
Bill Attachment

ybahatybahat Member Posts: 4


When a vendor sends you an invoice, do you treat it as a "reciept" or do you create a bill?

I find it makes more sense to create a bill in the system for these, because it let's you record seperate items, and also split payments.

However, I would like to be able to merge the bill and the pdf invoice I recieved, and I can't seem to find a way to do it.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

edited August 31, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @ybahat at this time you aren't able to add attachments to bills, but creating a bill in Wave for these invoices is the most accurate way to account for them, because they're considered Accounts Payable. The receipt upload function generally works best for conventionally "receipt formatted" documents, for lack of a better word :) and is designed for smaller expenses. I would recommend you continue to with what you've been doing, creating a bill and recording separate items, and keep the physical invoice you've been sent on file for your records. Let me know if that makes sense to you :)

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    arzesarzes Member Posts: 1

    This is the same question that I had. Will the invoice upload or attachment facility be added to bills in the near future?

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    joandtjoandt Member Posts: 1

    How do I send a receipt for payment made to me from an invoice

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    AnAverageJoAnAverageJo Member Posts: 5

    I too would love it if I could have the documents relative to the transaction be attached to the transaction (I would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for this).

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    neomeshneomesh Member Posts: 1

    @Sophia said:
    Hi @ybahat at this time you aren't able to add attachments to bills, but creating a bill in Wave for these invoices is the most accurate way to account for them, because they're considered Accounts Payable. The receipt upload function generally works best for conventionally "receipt formatted" documents, for lack of a better word :) and is designed for smaller expenses. I would recommend you continue to with what you've been doing, creating a bill and recording separate items, and keep the physical invoice you've been sent on file for your records. Let me know if that makes sense to you :)

    I would like to request for a feature to upload the actual Invoice by scanning it so we can better manage them

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @arzes, @AnAverageJo and @neomesh.

    Could you tell me a bit more information on why you would need to attach documents to a bill, in the context of your specific business? What kind of documents would you need to be able to attach, and how would it serve your business' specific needs?

    The more information you can give us on how this would specifically help your business, the better we'll be able to assess the priority we'd want to give on such a feature.

    Hi @joandt, this is a different question entirely. Please start a new thread, under the appropriate category asking to ask a new question. That being said, you might be able to find your answer through the search function here on the community, or in our Help Center.

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    Sel1Sel1 Member Posts: 1

    This is accounting 101. You must have original documentation attached to bills. Think about it from an audit standpoint. This could be a deal breaker for me as I evaluate your system. You guys should hire some real world accountants who were actually audited. Just saying.

    edited March 10, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Sel1. Bills are managed this way in consideration of the difference between a bill and a receipt. A bill is an invoice received by a vendor company that hasn't been paid yet, but that your company will make payments towards, whereas a receipt is something received once a payment is made.

    If you want to manage bills as receipts and upload them to Wave, however, you absolutely can.

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    MrLaloMrLalo Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alexia,
    The main purpose for being able to attach the original invoice to a bill entry is for audit purposes. We are being audited currently by the IRS, and while I am organized and have every bill in dropbox, it would be much easier to let the auditors have access to wave and they could see the attached vendor invoice directly, similarly as it works with receipts. Now I assume that because of database restrictions, this functionality has been added, I would encourage you to consider it. Either that or allow a feature where we can link the bill to a 'respository' folder, like dropbox so that there is always a tie in to the original invoice.

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    SumBooksSumBooks Member Posts: 1

    Hi Alexia and Sophia,
    It would be valuable for me to attach my expense report PDF to my bills. Currently I use Expensify for these expense reports. I have hundreds of purchases made using my personal bank and credit card accounts. I've consolidated those into various expense reports, which I am entering as bills in Wave for my company for personal reimbursement.

    Therefore, it would be helpful to have the ability to attach the detailed reports without duplicating the work.
    Thank you.

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    martenjacobsmartenjacobs Member Posts: 1

    +1 for this feature request from me as well. Currently, I have to organize all the invoices I receive separately from Wave.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @martenjacobs!

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    JasonBJasonB Member Posts: 1

    I have this Bill sent to me from a WAVE user.. I want to add this pdf of the bill I've received. Instead of having the original bill, I have to recreate it? I feel that this is an important piece of the puzzle and should be included in the system by default. +1 here to have upload / attach original bill to manually created bill

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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    @JasonB right now the only option is to upload the image to create a Receipt (not quite the same a Bill given the principles of accrual accounting). I also want to get Wave to a place were you can just add receipt images/files to the transactions directly on your Transactions page to make it even more efficient. Appreciate your insight here.

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    andynoiseboyandynoiseboy Member Posts: 13

    +1. I'm new to Wave and was a little surprised to apparently not be able to link a bill payment to an 'electronic' version of the invoice received from a vendor. I'm aiming for a 'paperless office' and will scan any paper invoices that I receive (they're mostly PDFs these days already). A simple field to add a filename would help?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @andynoiseboy . This is definitely feedback that we are taking into consideration (being able to upload paperless receipts). With that being said, I will make sure that your voice/comment gets placed to the right people in terms of our future roadmap implementation.

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    CatchtheWaveCatchtheWave Member Posts: 1

    +1 for being able to attach an invoice to a bill transaction. It allows for easier audits and a more "complete" picture when inputting the bill. I really don't understand why this functionality has been added to receipts and not bills, if anything I would have thought adding to the bill input is more important. Payment of the bill (receipt) doesn't need the same level of detail as the actual bill details (for receipts it is easy to track from the bank statement that payment has been made).

    edited January 1, 2019
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    NormonetNormonet Member Posts: 3

    Would love to be able to attach a PDF or jpg of a bill (as opposed to scanning a receipt)! This would allow other users (and auditor) to view the backup without me having to provide them access to a separate shared drive to see the backup documentation. Can this be considered for future feature development?

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    KHHdesignKHHdesign Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for adding this feature. The invoices I receive from Vendors ARE my receipt, but I need to create a Bill to pay them through Wave. I would like to be able to attach the invoice they sent (usually via email) to the Bill in Wave so I can keep all of the records in one place. Otherwise I'm filing it in another location which makes it harder to match them up later when needed (i.e. audit, tax filing, etc).

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @CatchtheWave @Normonet @KHHdesign We definitely appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback on how adding the ability to add a file to the bill would be extremely valuable to many users. As both Tyler and Jamie have mentioned throughout this thread, we have escalated this type of feature request to the Product Development Team. Thank you for sharing these details, and helping us to advocate for your needs!

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    pappy12pappy12 Member Posts: 2

    I'm just adding to the "wave" (pardon the pun) of feeling in this thread that being able to attach an invoice (receipt) from a vendor to a set of bill payments is absolutely essential. I can see discussion of this going back a couple of years, yet I think it would be so simple to just add an upload feature to attach to a bill in the same way Wave does for purchase receipts.

    I just know my accountants will want to see the vendor receipt for a large purchase we've made stage payments for. Especially as we are reclaiming the VAT on it. What I will have to do now is scan the receipt and send it to them separately, or mail it to them. If I had a few of these, I just wouldn't be able to cope. From an auditing point of view, it just makes sense.

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    vronpvronp Member Posts: 8

    I also vote for this feature. I just moved from Quickbooks to Wave and this is one feature I miss. So far, I am really happy with Wave.

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    StarryStarry Member Posts: 2

    Very surprised this isn't a feature. I would have expected it would be a must have for Bills. All accounting packages I have used allow you to attache the source document to a bill. Please add this.

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    AjaxAjax Member Posts: 1

    We would love to be able to upload a bill, even if we have to complete all the information. At least we could 1, see the scan without having to dig it out of a file and 2, require a person to do complete the transaction insuring nothing gets missed.

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    WilliamIIWilliamII Member Posts: 4

    Definitely a vote to see this feature.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @pappy12 @vronp @Starry @Ajax @WilliamII Thanks again all for your feedback here -- truly appreciated. One thing that I would ask for (although potentially obvious) is an example of how this would improve your workflow when utilizing our software. The reason being, we want all of our users to get the most out of Wave and by providing real world examples of how this would benefit you/your business, it gives a us a stronger push to provide these types of features to you. Let me know when you can!

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    StarryStarry Member Posts: 2

    When I receive an invoice to pay I create a bill in Wave for that invoice. Now because I can't attach the original invoice to the bill I save it to an external file system. If in the future I need to view the invoice for any reason, such as verifying the bill, to answer a query, or we get audited then I need to find the invoice in the file system, which is sometimes not easy. Being able to attach the invoice to the bill would make this much simpler and less error prone. It's really just simple record keeping.

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    WilliamIIWilliamII Member Posts: 4

    Scenario: I have a bill that needs receipt documentation for tax purposes. If I could attach a pdf, it'd be dead easy. As it is, I'll need to store receipts in a separate folder somewhere on my computer.

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    @Starry @WilliamII, thanks for taking the time to provide us with those great examples! Having context like that to bring back to our product team is super beneficial! I have no ETA on this update, but this thread will be updated as soon as we have any new information for you guys! Thanks :smile:

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    SparklesSparkles Member Posts: 1

    I'd like to vote for this too! Im surprised and disappointed this isn't already a function - seems like an absolute must have!

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