view shows the 'Total' as $1,526.36

    Can you please advise how to rectify this?
    It is a common issue, though often it works the other way (that the Bill total is rounded down rather than up). In that case, it doesn't cause a problem as the overpayment does not appear in the Dashboard.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Joy

    Are you able to find the payment transaction for the bill on the Accounting > Transactions page and let us know what the amount here is?

    When it comes to tax rounding at Wave, this process is completed on a line-item level. What this means is that each product line will calculate the tax, round to 2 decimal places, then do the next product line. At the end, it will add up all the line item tax calculations and plug that in as a total tax in your invoice. Unfortunately, there is no way around that in our software at this time.

    As a potential temporary workaround, feel free to add/discount a new invoice item for $0.01 to charge the right amount and mark it as an adjustment entry for the time being.

  • JoyJoy Member Posts: 4

    Thanks @Barsin

    I have attached a screenshot of the Invoice, the Transaction and the Dashboard.
    Cheers, Joy

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Joy! Thanks for sharing that screenshot with me.

    I reached out to our team about this and they were able to provide me with more insight. This is a known issue the affects the rounding on Bills and your accounting. This occurs when there is a number with 3 decimal points.

    Currently, I'm afraid that there is no fix available for this discrepancy. However, you can use numbers that do not equal a result with 3 decimal places as a workaround in this case. At this time, there is no ETA available for a fix.

    After doing some additional digging, it looks like some of your pages were have issues communicating with each other, potentially causing some discrepancies in your account. I have since triggered an accounting data fix on your account. This may help out with your primary issue.

  • skiplightphilskiplightphil Member Posts: 3

    how do i create a purchase order to send to a supplier?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @skiplightphil ! I'm afraid that this functionality is not supported in Wave at this time. Feel free to check out this discussion for more information.

  • TreLeoniTreLeoni Member Posts: 2

    Is there a way to add a discount to a bill? As example, I have an invoice that states the net amount, the VAT and total amount. After which the supplier has added a discount. This means that the VAT paid is on the original net amount and not the discounted total. Therefore, if I change the net amount or VAT amount, to get the total amount to agree the amount of VAT paid is incorrect.

  • GoodyGoody Member Posts: 1

    If I have a customer who is also a supplier and I raise a supplier invoice for him, how do I pull through the supplier invoice to the customer statement in order to see the offset?

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