
Report of Sales By Product



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    Ivo_ZaxIvo_Zax Member Posts: 3

    Hi @EmmaP, I just want to make a report based on product that we sell. I follow the @Alexia advice and export the report. Unfortunately for "Accounting" the situation is terrible 😭 I am adding the print screen. Can you help me with this?

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    bradpaulpbradpaulp Member Posts: 1

    To WAVE people:
    Is that at all on the roadmap or a twinkling in the eye?
    It was disappointing to learn this feature is not directly available after I migrated from QBO.
    Yes, there is the global export option, and then filtering out dates... however that's a decent workaround... Workarounds create bad experiences > bad experiences create upset customers.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @bradpaulp! I've just checked in with the development team, and as of right now, Sales by Product is not a report that is on our roadmap, as we've prioritized other portions of the Wave software. Understandably, that's not what you or anyone in this thread wants to hear, which I completely get. Moving forward, this may be something that is addressed, however that does not appear to be prioritized for 2020.

    @Ivo_Zax thanks for reaching out with that screenshot. I believe this might come down to the invoicing software having been updated since Alexia's last post of the workaround. I do apologize for the inconvenience here.

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    springforthfarmncspringforthfarmnc Member Posts: 5

    I'd also like to say this would be a good, basic function that would make this app not just good for bookkeeping, but for business management. For businesses like mine (a farm) knowing what quantities we sold is critical to making planning decisions for the next year. Without good information like this, it's hard to have a business to run to need bookkeeping!

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    davidimmanueldavidimmanuel Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I'd also like to view the sales quantity from each of my products and the global export function from bill items.cvs is blank. Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks. Really appreciate it.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @davidimmanuel

    My apologies you're experiencing an issue with the data export tool. I may need to ask some clarifying questions first. Are you creating bills in your account under Purchases > Bills? Or are you adding vendors to your expenses from the transactions page? This doesn't create a bill therefore it may not have been included in your export. Let me know if you have any other questions and thanks for the +1 on this request!

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    YiannisIsYiannisIs Member Posts: 1


    I used to find a general export option where I could get this info.
    Now I only find Accounting that does not help.

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    javjav Member Posts: 1

    Although it wasn't perfect, I used to use the data export function to get this info. Now however, it seems to have changed. I get one accounting file that has just a list of every single accounting transaction, a bill file that lists items from supplier bills, a customer file that lists customers and vendor file that lists vendors. No product/item sales info at all! Wave please help, this is vital information!!

    edited May 2, 2020
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    Reed20009Reed20009 Member Posts: 2

    I can't tell you how shocked I am that this is STILL not implemented. It's been years since I recall this first being discussed on here. At a minimum, break down and make a new column in the global report that is by product only?! That still probably should be unacceptable, but I could at least realistically implement the "workaround" discussed on this, but the way the data is now, the product number is mixed in a cell with additional info of who the client is and what invoice it is. For example: "Glen's Garden Market Dupont - 18 - SWI1001" Again, there really should just be a basic report for product sales, but in the interim PLEASE make this report have separate columns for client, invoice number, and product number.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @YiannisIs - that's just a copy change, and apologies about how vague it is. You'd still want to select 'Accounting' when exporting data, and you should be getting the same CSV files.

    @jav at the moment I'd recommend using Wave Connect for exporting product/services data. This is something we're looking into currently, but, the best route currently would be to use that integration.

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    geirgeir Member Posts: 1

    Previously before last upgrade I could go to Settings/data export and get a detailed report of all transactions within a certain time period. This report included QUANTITY which I again used to get an overview of how many KG of each product type I had sold to each customer. Now there is no longer any reports that include QUANTITY and I can no longer analyse my product sales. I have tried to find this through the use of add-ons Wave Connect but QUANTITY is not an item that can be included in any of the reports/data exrtacts. This is vital for me and for how we control our business. Can you please help with this and reinstate quantity as an item to be included in the reports.

    I have now read through the whole string of posts on this issue. How is it even possible to remove a feature from the software - in my entire career I have NEVER before experienced that a software firm is removing functionality/data enrichment of reports. I am now loosing control of my business due to this incredible move by WAVE. I guess unprofessional behaviour is the price we have to pay for using this software for free. Good luck with winning more customers!!

    edited May 18, 2020
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    HIDHID Member Posts: 1

    I am brand new to Wave. Just set it up tonight to try it out. Entered an invoice for sale of 5 of the same item. Then went looking for the product sales report that shows how many of a given item is sold within a time period.


    Wow. Instead of finding this (seeming basic) report, I am amazed to find this thread that contains over 2 years worth of people telling the Waze product team that they need this feature.

    Not only that, but apparently the arduous "work around" was recently eliminated. I just tried to use the global export (as described 2 years ago) and I can confirm that there appears to be no way to get any kind of report on the number of items sold. Please correct me if I am wrong, but please test any proposed solution first.

    To be honest, this example raises some issues about whether the Wave product team is in touch with the needs of its customers. Not sure that we want to commit to Wave if this is an example of what we might expect in the future.

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    murraymurray Member Posts: 18

    Hi folks
    I'm in the process of setting up my Wave accounts and came across this problem, the lack of the report "Focus on products".
    I started to think about other options - when I go into Profit & Loss it shows a nice break down of different expenses under the general expenses category. I'm thinking why can't we do the same with Sales?

    So I still have a general 'Sales' account.
    Can I now setup 'Sales - ProductCodeXYZ', 'Sales - ProductCodeABC', etc?
    So I've set up a few entries like this.

    In my situation I only have about a dozen products, so this is feasible to configure, however I can imagine a company with lots of products might require a different solution.

    My question now is whether adding these additional sales accounts will cause any unexpected issues for me later on?


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    henrihenri Member Posts: 1

    We used to be able to get a spreadseet with bill items data by using the Data Export option. Now when we do a Data Export, the Bill Items Spreadsheet/CSV file is empty (with exception of headings). This was working in January, so something has been changed.. I have seen many people comment on the above, but absolutely no response from the Waveapps team.. Support seems to be taking a back seat since the acquisition by the new company

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @geir @HID @murray Thanks for leaving your insight on the Product Report. In full transparency (and I know that you're not going to like this answer but here I go) Wave was not built as an inventory management platform in terms of units sold but I fully acknowledge that for businesses who are invoicing, this sort of feature is valuable. As Wave is primarily focused on being an accounting related product, there are ways to see reporting that shows income earned per product, but seeing a product count is not area that we have explored enough to create a robust feature that inventory tracking often requires. I hear you and the others in this discussion who are telling us that it needs to be included in the Wave offering, and there is clear value for your businesses, what we at WaveHQ are always evaluating which of the many features that we continue to think of will truly have the most impact and prioritize our efforts in those areas. I hope that this gives you some additional insight as to where we are at with this feature and how we make decisions in terms of feature ideas like this one.

    Also, feel free to professionally disagree! This is meant to be a space where we can have these types of conversations and shying away from the tough ones would not be fair to you.

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    murraymurray Member Posts: 18

    @JordanD At this point I think most of us are just happy to see a response from the company. The lack of timely responses is more worrying than any feature or problem we are experiencing.

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    AnikAnik Member Posts: 1

    It is critical, in any business, to be able to print a simple sales by item or purchases by item report. You already give us the option of creating items in order to be able to invoice, or to create bills, how on earth could you not create a report that uses that already existing function? Furthermore, Wave has, by reading back on years worth of comments, demonstrated that you are in fact not interested in the slightest in customer service, or what your customers need. So glad I realised my mistake in choice of accounting package before integrating my payroll and customer payments functions.

    edited May 28, 2020
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    oversprayoverspray Member Posts: 2

    Ok seriously.. am I going to have to open every invoice to find out how many widgets I sold last year? What happened to the "invoice items" in the global data export? Wave used to provide 9 reports, now only 4. I used those reports for my year end review and tax prep.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @overspray , thanks for your message here. It's true that the data export no longer has invoice info exported as we recently made some back end changes to invoicing in Wave which prevent it from currently being exported via Data Export. A workaround I can offer for this would be to export using Wave Connect, Wave's add-on for Google Sheets. You can also check out your Profit & Loss report for insight into how much you made on certain items by filtering to the specific income account for widgets.

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    oversprayoverspray Member Posts: 2

    Thank you, CallieP. I've connected Wave Connect but do not see a data export option other than what was available before. Does WC just export the same available data to Google spreadsheet instead of Excel or does it offer a different set of data for export?

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @overspray , thanks for getting back! To export your invoices using Wave Connect:

    • Open a new Google Sheet, and enable Wave Connect by clicking Add-Ons > Wave Connect
    • Once enabled, click Add-Ons > Wave Connect > Download > Invoices
    • You can then select how much information from the invoices you want to download, e.g. Invoice #, Customer Name, etc.
    • Click Download

    Then, the invoices should translate into the sheet for you within a few seconds!

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    SamanthaMilliganSamanthaMilligan Member Posts: 1

    Being able to pull a report for specific items is very standard, to see how an item is preforming. Its shocking you dont have this. Can you add it?

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    LAYERcLAYERc Member Posts: 9

    Agreed. Having a report that generates a list of quantity x price = totals for date/period selection makes very much sense. It seems a bit obvious as to why such a report would be important to a business... when running a business it is important to know this information in order to make informed decisions about your business operations, what sells what does not sell, etc.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @SamanthaMilligan and @LAYERc , thanks for your messages!

    The reason why Wave doesn't have this report specifically is because Wave doesn't have product/inventory tracking or management, but rather tracks the monetary value of your inventory, as we're a finance management app. So, you can find a version of this report by ensuring that you have categories for each product, and then in Reports > Account Transactions, choose the specific product's account, and you can see its money movement in a time period. Learn more here.

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    Jeff29Jeff29 Member Posts: 3

    I have tried the work-around for this (exporting transactions) and I get a zip with 4 files: accounting, bill_items, customers, vendors. Accounting is a list of transactions with no product info, bill_items is blank, customer and vendors are just lists. Where are we supposed to be able to see products sold?

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    Jeff29Jeff29 Member Posts: 3

    @CallieP said:
    Hi @overspray , thanks for getting back! To export your invoices using Wave Connect:

    • Open a new Google Sheet, and enable Wave Connect by clicking Add-Ons > Wave Connect
    • Once enabled, click Add-Ons > Wave Connect > Download > Invoices
    • You can then select how much information from the invoices you want to download, e.g. Invoice #, Customer Name, etc.
    • Click Download

    Then, the invoices should translate into the sheet for you within a few seconds!

    @CallieP I'm not seeing where the WaveConnect invoice download provides any detail on products sold. Am I missing something?

    edited July 8, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Jeff29

    Good to hear you've had success downloading Wave Connect and accessing your page. Have you considered using the Download > Products section? Is this potentially what you're looking for?

    Let us know!

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    Shasha1234Shasha1234 Member Posts: 3

    Hi there, is this function available now? It seems we can know how much products we have been billed for by looking at payment, but we can't see quantity sold through invoice. Would be great if you could add this on ASAP. Thanks

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    Fromundaman1Fromundaman1 Member Posts: 1

    Just one more person hoping this becomes a feature.

    Downloading product lists and invoices does not allow me to see how much of a product I have sold or to whom.
    I saw you guys say it wasn't a feature because this isn't an inventory management site, but that is equally a financial necessity. Knowing what products I sold to whom, at what price and how often is pretty important information to know.

    This feature is pretty crucial to my business. I'll have to start looking for alternatives.

    edited August 3, 2020
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    RonyRony Member Posts: 7
    Please make this as a priority to have sales report by product. As you can see there is overwhelming need for such report and also such delays can force some of wave’s long term customers move to your competitors. After the success Wave had they should look into enhanced features like quick books as we and you both started small and now have bigger needs. I would even be open to a paid version of wave if it has these features.
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