Overview of receipts



  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @austinandersen For more context on this, I'd recommend checking out another community discussion about attaching receipts to account transactions here: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/comment/19216#Comment_19216

    To reiterate what Jamie posted in the linked community discussion, for full transparency, attaching receipts is not a main focus for our software at the moment. Even if it's a simple addition to add to the code, we're looking to improve our sales services which need work (customer statements etc) and we just finished a transformation of the reconciliation page. We definitely understand that this is a must-have feature, but we just don't have this listed a top priority at the moment, nor do we have an ETA. Sorry we don't have exact details at the moment.

    @34_Corner I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to assign two receipt images to one transaction. Wave would count each image as a separate expense and that would have Wave be out of sync with how the expense is represented in your bank statement.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @34_Corner and welcome to Wave's Community! I'd love to dig in a little bit more here to fully understand the situation. If you received a double sided receipt that coincides with 1 transaction, it sounds like uploading both sides that contains the same information may just be duplicating your work. I can't think of many instances where a receipt would be double sided and would contain payment information, so if you could further explain your scenario, I'd be happy to further think about the best approach here.

  • 34_Corner34_Corner Member Posts: 3
    Hey Jordan, sometimes my receipts that I need to take a picture of to upload are really long and detailed and to get the entire receipt in the photo I have to take a far away picture and then it’s hard to see the details in the receipt. Another time when I need to add two pictures to one purchase is a hotel receipt which is typically the size of an 8 x 11 document and sometimes two or three pages in length. It would be nice to merge multiple pictures of receipts into one. I currently send a large receipt via airdrop and then the receipt is saved on my computer and I upload it to Wave. The problem with the airdropped receipt process is I now have three copies of the receipt. The hard copy, the receipt stores on my computer, and the receipt uploaded to Waze. Thanks for your concern.
  • MushiMageMushiMage Member Posts: 1

    You should have a unique email address for each wave account for receipt acceptance with a filter as to whether the emailed receipts are automatically processed, held, or discarded by incoming email address. This would allow automatic receipt acceptance from companies that send electronic receipts to an email address; and thus avoid having to forward the receipts.

    edited September 1, 2019
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @34_Corner

    Thanks for giving us a bit more context, it's nice to know the type of transactions our users are seeing when they put out a feature request. This gives our developers a lot to go off when making future updates. Sadly as you may have noticed multiple receipt photo uploads are not available in Waves receipt function. Our apologies that this function may not meet your businesses needs when it comes to expense receipts.

    Hey @MushiMage

    As you may have already guessed this could create a myriad of issues when it comes to potential server bandwidth not to mention any issues that may arise with email communication errors on an individual basis. I think I understand what you mean in regards to having a unique i.d that distinguishes your account. We appreciate you reaching out with your ideas though!

  • LC8LC8 Member Posts: 2

    Most of my receipts are in email format - how do I upload those?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @LC8 . We accept emailed receipts as well! To send these, please attach them to an email (one at a time) and send it to receipts@waveapps.com from your primary email address. Check out our Help Center article on this for more info!

  • LC8LC8 Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL - when I save my emails they save as email unicode or HTML... the Help Center says that only these formats are accepted: PDF, jpg/jpeg, tiff/tif, bmp and png

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @LCB rather than saving the email, can you take a screenshot of the email receipt? The receipt uploader in Wave looks for an image and uses OCR technology to scan the image for the information that it needs. Unicode or HTML uses letters, numbers, and symbols which does not allow for the OCR technology to get the information it needs appropriately.

  • PLAYTIMEPLAYTIME Member Posts: 1

    How do I take a picture of a long receipt? If I do multiple captures, it looks like it separates the receipt into multiple submissions (each photo is a separate receipt). Is that normal? It seems like I would have to take one distant photo to fit my long receipts, which is more difficult to read. I would prefer it to show one receipt.

  • J_Nosneb13J_Nosneb13 Member Posts: 3

    A receipt was incorrectly posted to the wrong category. How do I correct that?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    hey @PLAYTIME . There's currently no alternative method to capture an extra long receipt. What I'd do in this case is take a picture of the entire thing, and change any of the information necessary on the transaction so that it still captures the correct information and enters it into your accounting. You can even add additional info into the Notes if there's something specific you want to capture. This way, the system is still accounting for it as it should be.

    @J_Nosneb13 You can find the corresponding transaction in the Transactions page on the date that the purchase was made. There you can recategorize any necessary categories.

  • J_Nosneb13J_Nosneb13 Member Posts: 3

    @BarsinA said:
    Hey @MironD123

    So the current way would be to merge these two transactions. Select the check boxes beside the two transactions, and at the top you will be able to merge them. With that being said, our developers seem to be looking into a way to simply attach a receipt image to your transaction. So once your bank imports the transaction you can just attach a file to it. This is in the works! But for now try merging the two transactions.

    Hey BarsinA,
    What happens when the bank add a $1 surcharge for processing the transaction? The original amount and the bank amount no longer match. Wave won't let me merge the two transactions when the amounts are not identical.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @J_Nosneb13! I'm thinking that this Help Center article here is going to be your best bet for getting those fees accounted for :)

  • AlwandaAlwanda Member Posts: 1

    I use the Android app and web platform for all of my transactions, business and personal. When sending a receipt to my business, there is no way to move the receipt from one account to the other. "A Move Receipt/Bill/ Invoice/Document To.." feature would be great here. The second issue is that the email address, receipts@waveapps.com does not move the forwarded email receipt to the account I'd like to go to. an email with an account path might work.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Alwanda , thanks for reaching out! When posting a receipt to Wave through the mobile app, upon reviewing the receipt you have the choice to select which business you want it to import into. You can't move a receipt from business to business after it's already been posted to your accounting, as the receipt then has a corresponding transaction associated to it in that business.

    In regards to forwarding receipts, make sure that you're not actually forwarding your emails as Wave only accepts brand new emails with attachments. Also, thank you for your feature idea on the email path, I can definitely see how this would help your business out!

  • Hands_FreeHands_Free Member Posts: 3

    I have a bookkeeping client who occasionally uses paper checks to pay for various expenses. Can she upload a picture of the check throught the receipts app, so I can see the nature of the purchase? The bank statement simply gives the check # and amount, leaving me to find out the rest of the information.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Hands_Free . You could technically use it for this purpose, although keep in mind that uploading a receipt image automatically creates an expense transaction in the Transactions page. This means that after adding the bank statement as well, you will have duplicate transactions (although these can always be merged together).

  • Hands_FreeHands_Free Member Posts: 3

    Thanks, Alex

  • Mimi_2020Mimi_2020 Member Posts: 1

    when I scan the receipt the Tax didn't show up ?

  • Mr_DidotMr_Didot Member Posts: 5

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @Hands_Free . You could technically use it for this purpose, although keep in mind that uploading a receipt image automatically creates an expense transaction in the Transactions page. This means that after adding the bank statement as well, you will have duplicate transactions (although these can always be merged together).

    Hi Alex,

    I saw in a the post above that a bank transaction and a receipt transaction can be merged to avoid duplication. How do you do that?

    Many thanks

  • KristyKristy Member Posts: 2

    @Genester said:
    Is the receipt app no longer available? I only see the Wave Accounting app in the Google Play Store.

    Hey just FYI I spoke to the online chat and apparently there is an ongoing issue with the app and they are working to resolve it. So hopefully we will have it soon....

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Mimi_2020 , you have the option to add the tax to the receipt after you've uploaded it into Wave.

    Hey @Mr_Didot . In your transactions page (Accounting > Transactions), you should have a transaction for both the receipt, and one that was pulled in from the bank. If you select both transactions with the tick box located next to them, a merge button will appear at the top of the transactions window that you can click.

    To @Genester @Kristy and everyone else looking for the receipt app. Please feel free to follow along in the thread posted below should you have any further questions!


  • JaneJaneJaneJane Member Posts: 2
    I have uploaded the receipt via mobile receipt application. This transaction did not update under accounting > Transactions in the web portal, though I can see it under Purchases > Receipts. Did I miss anything?
  • Mike_DetroitMike_Detroit Member Posts: 1

    I have receipts for building materials that are required to be capitalized. Can these receipts be categorized at P,P,E or is the only option and expense account.


  • Deeham2020Deeham2020 Member Posts: 1

    The Wave Receipts mobile app when will it be available for Android from Play Store rather than the website?
    Don't like downloading apps from website.
    iPhone have it Why not Play Store?

  • karenmckerraskarenmckerras Member Posts: 1

    is the upload receipt app available for bills yet to pay.. accounts payable ... or does it always create a cashbook payment transaction

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JaneJane! The receipt should have automatically created the transactions - did you manage to find them in that Accounting > Transactions page?

    @Mike_Detroit You can actually add new accounts for expenses from your Chart of Accounts under the appropriate category, that would have that category appear as something to expense those transactions as.

    @Deeham2020 for the time being, downloading the app from the Wave website is the only way to acquire it. We will be continuing to attempt to get the app back on the Play Store.

    @karenmckerras The receipt app will always upload bills as if they have always been paid, they will not upload a receipt that still needs payment.

  • JaneJaneJaneJane Member Posts: 2

    @ConnorM, the entry took about a few hours (or a day, I'm not sure) to appear in Accounting > Transactions. It was not instant for receipts uploaded from the Mobile Application.

  • thee_dempsthee_demps Member Posts: 7

    This is a stupid question but... if my credit card is attached to Wave for tracking expenses, do I still have to photograph my receipts for tax purposes? Thanks

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