
Guidance on how to delete an old account in assets (Cash & Bank)



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    dr4dr4dr4dr4 Member Posts: 2

    I had same problem of putting an account in the wrong place then not being able to delete it.
    1. go to transactions for the account in question and delete ALL the transactions for this account.
    2. go to chart of accounts and archive the account, make sure there are no transactions in account
    3. watch as you account vanishes from view!
    For a lot of newbies me included this is the answer they want as the account is probably in the wrong place etc...

    edited January 29, 2020
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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Thank you @dr4dr4! These steps are really helpful to share :)

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    asaborioasaborio Member Posts: 5

    I seem to be having an issue that is similar in this thread. I had an issue that required me to delete my bank connection and reconnect to my same bank. I had to do this for Waveapps to recognize a new business account that I added. During that time I changed the title of my existing account and move archived the old bank account name in my chart of accounts and moved all new transactions over to the new bank title.

    After doing this, everything looked good and that old account title did not show up in my transaction lists anywhere, chart of accounts, bank connections or the bank attached to my payouts. Yet now, when Waveapps pulls my banking data, it puts all my deposit information into the old archive bank account. I can't get Waveapps to recognize my new account title. It ignores my new bank title and still uses the archived bank account title.

    It is a little frustrating because I then need to go into all my transactions, filter on the old account and move those transactions under the correction bank account title so I can balance my accounts.

    My payout is set up correctly and showing the correct bank account and title and Waveapps is pulling from the right bank account, but it is mistakenly placing those deposit transactions into an archived account. Any ideas on how to correct this or to permanently delete the old account title so Waveapps is forced to use the correct bank in my banking connection page and payout pay page?

    Thank you

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    asaborioasaborio Member Posts: 5

    I seem to be having a similar issue as what is found in this thread. I added a new bank account to my Waveapp banking connection page. At the same time, I changed the name of my old bank account.

    When I did this Waveapps created two account titles for the same checking account. I believe this happened because I still had transactions attached to that old bank name title.

    I went into each transaction with the old bank account title and move them under the new bank account title. I then went into my chart of accounts and archived the old bank title.

    Currently, nothing shows up for that old bank title in my transactions, payouts, banking connections or reports, but when Waveapps pulls deposits from my bank, it puts them under the old bank account title automatically. Once that happens I need to go into the transaction and bulk move all those under the correct bank title so I can balance my accounts at the end of the month.

    I am not sure how to fix this, as I cannot see or find that old bank account anywhere in Waveapps. Does anyone know what this is happening and how to fix it?

    Thank you

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @asaborio, I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're seeing here! By chance, do you see this old account from within your Accounting > Chart of Accounts page? I'm wondering if somehow there are some old accounts still kicking around. Would definitely love to check this out together!

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    asaborioasaborio Member Posts: 5

    Hi @ConnorM, I don't see that old account in my Accounting > Chart of Accounts. I was digging around to see where it might be, but no luck. The only time I can see this account is when there is a deposit into my bank account and Waveapps grabs it and places it in a transaction, then I can see it in my transaction drop-down list and also see in my Reports.

    I think since it is the same account number but with a different title, it is not recognizing the account name as shown in my Chart of Accounts.

    I am wondering if it would make sense to disconnect the bank accounts and reconnect them again to try and clean out anything that is cached in the backend of Waveapps.

    I would like to know your thoughts. Thanks

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @asaborio

    So I believe that you will want to try and delete these connections then try again! Be sure to edit your transactions import date to reflect the latest successfully imported transaction.

    Please let us know and update this thread if you've made progress!

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    asaborioasaborio Member Posts: 5

    Thanks @BarsinA, what I did to correct this was waiting for another deposit to take place. Then once that happened, the hidden archived account showed itself in my Chart of Accounts. I unarchived the old account and then bulk moved all transitions both debit and credit bank under the previously achieved account. It was easier than delinking my payouts and reading the account to try and clear this up. I believe this will fix the issue. I am going to wait for another deposit to occur and then archive the account that did not work right.

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    CNSltdCNSltd Member Posts: 3

    I agree with @dr4dr4. Delete your transactions related to the account you want to delete and once the account is archived, it won't show up anywhere. Not sure yet if I will experience what @asaborio experienced.

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    asaborioasaborio Member Posts: 5

    Hi @BarsinA, @CNSltd, What I did worked. I waited for a new deposit to show up in my bank account and then waited for Waveapp to grab that deposit and place it in the wrong archived account. Once that happened, I was able to see the hidden archived account again. I took all the transactions from the new account I created and move them all back to the old archive account, then proceeded to unarchive that account so it would not be hidden. I waited a while to make sure the deposits were correctly going to the old account before archiving the new account and hiding it. I never found out why the Waveapp would not recognize the new account but have no intention of touch anything now that it is fixed. For now, everything is working fine.

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    Roland_WymanRoland_Wyman Member Posts: 4

    I can live with having an archived bank account but how do I run year end reports with information only from my active bank account and not the archived account?
    The archived bank account is actually a duplicate because I was forced to change my login with my bank and Wave took as setting up another connected account.
    Now I have duplicate transactions up to the point where I archived the duplicate.

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Roland_Wyman,

    It looks like our Support Team has assisted you with this issue over email! That said, if you're still having issues, feel free to thread below :smile:

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    JamrJamr Member Posts: 37

    I have "Archived" an account and for 2 years I have had to look at it in my drop down list of accounts in the transactions section.
    Is there any way to make an old useless account not show up in my lists of useful accounts?

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