
Guidance on how to delete an old account in assets (Cash & Bank)

arunesharunesh Member Posts: 2

Hello all
I wanted to delete an old account added to Cash&Bank (attached mage aac1)
under Assets, but not finding a way.Kindly guide me.Attached is image



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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @arunesh I can see that you've archived the account in question. The "archive" function has replaced the delete function in Wave, so you won't be able to actually delete the account.

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    arunesharunesh Member Posts: 2

    Actually I tried to delete since I couldn't figure out I eventually had to select it, I guess I'll keep it as it is as no delete is there I guess without even even archiving..confirm plz

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @arunesh As I said, the archive function has replaced the delete function in Wave. If you've archived the account, you've essentially deactivated it - you'll no longer be able to record transactions to that account. You cannot fully delete the account.

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    MegXMegX Member Posts: 1

    same problem as me...still cannot full delete

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @MegX as I wrote above, this is not a bug; the archive feature was designed this way to help protect users from accidentally deleting important and non-recoverable information.

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    marsmars Member Posts: 2

    Gee, thanks for saving us from ourselves.[/sarcasm]
    You want to prevent users accidentally deleting important and non-recoverable data? On delete, pop a modal box reading something like, "Warning: deleting this account is a non-recoverable action. Are you really sure you want to do this?", and give the user a choice.
    I can't believe this "feature" is going to be thing that drives me from Wave. I was so excited to finally be able to migrate away from my old desktop accounting platform, but this sort of thing is unacceptable.

    edited February 13, 2018
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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @mars most accountants would caution against the complete deletion of accounting data you have entered. In all other respects, the archive feature is functionally the same. Please keep the conversation in the Community productive :)

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    marsmars Member Posts: 2

    @sophia: I feel this is productive. Please consider this to be a feature request / constructive criticism...the constructive part being, everything else has been great so far! It makes sense to be able to archive an account.
    However, the archive feature is not functionally the same if the accounts (even if tagged with the "Archived" flag) are still sitting there in my Chart of Accounts and I can still run reports against the data.
    What if I made a mistake (I do that a lot)? Or what if I tried to integrate with a bank but feed was corrupt and created a bunch of bogus accounts with inaccurate data coughPAYPALcough.
    It doesn't matter the reason. I'm the bookkeeper and they're my books, not Wave's. If I want to truly delete an account, I have my reasons and should be allowed to do so. Please just keep an audit trail and let us control our data.

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    flockofhousesflockofhouses Member Posts: 1

    @Sophia Okay I get the worry of everyone losing their stuff but when I archive an account it still shows in reports. I need to give the reports to my CPA for taxes but due to me not being able to delete duplicate account, the reports show double my income. Is there a workaround?

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    jennyshushujennyshushu Member Posts: 3

    Just accidentally added an account in the wrong place. There are no transactions to worry about deleting. I really just want to delete the account, not archive it. This is another request to fix this. Should have the option to archive OR delete. I don't like it when my accounting software is cluttered with accounts that don't belong, even if they're "archived." Thank you!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ctfpjenny. Like Sophia said earlier in this thread, it isn't possible to delete accounts in Wave. Having them archived will make it so you won't see that account anywhere but your Chart of Accounts. This exists as a safety feature.

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    rwall88rwall88 Member Posts: 11

    Here is my feature request..... in order to keep us from messing up our accounts, just have the deleted account be stored in a "deleted accounts" page. Then remove the deleted bank accounts and transactions from all normal account lists and views. Then if we ever want to see those accounts again in the accounts lists, we would have to restore that account.... You could leave the archive account feature the same if you would like.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    So @rwall88, you would just want archived accounts to be stored in a separate tab, essentially? Making it so archived accounts don't litter your Chart of Accounts, but still do exist somewhere.

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    hgomezchgomezc Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I understand the reasoning behind the decision of not allowing deletions, I'm not thrilled about it, but I think I can live with it.

    A workaround I found that worked for me in some cases is to change the name of the account to something innocuous that does not get in the way or try to change it to another type of account, although I've seen at least a case where that wasn't allowed either. I can't say for sure if changing the type is possible at all; I have not tested intensely.

    However, I like @rwall88's idea. Maybe "deleted" is not the right term, maybe if we have "Inactive" vs. "archived" where the inactive accounts do appear on all reports and archived ones are more like deleted, the system does not see them at all.

    Or what about allowing deletions for accounts with no transactions on it?? No data to lose and no clutter on our chart of accounts!

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    PAWSPAWS Member Posts: 2

    Hi, how do I delete asset accounts that I wrongly created? E.g Cash and Bank accounts and money in transit accounts that I don't want. I see that only archiving is permitted. There are no transactions in these accounts, I just don't want to see them anymore on the Chart of accounts .

    edited May 15, 2018
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    NopDesign_ConnorNopDesign_Connor Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    You can't delete accounts after they've been created. You can only archive them. You can also change their names to something really obviosu, to make sure you don't do anything with them by accident.

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    PAWSPAWS Member Posts: 2

    OK thanks. Bit weird though...

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    rwall88rwall88 Member Posts: 11

    We just don't want to see the old useless accounts listed in any of our daily use of wave. it would be great if they were hidden in an archive location called deleted accounts. We do not like the term Archive.

    I think that deleted accounts should be different from inactive/closed accounts and is a different feature all together. In my opinion, An inactive/closed account is one that has valid and important tractions from previous years. We are just simply not using those accounts currently. It may not be possible to remove those accounts completely. This is more like you current account archive feature which works well for inactive/closed accounts.

    Some people might want to remove inactive/closed accounts from the lists with an effective inactive/closing date. which would allow the old transactions from previous years to remain in the transactions view. The account would then go into an inactive/closed accounts tab. I currently do not need this feature but might one day.

    edited March 29, 2018
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    EzikealEzikeal Member Posts: 1

    Hi, Just started using today as an alternative to Qb and ran into this problem. I made a mistake on an import. It might be more OCD if I just saw it in the Chart of Accounts, but I see it in my transactions "all accounts" drop down and it messes with me. Appreciate the Good work otherwise ;)

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    lcslebanonlcslebanon Member Posts: 7

    I agree with many of the users here to want the delete feature to be back, there are many ways to avoid losing crucial accounting data that don't necessarily ban the users from completely deleting something. the archive feature is poor as it still clutters the chart of accounts and those still creep in other configuration screens.

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    BrianKBrianK Member Posts: 1

    I just started using Wave today after struggling with Quickbooks for Mac. I have also mistakenly added an account to Cash and Bank and would like to delete it. Please make this possible for us who don't have accounting degrees and are not quite sure where things go yet.

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    RoKaRoKa Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Hi there !
    I have 2 useful accounts and 6 other entries that just clutter the lists.
    I have enough trouble as it is sorting things out.
    Would there be any round about way to remove unused accounts ? Some of them are just duplicates of bank accounts that I renamed in my Bank ( direct online access to my bank ).
    I am happy to delete all transactions related to those archived accounts.
    Thanks !

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback and for adding your voice to this discussion.

    @Ezikeal, if you archive an account in your Chart of accounts, it will stop showing up everywhere (except the Chart itself). If you want it to stop showing up in your transactions page, make sure all transactions are that were linked to it are moved to the appropriate account instead.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @KaPo.

    If they don't have any transactions linked to those archived accounts, you'll stop seeing them anywhere but in your Chart of Accounts. They'll be gone from your reports, your Transactions page and so on.

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    RoKaRoKa Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    I will make sure all transactions point to accounts that are current.
    Receipts are a bit more stubborn though, I cannot reassign accounts to them once they are verified. I hope they will "let go" of the missing bank accounts without a fuss.
    I am in my first serious year with Wave and I am constantly readjusting stuff, I wish I had more foresight to make more permanent decisions, but I am new to accounting and Wave, so, I might end up braking Wave. :cold_sweat: I am famous for this skill.
    Thank you again @Alexia

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    @KaPo, Wave's a resilient piece of software! I'd be surprised if you break it beyond repair! At the very least, if you make mistakes and need help, we're around to help!

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    RoKaRoKa Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Thanks, @Alexia.
    My accounting looks so clean now! Managed to discard those pesky leftover transactions. Just in time ;-).
    Braking may be the extreme, bugs, shortfalls, idiosyncrasies, may be my most common of my encounters.
    Good to hear it's resilient, but keep it flexible !

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    willmcdwillmcd Member Posts: 2

    I agree with everyone that its annoying that I can't hide useless accounts from cluttering my chart of accounts. I understand deleting them could cause problems, what about hiding them? Or archiving them to a seperate tab.

    For now, I've just been renaming them --, which is an OK workaround. Until I need to remember what one of them used to be named....

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    FgalindoFgalindo Member Posts: 1

    As today April 27 since January 31 14 comment were not enough to this administration to recognize that was a mistake eliminate the delete option,This big mistake need to be fixed for the same reason that we as a members need to correct our mistakes the only reason that I hear was to protect us. You have to have another reasons, how difficult is restore that function, difficult is to live with number that are not real right now I have double amount in my bank account because I cannot delete one Bank account that I download by mistake. We need that function.

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    hgomezchgomezc Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @hgomezc said:
    Or what about allowing deletions for accounts with no transactions on it?? No data to lose and no clutter on our chart of accounts!

    I still believe this would be the best option. "Protect" user from themselves by disallowing deletion of accounts with transactions. If the user still needs to delete the account it would need to remove all transactions from it before doing so.

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