Checkout by Wave: An easy, professional way to get paid up front

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageCheckout by Wave: An easy, professional way to get paid up front

Do you want to get paid for a service or product you offer, without needing to create an invoice every time? Checkout does just that!
You can probably think of lots of situations where it makes sen...

Read the full story here

edited December 7, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • ChrisLancChrisLanc Member Posts: 3

    It looks great - but is not showing up on my Sales menu. What do I need to do to see this feature?

  • GiggzGiggz Member Posts: 0
    first, thank you for the new feature, it's a great step ahead, and i can see myself using it very soon, as soon as it's stable and has practical functionality. for that, i have 2 comments i'd like to point out:

    most website owners who sell on their website, usually sell to multiple areas either across the country, or even international.
    when selling across Canada for example, we need to charge sales taxes based on the buyer's location, not based on the sellers location.
    with the new Checkout option, it's a great feature, however it's really not usable when we have to select a specific tax rate for the product/service we're selling, i'm from Alberta, we charge 5% sales tax, what if i get someone from Ontario who's supposed to pay 13% HST? if i sell him/her my item/service with 5% sales tax, i would be losing 8% profit.
    at the same time, i cannot list the same item 17 times for the provinces i sell to, and even if i did list the same item 17 times, there is no way of enforcing the correct taxed item on the seller based on his location.

    2nd thing i'd like to point out, it would be great if when creating a new checkout, when we're entering the product/service, to use the products/services and pricing listed in the products & services listed under sales, however it doesn't do that. when creating an invoice, as soon as i type the first 1-2 characters of the product/service, it automatically populates and shows me a list of the items saved in my products & services, so i can easily select the correct one and it will auto-fill the product field, and price; it would be very helpful if the checkout can do the same.

    good luck and keep up the good work
  • 1tfrenyea1tfrenyea Member Posts: 1

    I would love to see a redirect link that takes a customer to my website after payment is made (rather than just a note). I'm going to explore Zapier to see what other tasks can be done from here (integrating with MailChimp campaign, for example). Also - is there information on payment security or encryption available so I can pass that along to my customers? Thanks!

  • heyfletchheyfletch Member Posts: 1

    The feature that would rock my world is recurring subscriptions. For example, $30/mo for hosting. Currently, I use Freshbooks recurring invoices... but I have to hope and pray the customer selects the autopay feature for automatic monthly payments. Otherwise, I'm occasionally hunting them down to pay these monthly invoices.

  • NormonetNormonet Member Posts: 3

    Does Wave accept payments from foreign credit cards, i.e. non-Canadian cards?

  • RWalkerRWalker Member Posts: 1

    I agree with wanting to see an option for a redirect link back to my website. Is that one of the features on the horizon?

  • oslivonoslivon Member Posts: 5


    Thanks alot for the article, but I can't find the Checkout option under Sales menu in my Wave account. Am I the only one?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @oslivon. The Checkouts feature is only available for our users on the most recently updated software, as well as users that are signed up with Payments by Wave. If you don't fall under either of these categories, the Checkouts feature won't be available to you for the time being.

  • oslivonoslivon Member Posts: 5
    Hi @JamieD, thanks alot for the reply.
  • thelionsfanthelionsfan Member Posts: 1

    Is there a re-occurring option for the checkout feature? I can't find it.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @thelionsfan As of right now, there isn't a recurring option for the Checkout feature.. but since the Checkout feature is essentially for selling one product/service on your website itself, it's technically you selling something on a recurring basis. Could you please elaborate a little bit more in terms of what you are trying to accomplish in Wave?

  • cheeky_chipmunkcheeky_chipmunk Member Posts: 3
    Why isn't this available in Europe? Also please update article with NA only. It's incredibly frustrating to read about all these cool features if we can't use them.

    Might as well go with a Wordpress + Stripe integration. If you want people to use this platform and also make a fee, please add this worldwide :/
    edited May 21, 2019
  • RichardHRichardH Member Posts: 2

    Is there a feature where a customer can make a payment directly from our website without having to select a specific item. For example, we run a service based business and sometimes customers would like to make payment installments rather than wait until the invoice is generated and sent out each month. We would like to be able to integrate a pay now button on the webpage that allows them to make payments of whatever amount they specify towards their account/invoice, rather than selecting a pre-set amount. Basically, allowing them to input the amount they wish to pay towards their invoice over having them choose a pre-set amount.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @RichardH . This feature isn't currently supported by Wave. The best workaround for this would be to have your customers make partial payments through the invoices themselves (as this is completely doable). Perhaps send the invoice out a tad earlier with a due date of later on so that your customers who want to pay in increments have the option to do so?

  • MarcusWMarcusW Member Posts: 4

    Can you add a feature to customize the checkout page? I am running workshops, so I want them to be able to choose the date they prefer from a list of options. Currently, I have to create separate checkout links for different dates. That is not practical. I would also like to add more info on the checkout page (e,g. policy, URL links, etc), but it isn't really possible. I ended up adding the info on the product/service field which isn't ideal.

    edited July 16, 2019
  • QueenofAngelsQueenofAngels Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way for customers to change the quantity? For example, we want to sell tickets to an event, but most of our customers are families and would need to buy more than 1 ticket. I prefer not use multiple payment services and since we don't have a typical website, most payment buttons from other services require coding that we can't use. I like that this is just a url link, but I need customers to be able to adjust quantity.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @MarcusW You can add notes to the checkout which will appear after the payment is made! It appears there is no way to have a message pop-up on the checkout link itself prior to payment (but you could include a message in the email you send it from). I'm wondering if a regular invoice might be suitable for you in this case? Either way, it's a good idea to be able to include a pre-message prior making a payment via checkout!

    @QueenofAngels I'm afraid there is no way for the customers to change the quantity via the checkout link. I suppose that would be a more niche type of checkout creation. I'm not sure we're looking to explore that at the moment but it's a really good idea! Thanks for sharing why this would be important to you!

  • dan777dan777 Member Posts: 10

    Checkouts is a great idea, but ... can you please have an option to return to a specific URL that would bring the client back to the business website? Also, please add a recurring option, and the ability to automatically add the Canadian HST or GST based on the province of the purchaser. This is needed for my business. Thanks!

    edited July 27, 2019
  • yourtechangelsyourtechangels Member Posts: 4

    Love Checkouts! This is one of the major reasons I choose this software and set it up for my clients. A couple things that would make this even better is
    1) option to change the quantity
    2) report that allows you to export the contact list of people that made the purchase. There needs to be follow up with whatever they purchased and having to view each order to get the info and then create a spreadsheet with their info is annoying
    3) Allow the payment made by the customer on checkout be applied to an invoice for the customer

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @yourtechangels, thanks for reaching out! it is so great to hear that you're enjoying Checkouts :smiley:

    Thank you also for your suggestions for improvements to the feature! This kind of context is really helpful to our Product Team when they look for what updates would work and what is needed for this feature. Updates to Checkouts are not on our immediate roadmap, but I will be sure to pass your feedback along. :smile:

  • IronThroneSCIronThroneSC Member Posts: 1

    Hi there,
    We are a gym selling memberships and would like to have it so new customers have the option of being put on recurring billing right from the start. The way it is right now is we would put the Checkout link and they would only make a one time payment and we would have to remind them later on when their next membership fee is due to pay again/ask if they would like to be put on recurring. Can there be an option so customers can select to be billed whatever we would like such as monthly, every 3 months, 6 months... etc right from the start instead of having to remind them? Just trying to automate things.

  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @IronThroneSC , welcome to the Wave community! While there is currently no option in Wave to make Checkouts recurring, we do appreciate you taking the time to share your specific use case for such a feature. Though updates to Checkouts are not on our immediate roadmap, as @Zoe_caff said above, our Product Teams do frequent these community boards to research what our users are asking for.

  • BretMogilefskyBretMogilefsky Member Posts: 1

    Count me in the chorus of people asking for a way to create a Checkout that results in a recurring invoice on a set schedule. My use-case: We want people to be able to purchase an annual membership in our organization, and automatically get an invoice for the next year once that previous year ends.

  • AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @BretMogilefsky Really appreciate you chiming in and sharing your use case here! I can definitely understand why being able to automate this would be useful for your company.

  • MarcusWMarcusW Member Posts: 4

    Is there a dummy credit card number we can use to test the checkout page? A customer told me that he couldn't make a payment and my record didn't show any declined transaction either. How can I know the payment page isn't having an issue at the moment?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @MarcusW. You can actually see the Checkouts that were paid or if they failed under the Sales > Payments tab. In most cases when a client isn't able to make a payment on an invoice or on the Checkout that you created, it's because their bank is preventing them from doing so. My suggestion is getting the client to contact their bank first to find out what could be happening, but if it keeps failing, please reach out to us on live chat so we can further assist.

  • whitestarwhitestar Member Posts: 3

    PLEASE HELP ME ADD THIS FEATURE! I am not able to see it on my wave account

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @whitestar . Looks like you have an ongoing correspondence with someone on our Support team about this. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out directly through that email!

    edited October 3, 2019
  • JefvandegraafJefvandegraaf Member Posts: 2

    I've created a checkout, however, I'm not sure how to customize the header section of the actual checkout page. How can I use a custom logo for different checkouts? How can I change the business information found in the top right hand for different checkouts?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Jefvandegraaf . The header in the Checkouts page is the item you're selling (added when you create the checkout). The business information is pulled in from your business info listed under your settings (click your business name in the top left corner of your Wave profile and select edit your profile). By changing them here, you'll also change them on the Checkouts page.

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