How to email your receipts to your Wave account



  • cardsfancardsfan Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    The phone app works well. I too was surprised about not being able to forward emailed receipts as I hate paper receipts. I do home repairs. Home depot will give you paper and email receipts..Lowes is either or, not both. However on my iPhone 7 ISO 13 I found a quick work around: I take a screen shot (sleep + home keys). I pull the screen shot up and hit the share button, then pick the email option. I saved the above mentioned email address in my address book. Then I email the screen shot. This take less time than taking a phone pic and using the app.. just seconds. By the time I logged into WAVE the receipt was waiting for me!!! Nice!
    No software is perfect. I just started my very small business (no employees, no credit card receipts) so this is totally free. I have installed QB on line a few years ago for a friends businesses both mulit-million dollar enterprises. So I have a feel for the other software... there are some real neat features, especially on the invoice side.. create a quote, turn into an invoice, email... see if t was opened... etc.. after a month.. I appreciate a FREE full functional app

  • nschootnschoot Member Posts: 2

    Since many invoices are e-mailed these days, forwarding is a must (actually it works when not forwarding as an attachment). However, it would help when I could use additional e-mail address(es) instead of the primary e-mail only. Especially because I could then create a forward rule in my Outlook. Outlook rules do not allow changing the sender e-mail.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @cardsfan! Thanks for sharing your feedback on this! We appreciate it and I'm sure other users can benefit from the workaround you have found :)

    Hi @nschoot! Thanks for the feedback about using additional email addresses to send from. This is a great idea to add to this feature to help streamline the workflow!

  • DrLBDrLB Member Posts: 1
    Just adding my disappointment at the loss of the ability to directly add photos of receipts to Wave Receipts. It seems strange that you need to get a certain amount of feedback in order to prioritize reinstating this feature. I don’t understand why it was dropped.
  • seakayseakay Member Posts: 9

    Please make it so we can forward email receipts, including when the receipt is in the body of the email. The vast majority of my digital receipts are in the body of the email. Thank you @GlennF for the Work Around!! However, it did require me to switch to less secure app access, which I am not a fan of. I am new to Wave, and very excited about its many features, but being about to send emails in was a big part of that, and if it is not a feature added in, I may need to look elsewhere.

  • GlennFGlennF Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    You didn't mention which email service but if you used port 587 and checked the "SSL" box you shouldn't have to switch to the less secure apps setting.
    However, some providers will say this if the app doesn't use their API. In this case PDFCreator just sends the email over SMTP which is no different as using Thunderbird, Outlook, etc. You aren't compromising security in any way.

  • WingWong_HKWingWong_HK Member Posts: 2

    If you didn't set your primary business then the "Post to Accounting" button from "Receipts by Wave" won't work

  • WingWong_HKWingWong_HK Member Posts: 2

    And you can't select "asset" for the receipt uploaded. It can only be booked under "expense", however you can reclassify it under asset after recording the transaction.

    edited November 26, 2019
  • lpineaulpineau Member Posts: 1

    Very disappointing to learn that you can't forward email receipts. I have hundreds of receipts through email and was really hoping to move over to Wave from Xero.

  • GregKuhlmannGregKuhlmann Member Posts: 1

    Please add the ability to forward email receipts. I will move my accounts over as soon as this feature is available.

  • bradGHCMbradGHCM Member Posts: 1

    +1 For forwarding receipts. Really surprised to not see it as a feature given the how well the rest of Wave is. It's pretty much a staple feature for any accounting platform at this point. A bit backwards to send it as a new email when you might as well upload manually directly.

  • JeanetteJohnsonJeanetteJohnson Member Posts: 3

    Emailing receipts is a main feature that a good portion of your users seem to use and like. Why take it away? I'm really frustrated by this as I've been trying to forward receipts into my account for the last couple of months and didn't realize that the feature had been removed (with no warning, mind you) just to find out that I've lost dozens of receipts. Unimpressed and annoyed by this change and your lack of customer commitment to reimplement such a user friendly feature.

  • bd3517bd3517 Member Posts: 8

    I keep hoping that the torrent of comments will sway Wave to re-implement this feature. If not, is it possible to get my consulting fees refunded if I need to move to another service that has this feature?

  • RottyRotty Member Posts: 2

    Adding to the growing chorus that being able to forward email receipts is a primary workflow (ar at least it was) for our team. Please reinstate the functionality. So very disappointing.

  • gaussieredgaussiered Member Posts: 6

    It would be nice if we could just FTP the receipts. You still don't have a solution for dealing with MULTIPLE receipts being entered a one time.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Thanks to all leaving their thoughts about the need for email forwarding functionality for receipt uploads. We hear you that the ease of use that this sort of a feature would add is extremely valued by you all. While I don't have any updates in terms of added functionality, we continue to track the amount of comments about this feature idea to ensure that our Product Team knows that this discussion continues. Thanks again! :)

  • BrossiebelleBrossiebelle Member Posts: 3

    Hello, I've actually been forwarding my receipts this whole year assuming they have been logged in the system and filed away to my wave account (as they did in the past). I was NOT aware that this feature was taken away so unfortunately all of my receipts have been lost. Is it a common practice to take features away? Did you send any kind of notification that this feature was going to end? I'm concerned about other features getting taken away moving forward and would desperately like the receipt function to come back. Thank you.

  • ScoperScoper Member Posts: 2

    Late to comment on this, but similar to other users I was very surprised this functionality is no longer offered and have been sending receipts all year by forwarding receipts in body of the email. Many GTA vendors send receipts this way for the better (i.e. parking, food, retail vendors, etc.) With year end accounting I'm having trouble reconciling the account.

    An efficient solution is definitely needed to support the users. Thanks!

  • ScoperScoper Member Posts: 2

    Found a relatively quick solution for iPhone/iPad users:
    1) Open the Mail app
    2) Tap an email message that you want to save as a PDF.
    3) Tap the action button. The action button looks like a reply arrow (it's also used to reply to or forward email messages).
    4) Tap Print to open the printer options.
    5) Pinch open the thumbnail image of the first page of your email. If your email runs for more than a page, you can pinch open any of the pages. The Printer Options will be replaced with the PDF version of your email message.
    6) Tap the Share button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    7) Select the app/mail you want to save or share your PDF-converted email to.
    8) Send to Wave from primary email account

  • juniperberryjuniperberry Member Posts: 2

    When did you drop the forwarding of receipts? Catching up on my end-of-year bookkeeping and was wondering where all my expenses went to...wop wop...into the abyss apparently. Thanks for nothing Wave. Would have been nice to know this feature had been dropped (or at least a return to sender email when a receipt can't be entered into the system). I guess I am just joining the chorus of users below who don't understand why you would drop this. Almost all retailers are switching to emailed receipts—I don't care about paper receipts, as they are few and far between (and btw, the wave receipt app is nothing to write home about—I always have to enter info manually, which defeats its purpose). So what are we supposed to do—make PDFs of our emails, clog up our computer memory, and then reattach them to an email??? So so asinine and a huge time waster.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Scoper

    Thanks so much for this workaround! We appreciate you going out of your way to type this out for our Apple users to streamline this function, and I apologize for the cumbersome workaround.


    I totally understand your frustration behind this and I apologize that you were not made aware of the issue. My apologies about this and we're hoping to release updates to our receipts function in the future.

  • RottyRotty Member Posts: 2

    My workaround...(but I am still annoyed at the loss of time rebuilding a half a year of receipts...)

    1) Open email receipt on one device (iPad, laptop, home computer)
    2) Snap picture of screen with Wave phone app

    That simple.

    (but did I mention that I am still annoyed that you did away with functionality...look at much better receipt recording than even what you had...please model it for your build)

  • OnetwoGWOnetwoGW Member Posts: 1

    As many users have said I am extremely frustrated by the fact that we can no longer forward emails/receipts without attachments to Waves. This feature used to work so well and suddenly without notice (be it a notification on the webpage, email blast, or email bounce back) it was taken away! I've lost months worth of receipts and now I have to dig through my inbox to find out which receipts were transferred and which were not. Total waste of time! The workaround mentioned by other users is also extremely inefficient! The simplicity of Wave (email forwarding and phone scanning/uploading) was what sold me ... but their lack of action despite being aware of the growing number of complaints and unsatisfied users over the past 6+ months makes me want to switch to another platform.

  • austinandersenaustinandersen Member Posts: 6

    I have tried 3 different ways to email the pdfs as people said below but they wont show up in account. I am using the same email as primary email with wave. How long does it take for them to show up online in account?

  • bd3517bd3517 Member Posts: 8

    Whelp, I give up. In addition to making me manually print out my receipts to PDF and then mail them individually, I find out that credit card account connections are no longer supported for Capital One, requiring me to download the transactions manually from the CO website and import them. People who stick around can no doubt look forward to hand filling out a paper request and mailing it in to Wave to get a transaction report when they remove that feature and replace it with a manual workaround.
    I just spent a few hours getting quickbooks self employed set up - it wasn't too much hassle and lo and behold, works with inline receipts and capital one. Too bad I'm out the $250 I spent on Wave consulting and the time getting things set up. Good riddance.

    edited January 28, 2020
  • PhotogPhotog Member Posts: 1

    We just signed up to try out Wave today and learned that email receipts cannot be easily forwarded to Wave without creating an attachment. It's unfortunate that all this extra work needs to be done to capture the data. easily converts a forwarded email into an expense transaction. Considering only costs $4.99/month, it may well be worth spending that fee to get this essential emailed receipt feature.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @austinandersen , these receipts should show up pretty quickly. Did you by chance receive an email confirmation from Wave saying that the Receipt is ready to Post to accounting?

    Hey @Photog , just for further context, are the majority of the receipts that you receive by email not an attachment but instead in the body of the email? If so, your best option would be to screenshot the receipt and attach it to a new email.

    edited February 8, 2020
  • JeanetteJohnsonJeanetteJohnson Member Posts: 3

    When can we expect an update that reinstates the functionality of forwarding a receipt that is in the body of the email? I hardly EVER receive invoices/receipts that come in as attachments as most companies do not send invoices that way. This is absurdly inconvenient.
    Also, what am i supposed to do when the receipt in the email body is too long for one image to screen shot?

  • lisapineaulisapineau Member Posts: 4

    Just moving over from Xero and I love a lot of things about Wave except how you deal with receipts. It doesn't make sense to me that you can't forward a receipt. I also wish the software would also match the receipt to the transaction within the bank account. Lastly, why not just have an attachement feature with the transaction. This would be the easiest way for me. Seems like it would be an easy feature to add.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @JeanetteJohnson! Thanks for reaching out here. At the moment we do not have any plans for implementing forwarding for email receipts. I know that receipts can be long so I hope we have a feature that will allow for these to be captured in one go in the future!

    He @lisapineau! Thanks for your feedback on this and for the additional suggestions you have provided. This insight is helpful for our team to have when building out new features!

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