
Report of Sales By Product

ameyamey Member Posts: 1

Is it possible to get a report of all sales bifurcated by products?

edited August 31, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @amey

    A sales report split up by product isn't currently available on Wave.

    Can I ask why you're looking for such a report, in the context of your business? Maybe I can offer a workaround or another avenue to get the insight your hunting for.

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    AliceAlice Member Posts: 1

    I'm not the one that originally asked, but I am looking for this feature as well. I want to be able to generate a report that says we sold 100 of Product A, 200 of Product B, etc, in a given time period. This is critical for estimating how many of each product to have on hand at different times of year. I also have supervisory organizations that want to see a summary of what products and services we have sold, and which are the most popular. Is there a way to do this with an export to Excel at least?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Alice,

    You can get a list of items sold per item in Excel format through the global export function. To do this, click on settings in the menu on the left and choose the very bottom option. It'll give you every individual line items on all of your invoices. You could filter them by date, remove everything but the range you want to analyze, and create a pivot table to better visualize quantity.

    It's not ideal, but it would give you the information you're looking for.

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    AgsillinAgsillin Member Posts: 1

    You are a life saver! That totally worked! It actually emailed a compressed folder of several reports, the "invoice items" report worked smashingly well!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    More than happy to hear that, @Agsillin!

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    tolutolu Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @Alice,

    You can get a list of items sold per item in Excel format through the global export function. To do this, click on settings in the menu on the left and choose the very bottom option. It'll give you every individual line items on all of your invoices. You could filter them by date, remove everything but the range you want to analyze, and create a pivot table to better visualize quantity.

    It's not ideal, but it would give you the information you're looking for.

    I am looking for the same workaround but cannot find the global export option.
    Can you share a screenshot please ?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tolu,

    This is because the global export feature is only accessible to the business owner and you are a collaborator for that business. In your case, you'll have to ask the business owner to get that document and send it to you.

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    Reed20009Reed20009 Member Posts: 2

    I also have the need for this functionality - to be able to run reports by month or quarter for totals of products sold. Seems like a pretty basic report that many people would need. I used the workaround, but it took a long time to get the data how I needed it.

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    PPFAdministratorPPFAdministrator Member Posts: 1

    I second the fact that we need this functionality. It seems like a very big gap for businesses who use Wave to invoice customers with repeat products, to not have this reporting. I would sacrifice much of your software's features for a simple report of my best to least selling products by a specific date. I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but this makes me question whether or not I want to continue using Wave for invoicing customers and my primary source of accounting when such a basic feature isn't seen as a basic necessity.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Reed20009 @PPFAdministrator. Definitely appreciate your feedback here in terms of being able to generate a report for products & services (and filter those products individually). This is a feature that has been requested quite frequently and I will make sure that your voices on this get put into the right hands. We still don't have an ETA as to when this feature will be available, but we will be sure to keep our users posted.

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    BrianDekkerBrianDekker Member Posts: 1

    I requested this update about 3 years ago. Still waiting for Wave to make it a priority.
    It seems a lot of people would like to see this happen.
    Please Wave, make it happen.

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    CamanderCamander Member Posts: 6

    Piling on. A report by product is essential. I need to know units so I can forecast and assign ohead by product.

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    ANJANJ Member Posts: 3

    +1. Wave again misses "table stake" requirements that should be in any accounting package worth its salt.

    You get what you pay for, folks...

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    MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    @BrianDekker @ANJ @Camander Thank you for promoting more attention to this feature request. We agree this feature request could greatly improve the insights you have into understanding the products and/or services that are successful or not for your business. Our accounting team is coming out of a major investment in our bookkeeping infrastructure and they're hungry for making improvements like this. At this time I can not provide any timelines for this specific request. We are committed in 2019 to greatly improving insights business owners have at their fingertips. A focus on better understanding the success or failure of products and services is part of that focus.

    In the mean-time, my peer Alexa's past instructions will help you solve for this in the meantime.

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @Alice,

    You can get a list of items sold per item in Excel format through the global export function. To do this, click on settings in the menu on the left and choose the very bottom option. It'll give you every individual line items on all of your invoices. You could filter them by date, remove everything but the range you want to analyze, and create a pivot table to better visualize quantity.

    It's not ideal, but it would give you the information you're looking for.

    Have a great day, and thank you again for your feedback.

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    techgaiatechgaia Member Posts: 1

    Thanks for the update, Mitchell. Just want to add to what everyone else said, that this is the ONLY feature that is stopping us to move all our businesses from QB to Wave. Apart from this, we are super happy with Wave so far. Your latest updates last year has made it modern and extremely easy to use. Keep going, Wave team!

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    chriswaygchriswayg Member Posts: 17

    +1 - I found this discussion looking for the same feature.

    Please make reports by product/service available ASAP.

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    Dotty3340Dotty3340 Member Posts: 7

    I would love this feature also. I was just looking for something like this and found this forum post.

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    cleanacleana Member Posts: 1

    hi!reports by product/service, how far till we have this feature?

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    gregfgregf Member Posts: 1

    Hello Wave Team! Like a lot of the people commenting on this thread, I've been looking for a way to get this information to know how many of a certain product I have sold is this something that will be included soon I need it to track future purchase if not I might have to make the switch to another program.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @cleana @gregf hi! No current roadmap plans to add reports by product/service but I'll happily let our product team know that we have two more users requesting it.

    edited October 3, 2019
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    CraigC2020CraigC2020 Member Posts: 1

    When I run the "export all transactions for excel" or the "export all transactions as csv" I get a zip file containing an empty (only has field headers) bill_items.csv file.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CraigC2020! Can you let me know if this is still occurring? I'd love to know more about the transactions you're looking to export, and if you were able to export a zip file that contains the information you're seeking.

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    Charlayna_ACharlayna_A Member Posts: 1

    I would also LOVE to have this feature! I'm glad we can at least get this info through Excel, but it would be great to have it a part of Wave with maybe a graph generated of the highest selling items.

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    smartcardsmartcard Member Posts: 1

    After going through many cloud based Accounting Apps, I am finding Wave is the best, but with a few more enhancements like this feature of having a report "Report of Sales By Product"

    My suggestion is under the "Focus on the vendors" reporting section there are two reports currently available and they are: "Purchases by Vendor" and "Aged Payables". I will make the App complete by adding "Report of Sales By Product" as 3rd report under this section.

    Thank you

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @smartcard! I appreciate the detailed feedback you have provided for this report feature! It's great to see how users would like a particular function or feature displayed in their account. We are glad to hear you are enjoying Wave so far, but we are always looking for ways to improve! Thanks again :)

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    Ivo_ZaxIvo_Zax Member Posts: 3

    Hi, any idea how can I make a report based on sell product? I need to know the income from specific product that we sell.
    Thanks in advance!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Ivo_Zax . This isn't currently available in Wave, but I've merged your post into this thread to add your voice to this feature idea.

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    Ivo_ZaxIvo_Zax Member Posts: 3
    > @Alexia said:
    > Hi @Alice,
    > You can get a list of items sold per item in Excel format through the global export function. To do this, click on settings in the menu on the left and choose the very bottom option. It'll give you every individual line items on all of your invoices. You could filter them by date, remove everything but the range you want to analyze, and create a pivot table to better visualize quantity.
    > It's not ideal, but it would give you the information you're looking for.

    Hi, I follow your advice and export the report. For "bill", "Customers" and "Vendors" everything is just perfect. Unfortunately for "Accounting" the situation is terrible 😭. The information is on one line and it is not formatted at all. I can not use it at all. If I can send you a photo you will see what I mean.
    Best regards,
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    haz_haz_ Member Posts: 2

    Just wanted to chime in to add my vote for this feature to the thread. I'm new to Wave, and I'm really liking it, but the lack of a basic sales by product report is pretty much the ONLY thing keeping me from switching over from QB. I was surprised that such a basic and insightful report wasn't already in there, and I find it more surprising that there's no current plans to implement one when so many people seem to want/need it.

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Ivo_Zax! Sorry to hear you're having an issue with the data export. What exactly do you want to get from the export? If you would like you can share a screenshot here and we would be happy to take a look! You can blur out any sensitive information before uploading.

    Hi @haz_! Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback on this. I can see how important this is to your business so hopefully it is something we are able to accommodate in the future. I'm afraid at the moment I have no further updates.

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