All about automatically categorizing transactions



  • landonmoonlandonmoon Member Posts: 2

    I pay a lot of the same businesses each month (sometimes with a slightly different description on the credit card statement) and Wave forgets the category I set or miscategorizes them. When I manually choose a category for a certain merchant, Wave really ought to remember it. This isn't happening consistently.

  • nancyindenvernancyindenver Member Posts: 7

    I also would love to see auto-categorization work more effectively. Things that I categorize the same over and over again never seem to be learned.

  • RonaldsRonalds Member Posts: 5

    Please I want to turn the pop up off!!!!! It is always getting in the way

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @nancyindenver

    Thanks so much for your feedback. I apologize that our machine learning is not adapting to your account. We're always looking to improve our system as well as machine learning and I assure your our team is aware of this issue and looking to work on it in the future

    I'm so sorry @Ronalds

    We have no way of disabling this feature on an account by account basis :(

  • RonaldsRonalds Member Posts: 5

    Yes but at least let us disable the pop up. It can still try to learn it all it wants, but the pop up is always in the way..

  • Linda_AndersonLinda_Anderson Member Posts: 2

    I second the request to disable the popup and the ability to auto-categorize. I find that I sometimes overlook ones that have been auto-categorized. This creates more work for me to scour transactions that I thought I had already reviewed and makes me concerned that my books are off.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Ronalds & @Linda_Anderson, thank you both for your feedback here! I can see how having the option to disable the pop-up for your account would be beneficial to you. To be transparent, at the moment we do not have immediate plans to add this type of feature to our road-map. Hopefully this is something we can look to add in the future.

  • RezinateRezinate Member Posts: 5

    YES! Please please please allow us to disable these pop-ups!

  • LanceLance Member Posts: 5

    While in Accounting, Transactions, this popup keeps popping up

    Anyone know how to get it to STOP?


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Lance! I've moved your post into a discussion around this popup. At present, this is not something that can be disabled in Wave, and we do not currently have plans to implement the ability to turn it off. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this causes your workflow!

  • AbigailLAbigailL Member Posts: 1

    Please get it in the plans to disable the popup. It makes me not even want to use Wave at times. It slows things down tremendously and is beyond frustrating to have to stop every single time I categorize a transaction

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AbigailL

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Our apologies that this feature is clogging up your daily accounting! Our team is aware that some of our users do not use the auto-cat feature, but I appreciate you reaching out to confirm!

  • EduityEduity Member Posts: 1

    Your automatic categorization is a huge annoyance. As a matter of fact, it really sucks. Please, do away with it.

  • dmbirgydmbirgy Member Posts: 2

    Between the auto pop up trying to auto categorize that is wasting time and the new vendor for bank connections that doesn't have my bank any longer, the WAVE product has went from a 5 star to a 1 star!

  • This_sucks_assThis_sucks_ass Member Posts: 1

    Categorizing transactions in the new view is an absolute nightmare. I have multiple bills from the same vendor. How do I know which bill to apply a payment with out a date showing for the bill? This is pretty stupid. I'll be looking for new accounting software immediately.

  • ChadHChadH Member Posts: 2

    Auto categorization appears to have locked up one of my most frequent transactions. It seems your system couldn't handle the 3500+ transactions it pulled up from the last few years. The site stopped responding and now I can't even bulk edit 2 or 3 of these transactions at a time. Like the system is still trying to process the previous change that was stuck so it will do nothing until that kink is worked out. This has your site completely unusable for me at the moment. Why isn't this annoying popup limited to my current filtered results date range? Why would it ever pull in a previous year? There is a lot of room for error there. Nobody has time to scan thousands of lines to see if they are auto changing a previous year amount to the wrong account.

    edited January 23, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ChadH , so just to confirm, you're receiving no response to the site at all? Can you send me a screenshot of what this looks like on your end?

  • ChadHChadH Member Posts: 2

    Hi @AlexL
    The no response happened after the system tried to apply a category to roughly 3500 line items. I received a windows pop up that the site had stopped responding. I selected "wait" to see if it would process. The screen then went all white. I closed the tab and re-opened. Everything worked as it should site wise except for any of the expense line items that were in the 3500 list. I could do them one at a time but I would still get the popup for "we found 3500 more". I tried that once more and again it did not work. I also tried to categorize a handful of them using the "edit" button but again it would do nothing.

    My assumption was the system was still trying to process that original batch that created the error so I shut down last night in hopes it would resolve overnight. I just logged in and I am now able to edit them a handful at a time as I had hoped.

    of note:
    The 3500 included at least 2 or 3 years if not more of transactions that had already been categorized in previous years. Those transactions had not been "reviewed" as I never saw a need to do that as a one man operation but it doesn't appear that even being "reviewed" stops the system from pulling those previous lines in. I like the idea of the system finding these transactions in the period I have selected but as I mentioned in the previous comment. Its really dangerous to have an automated feature that adjusts items from previous years that would/should have been closed out. I'd suggest limiting it to the previous 100 uncategorized line items within the filtered period. In fact, already categorized items should never even make it into that pop up list for tons of reasons including the strain it appears to be causing on your servers.

    Thanks for listening

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @ChadH Hmmm very interesting situation. I'm gonna pass this on to the team so they know what has happened. Thanks very much for the feedback on this as well as bringing it to our attention.

    edited January 27, 2020
  • Large_BusinessLarge_Business Member Posts: 1

    How do I stop auto-categorizing? Most of my transactions are split multiple times as the money coming in goes to different people/entities/accounts. The wave software can't detect this and is auto-categorizing most transactions wrong. Previously I could tell if I needed to categorize a transaction if it was uncategorized. I no longer can tell which I have categorized correctly versus which the software categorized. So, I'm having to relook multiple transactions everyday to make sure I don't miss a transaction that was auto-categorized wrongly. Multiple other people are having similar problems with the auto-categorization feature. There is overwhelming feedback for months about this. This isn't just another petty complaint or request for some new unnecessary capability - it is critical to the entire software, all users, and Wave's business. The best companies absorb feedback like this and quickly adapt. Please do so. This is unsatisfactory. Two options would work: (1) allow the auto-categorize feature to be turned off; and/or (2) have auto-categorized be filter and have a visual indicator so the user knows which have/have not been auto-categorized.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Large_Business , we appreciate you taking the time to comment on this as well as provide solutions to how our team can solve the issue. Although we don't have any current plans to turn off the pop-up, I'd be more than happy to pass your specific feedback about it along to the team.

  • DennisGDennisG Member Posts: 2

    you guys say one thing, applications does something else, not able to recategorize..Im looking for telephone wireless,,, Im getting is "refunf for telephone wireless" App will not allow me to do anything

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DennisG! If you are trying to categorize a transaction and all you see is 'refund for telephone wireless' then you might not have a category created for it. Head to: Accounting > Chart of Accounts and then you can add the category that you need! Once you have added it here it will reflect on your transactions page.

  • DennisGDennisG Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for responding...just after I sent my concern..I figured mistake, I needed to select expense instead of income...and everything fell in far it's working great.
  • JanetFJanetF Member Posts: 1

    It does not work. I constantly am categorizing the same transactions every month. I have been using this for 5+ years.

  • truehousemediatruehousemedia Member Posts: 5

    Wave continues to not accurately categorize a few of my recurring transactions after months of manual corrections. I have corrected one merchant category at least 12 times to be a registration fee for art shows, but Wave insists that it's meals and entertainment - not even close the merchant's classification. Is it possible to force the change manually? This is also happening to about 6 other merchants that recurrently charge us. Thoughts?

    edited February 10, 2020
  • hichsonhichson Member Posts: 7

    How can one re-classify transactions, which were wrongly classified as income, but it is actually expenses?

  • JillHJillH Member Posts: 1

    Auto categorizing is so frustrating! I've used this for a year and it takes tons of time to redo the wrong. Can you please make an option to turn this off?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @JillH & @truehousemedia! I'm sorry about the frustration this has caused you. We currently do not have the ability to turn this feature 'off' but I can pass this along as a feature request to our team.

    @truehousemedia do you use the 'meals and entertainment category often for other transactions? If not, you could try 'archiving' the account to prevent further usage of it to see if that helps the auto-cat tool categorize correctly.

    Hi @hichson! If the transaction was entered incorrectly, head to the Transactions page in your Wave account, click on a transaction to open up the details. Under 'deposit' or 'withdrawal' click to change the transaction type so you can then select the correct income or expense category.

  • joncjonc Member Posts: 1

    Wave categorizing checks that just come in as CHECK IMAGE ### makes no sense. How is Wave supposed to guess what category a check is for? Wave just decides each check is the last thing I wrote and it is infuriating. Has anyone on the wave team considered that checks can be written for multiple different categories of transaction. A person could write a check for rent, or a person could write a check to a vendor, or a check could be an owner draw. Etc.

    What's the use case for that? Someone who only writes checks for rent? Checks should just come in as uncategorized or there should be a way to turn it off.

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