
Guidance on how to delete an old account in assets (Cash & Bank)



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Fgalindo.

    Even in the old version of Wave, deleting an account wouldn't delete old transactions linked to that account. It essentially acted like the current archiving function, but the account couldn't be recovered. If you have transactions that have to be removed, they have to be removed manually.

    Thanks for the feedback, @hgomezc! It's how we already handle deleting customers, and if we did add the ability to delete accounts, I'd imagine it would follow the same constraints.

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    joez4000joez4000 Member Posts: 3

    I'm going to add another vote to allow me to delete my accounts. Regardless of whether or not it is perceived a "safe" in someone else's eyes is completely irrelevant. If I am to feel good about the software I am using then I should be able to manage it how I want. I think it would add way more positivity to the community if we were given the freedom to manage our accounts the way we wanted. You could still default it to "archive only" in the settings or something unless manually changed. But there is absolutely no excuse for that not being an option for me to turn off and on at my own discretion. My accounts page is clunky and cluttered because of this. It doesn't make the experience more enjoyable at all.

    I'm currently using Wave because it's free and am still working out the kinks. I've liked it so far until a moment ago when I figured out I couldn't delete some of my accidental duplicate PayPal accounts. I'm honestly wondering if I wouldn't rather pay money to someone else for a service that allows me to manage my accounts how "I" want to, rather than a free alternative that doesn't.

    Just my thoughts, and some very constructive criticism. I see a lot of people above saying the same thing as me and they are basically replied to with "we know better than you, so you're going to have to deal with it and use the archive feature. It's for your safety". Run your business how you want, but if you want to be seriously successful you should take this kind of feedback seriously.

    Great app so far aside from that by the way!

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    ina_wctina_wct Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I'm brand new to Wave, and I would also like to request the feature to delete accounts that do not have any transactions in them. I created a couple of accounts in the wrong categories since I am still figuring out this program, and I am unable to delete them. I understand the reasoning of not deleting accounts that have transactions, but when you're new and still figuring things out, you can make a bunch of mistakes. I agree with joez4000 about his constructive criticism. I'd like to continue using Wave, but am not opposed to paying for a software that allows me to manage my accounts the way I need to.

    edited April 30, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @joez4000 and @ina_wct, for adding your voice to this discussion.

    While I can't make any promises, I can tell you that we are paying attention and listening to what our Wavers have to say. So again, thank you for your feedback.

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    maree88maree88 Member Posts: 1

    I too vote for the a delete feature. I accidentally added a personal account which has nothing to with the business! i don't want to see all my personal transactions etc in my chart of accounts

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @maree88, for joining in on this!

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    joez4000joez4000 Member Posts: 3

    Just an update: Due to my inability to delete old accounts, I am having to delete and reopen my Wave account and start over. I have duplicate Paypal accounts and my deposits and withdraws are coming out of different ones. I do not want a “Paypal_1” and “Paypal_2” to account for this. Also, it shows way too much money in one Paypal account, and a large negative in the other… so, I guess I’m starting over. It sure would be nice if I could delete the accounts I make and manage my account how I wanted… but you know, “it’s for my safety” and all... ;)

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    DailyOliverDailyOliver Member Posts: 1

    Deleting an empty account should be authorized - otherwise every mistake will clutter up the system. If you need to protect against deletion just ask for password before deletion. This will avoid accidentally deleting an active account. D/O.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thank you @DailyOliver this is great feedback!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you both for adding to this discussion. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we couldn't make Wave as great as it can be without it. Thank you.

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    tendaivncube1tendaivncube1 Member Posts: 1

    What might have caused a duplicate/ copy of my savings account? I am glad I can achieve it but I want to know what might have happened because it also had a list of transactions which are important. So achieving option is very good in this situation.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tendaivncube1.

    Either a copy was made by accident, or you connected your bank account without specifying the account the transactions should be sent to, so Wave created a new account for it. The easiest way to figure out which is which would be to rename one of them.

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    RLJackRLJack Member Posts: 4

    Wow! This is not what I expected. I was new to Wave and while learning how to use the system, I made fake accounts, transactions, etc, just to get a feel for how it all works. I'm not an accountant. I'm a business owner who is learning how to be a bookkeeper. I tried several different systems (free versions), and stuck with wave because it seemed to do the things I needed to do better than the other free versions. Fast forward 6 months, I now have a feel for how things work, and I figured I'd clean up the mess of test accounts and mistakes I made along the way while becoming proficient with Wave and general bookkeeping concepts. I cleaned up all the transactions that pointed to fake accounts and then tried to delete them. BUT I CAN'T!!! How is it good to not be able to clean up and organize your books, when the whole purpose of bookkeeping is to be organized? It's like we have to be perfect every time and NEVER make a mistake in order to keep our books clean. Add me to the requesters of a feature to delete accounts.

    Another request would be to include PayPal in the section of connected bank accounts and give me a link that will update all accounts in one click, including PayPal, bank accounts, and all other integrations.

    edited May 12, 2018
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    joez4000joez4000 Member Posts: 3

    @RLJack said:
    Wow! This is not what I expected. I was new to Wave and while learning how to use the system, I made fake accounts, transactions, etc, just to get a feel for how it all works. I'm not an accountant. I'm a business owner who is learning how to be a bookkeeper. I tried several different systems (free versions), and stuck with wave because it seemed to do the things I needed to do better than the other free versions. Fast forward 6 months, I now have a feel for how things work, and I figured I'd clean up the mess of test accounts and mistakes I made along the way while becoming proficient with Wave and general bookkeeping concepts. I cleaned up all the transactions that pointed to fake accounts and then tried to delete them. BUT I CAN'T!!! How is it good to not be able to clean up and organize your books, when the whole purpose of bookkeeping is to be organized? It's like we have to be perfect every time and NEVER make a mistake in order to keep our books clean. Add me to the requesters of a feature to delete accounts.

    Another request would be to include PayPal in the section of connected bank accounts and give me a link that will update all accounts in one click, including PayPal, bank accounts, and all other integrations.

    Yeah, PayPal should be in the dashboard with my bank account, I agree! Along with the deletion of accounts option, of course

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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    How can I remove some dummy asset and liabilities (credit card) accounts that I made for testing purposes.
    I know they can be archived to prevent further use but I want to clean out the list.

    edited May 15, 2018
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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    I'd like to strongly vote for having the option to delete accounts from "Chart of accounts" list.

    I, also like other users, created a few dummy accounts for testing and now cannot get rid of them. To give an example, I'm having issues with connecting to my MBNA credit card account. I wanted to see if this was an issue with my setup, so I created a Tangerine connection which was made successfully. Now I'm stuck with Tangerine in the list though I'll never use it.

    If users are the one controlling their data, Wave should not be the one to dictate how they manage it. I appreciate the app is free to use, but with crippled functionality it does not make one feel warm and fuzzy.

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    JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    @sanjeevnuts At present it's not possible to completely remove accounts from the chart of accounts. We are exploring options for improving this experience.

    One potential solution we're looking at implementing is to hide archived accounts from the chart of accounts if there are no active transactions associated with the account. Would this solution suit your needs?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, everyone, for adding your voice to this discussion. I understand how frustrating this can be, and I can promise you that we are listening to your feedback.

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    VFCVFC Member Posts: 1

    The Chart of Accounts should be completely customizable. To not be able to delete (make disappear) any of your pre-defined accounts is insane.

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    erasedkerasedk Member Posts: 3

    Agreed with needing the deletion feature. I just signed up because QB is terribly unhelpful for actual small businesses, was playing around, and am now stuck with entries and duplicates accounts that aren't real. Had to start over with an entirely different email. Almost as annoying as QB.

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    RobelynRobelyn Member Posts: 0

    Is there a way way to delete not archive a duplicate account on the Chart of Accounts?

    edited May 18, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Robelyn.

    It isn't currently possible to do this, but you can archive these accounts. You can find out how to do this on this page.

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    wlcwlc Member Posts: 2

    Please add an ability to delete accounts or at least, hide them or have them moved to a separate tab (Archived accounts). Like many others, I created a bunch of accounts when learning the program and now I'm stuck with them.

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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    @JustinA said:
    @sanjeevnuts At present it's not possible to completely remove accounts from the chart of accounts. We are exploring options for improving this experience.

    One potential solution we're looking at implementing is to hide archived accounts from the chart of accounts if there are no active transactions associated with the account. Would this solution suit your needs?

    Yes, this would work. Coupled with the ability to delete transactions, this can be a good solution.

    So if you wanted to get rid of an account you'd have to manually delete all transactions and then hide it. This will also address your concerns about someone "Accidentally" deleting an account.

    edited May 18, 2018
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    pandagurlpandagurl Member Posts: 2

    Adding my vote here to delete accounts. I'm new to Wave and setup some accounts in the wrong categories - they have no associated transactions and I need to remove them completely to avoid confusing myself later on. I've changed the names of the accounts to make it more obvious, but it seems to unnecessarily clutter up the system, especially for an accounting newbie like me. Please consider adding this feature!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback!

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    pennyf1000pennyf1000 Member Posts: 1

    If only I'd known this before I started. Like others I've set up test accounts and now can't get rid of them. Please give us the option to delete!

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    jdlong27jdlong27 Member Posts: 1

    Same here. Signed up, never kept a book in my life, and as in most leaning instances started creating "test account" and "test transaction" etc. Went to delete and ... wow. As a software developer, this completely boggles my mind.

    I would like to vote along with all those before me to bring this back. Or at least institute it a different way. The easier fix would be to allow "Archived" to be flagged as visible or not. Allow the user on the chart of accounts to hide Archived. There, everyone wins. You play around or mess up; hide it. You mess up by "deleting/hiding" something, go get it back and un-archive that item, then hide the rest again. No worrying about what else is looking for that item in the database or breaking scripts. Just my $.02 Thanks for listening to us!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your suggestion, @jdlong27!

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    thinkprosocialthinkprosocial Member Posts: 1

    Please give us this function to delete old accounts, this is silly to not. I accidentally added a personal account that I do not want to see. I had to reconnect my bank accounts without the personal account. Then I saw double the transactions...talk about anxiety...then I had to delete all transactions and reconnect my bank a third time so I have 6 useless accounts I renamed as X lol so I'm not confused. I know it's probably that we all just have OCD about having things neat and tidy, but that's why we're all here....to keep our accounting neat. You're not letting us achieve this by not letting us delete accounts. In my case they're just duplicates. Honestly, whatever it's not going to make or break me at this point, but think about the user experience here. Wave, you're only hurting yourself by not allowing us to get rid of duplicate accounts.

    Joey Becker

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