All about automatically categorizing transactions



  • gigihurricanegigihurricane Member Posts: 3

    Wave keeps categorizing so many of my transactions as Medical Expenses. Currently all of my internal transfers are self categorizing to this expense. It's time consuming to correct and I overlook it occasionally which causes errors. This support article says that Wave learns. Well it is not learning accurately and not adjusting correctly. I have never categorized transfers as Medical Expenses so not sure where it learned it from. This is frustrating.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gigihurricane and @jonc. Thank you for reaching out with your feedback about the auto-categorization feature. I'm sorry that this currently is giving you both grief, and it continues to be something that we are looking into for improvements in the future.

  • TracyTracy Member Posts: 2

    can I turn off the notification that pops up everytime I finish categorizing a transaction? it says '65 more transactions like this to be categorized'
    I don't want to see this notification anymore, and it's annoying I have to close it every time
    Thank you

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Tracy At the moment, the ability to turn autocategorization and it's notifications off is not possibly. This is mainly because the feature was created out of customer demand. In saying that, we are definitely interested in why this feature might not be the most helpful for you. If you could leave us with some understanding of how we can improve the feature in order to make it more useable, this would be super helpful!

  • CareerCoach_DrewCareerCoach_Drew Member Posts: 2

    First time posting. I don't know if i should post a new discussion or comment in this thread since my issue relates to it. I am going with the latter approach. I have been using the auto categorize feature and while it works (I wish I could sort by the description field or search for all instances of a certain transaction but maybe someday), I get this message just before I click on the button to make it happen. It tells me future transactions will be categorized into a category I don't want them categorized into. It's a category that is NOT the one I just chose. I uncheck the boxes on the left before I do another categorization so that's not it - it's not picking up on the last categorization I did. Any ideas how to fix this?

  • JaredDJaredD Member Posts: 1

    Just putting in my request to please have an option to turn off the auto categorization. I categorize a transaction when I run through each of my receipts at the end of the month. If I'm missing a receipt I will know because I will have uncategorized transactions. But as your software is filling them in, sometimes correctly and sometimes incorrectly, I can't track my missing receipts. Part of my contest is whether it's categorizing correctly or not, but more so that I can't turn it off. It's simply making it hard for me to check my receipts. I then use the check box when I reconcile with my statements. Thanks for your great software!!!

  • JWDJWD Member Posts: 2

    I would like to add myself to the tally of people asking that the categorization pop up have the option of being turned off. It is terribly distracting and always in the way when I'm doing my own categorization. This is the first time I comment, but I've been looking to turn this off for two years and had noticed previously that many people too were making the same request, so I figure it would be addressed, but since it hasn't I would like to help amplify the need to be able to turn off the pop up. Thanks!!!

  • ChrisAChrisA Member Posts: 1

    Also requesting the popup to be turned off.

  • dwalkertndwalkertn Member Posts: 1

    Please make auto adding features a choice. I am spending to much time finding errors in auto added categories and would rather add them manually.

  • A_AhmedA_Ahmed Member Posts: 1

    I am new to Wave and imported bank transactions using second csv file after I initially categorized the transactions manually. After second import it didn't categorize the similar transactions automatically. Is this the expected behavior?
    Also ability to export transaction group by categories is paramount to what I need. I don't see this functionality. Am I missing something?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @A_Ahmed

    The Auto-cat typically works with your descriptor. For example, if you have a starbucks purchase, it will likely categories this to meals and entertainment, but if you have an expense transaction with a unique code, it likely won't auto-categorize just because you've categorized it previously! Hopefully this makes sense.

  • DenverKimber421DenverKimber421 Member Posts: 2

    Please give us the option to completely turn off auto-classifications. I spend more time correcting them than I would if I could just classify each new transaction as it is posted myself. Thanks!

  • JeffCOJeffCO Member Posts: 1
    As other users point out, this feature is incredibly frustrating. It is often incorrect and there’s no way to distinguish auto categorized transactions. At least add a symbol or icon next to auto categorized transactions so I can easily find them and check them. Better yet, make this feature optional.
  • UpNorthPetUpNorthPet Member Posts: 2

    1) please make auto-categorization optional
    2) for those who opt in, please made auto-categories customizable/editable (view and edit memorized transactions). In fact please make all "machine learning" reviewable to edit incorrect learning. If I make one mistake then I am stuck manually changing it forever after!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all! Thank you for your continued feedback here. We definitely appreciate it. At present, we do not have any updates to offer as far as the changes to the auto-categorization feature. When we hear further, we'll be sure to update this thread.

  • AbleEasyAbleEasy Member Posts: 3

    All my imported transactions from checks written from my bank are auto entering the category as UTILITIES. I correct them but Wave is not remembering my corrections. Since the new update near the begining of the year 2020 this has been happening and now I do not get the red font that gives me the choice to choose a category. How can I stop this auto categorizing, it's making managing my account take longer than it used to. I need this to stop, very frustrating!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @AbleEasy! Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about the issues you are having with the auto-categorization function. I can see how this would be frustrating. We currently do not have the ability to turn this feature off for accounts I'm afraid. Are your transactions being automatically imported by your bank, or are you using statement uploads? Are there any other transactions you see this with or just this particular category with check transactions?

  • AbleEasyAbleEasy Member Posts: 3

    Hello @EmmaP , My transactions are automatically imported from the bank. It seems to be the checks that I write that are having this problem. Used to be when new imported items came in, I would get the choice of how to categorize the check item, and the red font quickly allowed me see what needed to be categorized. Now that it categorizes for me, most items are marked as "utilities". and no longer in red font.
    This seems to be our main issue.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @AbleEasy

    Our team is currently in the process of revamping our auto-categorization feature. We don't have an ETA for when this will launch but I do believe this should improve your categorizing in the future. I appreciate your patience and understanding!

  • AbleEasyAbleEasy Member Posts: 3

    Thank you, we appreciate that!

  • SandroSandro Member Posts: 2

    Please give me the option to turn that off.. it's horribly wrong most of the time.
    For people that have about 20-30 transactions am month this is just messing with the workflow. it's not an improvement.
    this feels more like an engineer whim than a well studied feature - windows office assistant comes to mind. ;)

  • MROTHMROTH Member Posts: 3
    Why isn’t auto catergorization recognizing Starbucks, seems like a easy description to recognize?
  • onpointonpoint Member Posts: 4

    Auto categorizing cheque deposits is really not helpful. They are never right because they are never the same. How do we turn off auto categorization for things that don't make sense?

  • onpointonpoint Member Posts: 4

    Same thing for Cheques that I have written.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MROTH

    My apologies that your auto categorization is not working correctly. Could you let us know what it categorized it as? If it did at all. Is this for every Starbucks transaction or just one? Our system learns over time if you continue to categorize starbucks as meals and entertainment (or whichever category you have).

    With regards to written checks, this gets trickier. The auto-cat feature can't recognize the name of the check or whatever code may be written on it (at this time). I know our team is experimenting with improvements to the auto-cat feature which we're hoping to roll out in beta soon. But no ETA yet. Keep manually categorizing the starbucks transactions and our system should begin to learn.

  • Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    Why does this feature not seem to work with statement uploads? Wave broke my BofA 2-factor bank connections when it switched to Plaid, so I have no choice but to use statement uploads at this time.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Just_Lurking , thanks for your message here. As you've discovered, this feature currently only works for bank-imported transactions. This is for back end code reasons, where essentially Wave has been gradually changing from our old accounting platform to our new one, and the CSV uploader is still in the old version. I'm sorry if this wasn't clear prior - thank you for bringing it to our attention. I've updated the Help Centre Article to acknowledge this limitation.

    As of right now, it is not on the team's road map as something to build out, but we are currently in the midst of launching our new auto-categorization (back end changes), and so it is very possible that this will be included in future updates - but I can't say for certain at this time. Again, thank you for mentioning this; it has opened some great discussions on our end here and I really appreciate you sharing this post with us!

  • KrisHou290KrisHou290 Member Posts: 1

    My most common purchase for parts and materials does not auto categorize. Every time i do so manually, it indicates there are multiple similar purchases and after categorizing them as well the prompt suggests it will automatically do so for these future purchases, although it does not.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KrisHou290 , can you shed some more light on your situation, such as:
    1. A screenshot of this transaction.
    2. What you're categorizing it to.
    3. Is this the only recurring transaction that doesn't auto-categorize?

    Let us know!

  • Anonymous_Anonymous_ Member Posts: 1

    I know I'm far from the first person to say this, but please please please turn off the pop-up that suggests you review every other item with the same label, every time you use that label. Usually, all the previous items are already in the same category, but it suggests that I review them anyway. Why? I would be fine with no auto-categorization at all, but this pop-up is what really gets in the way of doing work.

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