All about automatically categorizing transactions



  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Carlvz !

    At this time, the auto categorization feature is turned off entirely. Due to the feedback we received around this feature, we decided to remove it temporarily with our new Transactions update. We plan on re-releasing it in the near future so our users have a better and more polished experience. Moving forward, as a workaround , you can leverage our "search" option to filter your transactions using keywords to then bulk categorize them. You can learn more about our bulk tool below:

    edited June 25, 2021
  • GilliganGilligan Member Posts: 3

    Semi-related to this, my system has completely lost the ability to detect similar transactions.

    So I have to do a search and select all my old payments that are the exact same vendor.

    Whereas before it would say "we found 6 other similar transactions, want to apply this to all of them."

    Now I don't have that pop up any longer... very annoying.

  • RitaGapkaRitaGapka Member Posts: 1

    Auto-categorization is the WORST feature. Since we buy many different items from certain suppliers it just makes it easy for things to be missed. Please let us turn this off for those who don't want it!

  • amb_sloc_consultingamb_sloc_consulting Member Posts: 1

    I really wish you all would get this figured out. Because having to "confirm the category" every single time really defeats the purpose of this feature that's supposed to save time. It took FAR less time to type in the category and call it a day. It has really interrupted the flow of all of this for bookkeepers and accountants. It might be a great feature for those who are new to bookkeeping. The rest of us just get annoyed and want to move our clients off the platform.

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