
Guidance on how to delete an old account in assets (Cash & Bank)



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @thinkprosocial.

    The reason why we don't allow Wavers to delete accounts is that it can lead to potentially costly accidents. In the old version of Wave, this is still possible, and a few other Wavers have just recently posted on the Community about accidentally deleting important accounts.

    You can archive these accounts, preventing them from appearing in much of Wave. I understand it's still annoying to see those accounts on your Chart of Accounts. How would you feel about a specific section or tab for archived accounts instead? A way to get them out of sight, without permanently deleting them.

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    JimboJimbo Member Posts: 1

    I am still learning Wave and have made some mistakes and set up some test accounts. I want to be able to delete them, not archive them. Maybe when they are "deleted" they get archived for 30 days then totally deleted. I just want to keep my books clean. Over all I am happy with Wave but this not being able to delete is causing me to look at using another program. I hope they fix it soon,

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    MotomonkeyMotomonkey Member Posts: 1

    Can I DELETE my entire WAVE account and start over? I have set up way to many accounts in the wrong section to see my mistake staring at me for the rest of my relationship with WAVE. There are SO MANY better ways to deal with this "RISK" than to prevent users from deleting accounts. FIX THIS or lose customers

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @Jimbo.

    Yes, @Motomonkey, you can. It might be simpler to just archive your entire business and start a new one on the same Wave account, however. You could also keep your original business under a different name and use it as a test account.

    Here's how you can create a second business and how to archive a business

    If you decide you'd rather close your account and start completely fresh, here's how to do it. Note that this will delete everything, and that information on your account that wasn't backed up will not be recoverable.

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    The_CoachThe_Coach Member Posts: 1

    Why not just add the option to show or not show the archived accounts on the chart of accounts - simply a check the box option?

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    PlalexPlalex Member Posts: 2

    My question is that for some reason I have two versions of the exact same bank account connected somehow, and I would really like to get rid of one as my connection is importing into the wrong one, despite it being archived, so I have to constantly go in and fix transactions and put them in the "right" one.

    I already spent some time getting the numbers correct and everything in its place on the one I'd like it to import to, so I would prefer not to have to do that all over again.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @The_Coach and @Plalex.

    @TheCoach, that's not a bad idea at all, I'll make sure to relay it to our developers.

    @Plalex, You can change which account your bank imports to from the Bank Connections page. We know there's an issue with archived accounts showing up as options there. We're working on a solution right now. In the meantime, I'd recommend changing the name of your archived account to make it easier to distinguish from the active one. Once you've changed the account on your Bank Connections page, you should be fine from there onwards. Let me know if it works!

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    PlalexPlalex Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia Unfortunately it is set to import to one account (the one I want) but is still importing into the other one despite it not being chosen, and archived. I am trying switching it to the wrong one and switching it back to "refresh" it so we'll see if it helps.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Plalex.

    Can you try changing the name of the archived account, if you haven't already? This would tell us whether Wave is getting confused with the names being the same, or if the problem is elsewhere.

    If you did change the name of the account, could you send me a private message with a screenshot of your Bank Connection page showing the right account chosen for this bank connection and another one of a new transaction imported into your archived bank account?

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    Mi_chelleMi_chelle Member Posts: 2

    I am a new user setting up a new business and I archived the default account called Shareholder Loan that I have never used. It completely disappeared from the chart of accounts, but it still shows up in the transactions drop down. Since it is gone from chart of accounts, I can't even unarchive it. What should I do? I don't want it to show in the transactions drop down.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Mi_chelle.

    As of last Friday, empty accounts that get archived disappear from your list of accounts. They should not be appearing elsewhere, however. Could you show me a screenshot of where you're seeing that account show up? It'll give me a better idea of what to do next.

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    PraestoPraesto Member Posts: 1

    Tanks for looking out for users. Good idea However... 2 problems with the current version:
    1) when users add an account in error and it has NO transactions in it they stall Can’t delete the account which can leave an unnecessary or duplicate account.
    2) when an account is Archived it still appears in the Receipts app so when you try and allocate an invoice to an account the duplicate appears making it impossible to know which is which and complete the process.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Praesto.

    I have good news!

    1. This was changed! If an empty account is archived, it'll disappear from your chart.
    2. We are aware of this issue and we're working on getting it resolved as soon as possible. I don't have a timeline for when it'll be done, but our engineers are on the job as we speak!
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    jedanieleejedanielee Member Posts: 3

    So, to verify, does archiving an empty account, in effect, delete the account?

    I ask because neither see the grey "Archived" tag nor the archived empty account in the Chart of Accounts any longer.

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    daniel01daniel01 Member Posts: 1

    I am a new user and accidentally uploaded the same transaction history (csv) to two accounts. Now wave shows double for all my transactions. I have archived the account but it still shows.

    Would I be best off just abandoning this user account and starting a new Wave profile?

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    CKrausCKraus Member Posts: 3

    Same tune....I've been having problems with wave connecting to a credit card. I just found 2 duplicate accounts (1 correct one and 2 with no transactions that are duplicates). I simply want to delete the duplicates. I would want to archive a credit card account that I was no longer using that had transactions in it...but would want the option to delete an account that had no transactions.

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    JDawson100JDawson100 Member Posts: 2

    I have an old duplicate account pulled through from a bank connection that i've now archived. However it's figures are showing up on my reports - such as cashflow. How do i get the cashflow/balance sheet reports etc not to show an old archived account?

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    SCA1984SCA1984 Member Posts: 1

    Hey everyone! I know I am arriving to this discussion really late, but what just worked for me was to mark the account as "archived" as the admins have stated several times here. Then, what you want to do is go to the "Transactions" page and select this "archived" account. Which, DOES still show despite the admins saying it does not. From there, select the box 'select all' to select all the entries. Then, hit delete at the top. Do this for as many pages of entries as you have. Once no more entries exist in the account, and it is in 'archive' status; the account will actually be GONE GONE GONE in the chart of accounts. Completely removed.

    Note: Don't go and spoil a good thing here Wave by fixing this back door / loop hole. It is useful to be able to delete an account for good.

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    JDawson100JDawson100 Member Posts: 2

    @SCA1984 said:
    Hey everyone! I know I am arriving to this discussion really late, but what just worked for me was to mark the account as "archived" as the admins have stated several times here. Then, what you want to do is go to the "Transactions" page and select this "archived" account. Which, DOES still show despite the admins saying it does not. From there, select the box 'select all' to select all the entries. Then, hit delete at the top. Do this for as many pages of entries as you have. Once no more entries exist in the account, and it is in 'archive' status; the account will actually be GONE GONE GONE in the chart of accounts. Completely removed.

    Note: Don't go and spoil a good thing here Wave by fixing this back door / loop hole. It is useful to be able to delete an account for good.

    Thanks @SCA1984 that works! I've spent ages trying to fix this, and this did the job.. your a star. It would be helpful if there was proper wave guidance on this!

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    milliemillie Member Posts: 1

    Thank you Wave for addressing this problem. A Support Article is definitely needed on this topic. Either that or tell your chat team to recommend skipping to page three of this Community Post. The Support Article should include both How to Archive and How to Do Bulk Actions to remove the transactions for the desired removal of the account from the Chart of Accounts.

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    AlfredAlfred Member Posts: 1

    Hello I'm trying to archive an account and Wave tell me Oops! Something went wrong. Try again.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Alfred Is this account associated with any transactions? Also, where is this account located in your Chart of Accounts? When trying to archive the account, can you make sure that you're using Google Chrome or Firefox. Let us know and we can dig in further for you.

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    kprkpr Member Posts: 1

    I screwed up on connecting a credit card account and now I have duplicate accounts. I REALLY NEED to get the duplicate account off of my wave account or I will be stuck with this extra liability for eternity!

    It's either that or I delete my Wave account and start over. PLEASE HELP ME!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @kpr . Are you referring to an additional active bank connection or another account in your Chart of Accounts page? If it's an active bank connection, you can delete this connection by navigating to the Banking tab and selecting Delete connection. If you have two accounts in your Chart of Accounts, first make sure that you have deleted all of the transactions in that account. To do so, navigate to the Transactions page and filter for that account at the top of the page. Then delete all of the transactions in it. Next, head over to the Liabilities section of your CoA and archive the account. This will delete it for you.

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    matttmattt Member Posts: 7

    One more vote for deleting accounts.

    I get why it's there - but if the account is empty / has no transactions associated then it should be possible to delete it (because it's not destructive to do so.)

    Please please put it back!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @mattt and everyone else!

    The reason this function was switched over to archiving rather than deleting as a function is mostly for auditing reasons. The ability to unarchive an account which is no longer active but may have been once is a function many of our users have realized they would have appreciated rather than asking Wave support to go into their account and try and unarchive it on the back end. Having this trail exist is a ideal in showing that transactions once lived in this account, but no longer do anymore, and they can still be accounted for. Hope this gives a bit more context!

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    matttmattt Member Posts: 7

    Fair enough @Barsin - add an 'archive' button and a 'delete' button. Problem solved, everyone happy.

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    AmericanvendorAmericanvendor Member Posts: 1

    I think it would be good to put a disclaimer BEFORE we complete the set up of a cash bank account. If delete is removed from our options, we should be alerted beforehand. That way we can pause and make a better decision on whether to continue or not. Gotta give us another option if youre going to take one away.

    edited September 11, 2019
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Americanvendor , just a heads up, the account will actually delete itself if it has been archived and there are no transactions associated with it.

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    Mimi1Mimi1 Member Posts: 1

    It is really simple. Just go to:
    Click on the pencil of the account you want to delete
    Click Archive Account. It Prevent further usage of this account.
    Gone! Just as Sophia @arunesh said since the very beginning

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