How to export your accounting data



  • juanjo_estudio_vjuanjo_estudio_v Member Posts: 2

    Hi Connor, I have tried Wave Connect, but it does not export all the corresponding data. Of my February invoices it only brought 5 of them. Can you think of a solution? best regards, Juanjo from Estudio-V

  • callmesportcallmesport Member Posts: 3

    My Data Exports used to contain 6 items in the zip folder:


    Now, the zip folder contains the first 4 files without "invoice_items" or "payments". Just to make sure, I checked again a minute ago and this is still true.

    I was directed to use google sheets along with the Waveapps add-on, and I was able to access the data this way. Takes a little longer, but I'm just happy to still have access to the content.

  • Elvyne963Elvyne963 Member Posts: 3


    I'm kind of freaking out here. I was hoping that the feature to export data would be divided in a way that it can be easily used (in my case for taxe purpose). But for some reason, in the excel file, things are all mixed up. Like if lets say I wanted to create a filter, and only see my Fuel-Vehicule expenses, and all the I paid for it, all the taxes I paid for it, I can't cause it's put in a column called ''Other accounts for this transaction'' and it includes way too much info. Like taxes, which account was used to pay it, and then the category it was. So I can't filter anything out and pin point precisely how much I have paid for this precise category, and how much taxes I have paid. I need to be able to pin point precisely how much I paid in each category so I can give that information to my accountant. Please tell me that it's simply that I don't understand all the features, and there is a way to get that info.

    Thank you

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @juanjo_estudio_v , just to confirm, you have more than 5 created invoices for February but the Data Export doesn't export their data? Can you please confirm that these are not draft invoices?

    Hey @Elvyne963 , you may be looking for what's available to you in some of our more basic Reports. If you head to the Reports page, you should check out the Sales Tax Report which will break down exactly how much Sales Tax you paid over a certain period.

  • juanjo_estudio_vjuanjo_estudio_v Member Posts: 2

    Yes Alex. I have 22 invoices for February. Also, before I was getting a row for each of the individual items included in each invoice. Now, I got the total of the invoice and not each of the items, Regards, Juanjo

  • greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    I have the same issue. Can you give me a little more info on how to access the invoice_items file using Google Sheets?

  • callmesportcallmesport Member Posts: 3
    Use Wave Connect. Instructions and how to access the data can be found here:
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey everyone. I've recently merged two threads into this thread in order to keep all of the conversation around data exports in one place. I'm going to quote a previous post of mine here:

    Hey all. Recently there was a change in the platform that caused many users to not be able to export these particular files as part of the data export. This is something that the team is looking towards re-implementing in the future, but for the time being I'd recommend using the Wave Connect feature to get this information exported from your account.

  • AppricodeAppricode Member Posts: 6

    When I clicked the download link, I got the following error. Please advise:

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


    Query-string authentication requires the Signature, Expires and AWSAccessKeyId parameters



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SAGE_Cloud, that's definitely an odd one! Can you send a screenshot of that error as well? That's not one I've heard of before so I'd love to troubleshoot this with you as best as I can.

  • AppricodeAppricode Member Posts: 6

    @ConnorM Please advise on how to send the screenshot. Thanks.

  • greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    @callmesport Thank you - I have it working.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭
  • AppricodeAppricode Member Posts: 6

    Dear @BarsinA

    I have send you the screenshot.

    Waiting for your reply. Thanks.

  • greg_sgreg_s Member Posts: 17

    Well, thanks to this thread I was able to get Wave Connect working but as it turns out there appears to be a size limitation that I've not seen mentioned. For my data, I'm able to download around 622 invoices but anything larger than that the process goes into some sort of a loop and never recovers. This first time I tried this I left it for 12 hours and I finally killed the process. Since then I ran a few tests which led me to the above mentioned number. This whole thing is disappointing as the old approach worked so seamlessly and was so very much simpler. I will say that there is more info available in this approach and it is customizable which is good. I have a workaround to the size limitation so I can keep going. I thought I'd pass along what I learned.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @greg_s! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback. It is useful for us to know the road blocks you are running into when using Wave so we can work on improving these areas. It is also really helpful for other users to see what works. Thanks again!

  • bob123bob123 Member Posts: 1

    @ConnorM said:
    Hey all. Recently there was a change in the platform that caused many users to not be able to export these particular files as part of the data export. This is something that the team is looking towards re-implementing in the future, but for the time being I'd recommend using the Wave Connect feature to get this information exported from your account.

    Hi @ConnorM, I recently tried using 'wave connect' to google sheets, the 'invoice_items.csv' description column is still missing however. Please re-implement. This was the only way I could search for info in my invoices, unless search has been implemented on the website recenlty.

  • PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @bob123,

    Please make sure you have selected to include Invoice Items in your download.

    The Item Description will be included.

    Hope that helps!

  • Joe_YoderJoe_Yoder Member Posts: 2

    I have a system setup to digest an entire "accounting" file from the export zip that gets emailed to me upon request. My system then digests the data and produces pdf reports that I send to my tax accountant. The system has worked with modifications since 2016.. Today when I thought I had the 2019 Wave entry complete I requested an export and had my system suck it in. I was dismayed to discover that a lot of data was missing in the reports. Checking the contents of the downloaded file showed that the data stopped in October 2019 instead of continuing to May of 2020. A second export did bring in the full date range but checking the contents showed that some Wave data doesn't come through. For example - there should be two Wage entries per month from Jan to Dec. The export only goes though April.)
    I was delighted to see the export design when it became available and felt pretty confident that the design was worth developing coding to I would expect the company to keep it as a standard.
    Is Wave is aware of any data consistency issues?
    Do you have suggestions for techniques to avoid the issues?
    Can you give me an idea of when the issues will be resolved?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Joe_Yoder! Thanks for reaching out here. This is definitely a pretty particular situation, and I'd love to get a little more information around it from you. Those wage entries that you'd mentioned, are they journal transactions, by chance? I'm wondering if there's a particular type of information that your system isn't able to collect, or what the root of that issue might be.

  • Joe_YoderJoe_Yoder Member Posts: 2

    After I dug into the data I learned that the first export file has the end missing and a pattern of changing the category from the correct one to the reconciled income or reconciled expense ones while leaving the amount, date,and description correct.
    I did not determine any pattern to predict which records will be affected. The wage entries came in as ACH transfers from a bank account so - no clue there.
    The second file seems to have all records in the correct category. The issue here was housekeeping on my part. I forgot to copy the new file to the location where my code finds it so it was using the first file. This suggests that the first file was the result of a system glitch and I should be fine going forward.
    I heard back from support - apparently I am the first person to report this experience. They were quite surprised and interested in knowing if there are further occurrences. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't grab a copy of the problem file and debug it but I guess the likelihood of the problem recurring are pretty small.
    I have added code to my import process that will report the number of records and data range at each import of an exported file. This should warn me if another glitch occurs,

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Joe_Yoder

    Thanks for bringing this up in the community! I can see your correspondence with our support team who has identified this as a potential one of issue. Do reach out in this thread, as well as reply to your support ticket in case you notice something similar moving forward! My apologies for that. Take care :smile:

  • JeanJean Member Posts: 5

    All sorted thanks

    edited June 25, 2020
  • R_Quest1998R_Quest1998 Member Posts: 3

    How do you import data/invoices that we have exported from a Wave account that was not upgraded? If we use the same email login, can we create a new business and assume that is on the new platform?

    How do we know if we are on the new platform? We do NOT want to lose our invoices etc.!

    edited July 30, 2020
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @R_Quest1998! The easiest way for me to know if you're on the newer platform would be if you could post a screenshot of your Accounting > Transactions page here! That'll let me identify right away what version of Wave you are in.

  • R_Quest1998R_Quest1998 Member Posts: 3

    Here's my transaction page attached
    Let me know if we need to do anything before August 31 to ensure that we don't lose any data
    Thank you

  • Sujith_720Sujith_720 Member Posts: 3

    I tried to export accounts both as Excel and CSV files, Both times only a list of headings appeared in the downloaded sheets, and didn't contain any financial data at all. I have only OpenOffice and Google Sheets, not Excel. What could have gone wrong?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @R_Quest1998 , thanks for this screenshot! I can see that you're already on the new version, so you're all set there. The banner you're seeing is telling you that the read-only version of the old version's transaction page will be gone by August 31, but your account is already moved over. You're good to go!

    Hey @Sujith_720 , thanks for your message! To confirm, you went to Settings > Data Export > received the ZIP file containing your data > unzipped it to find your CSV files, but the CSV files were empty? Did you double click the CSV file names/right click them & then choose 'Open'? If so, what happened when they tried to open?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Sujith_720 , thanks for your message! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your data export here. To confirm, you went to Settings > Data Export, received a ZIP, unzipped the file, and saw the headers for the CSV files. Then, when you double clicked them to open them, there was nothing inside? Can you confirm that there is data in your Wave account to export?

  • Sujith_720Sujith_720 Member Posts: 3

    yes I do have a lot of journal entries in Wave. When I extract the downloaded zip files thru settings > data export, and try to open (for example the accounts.csv) I get only a dialog box, and once I okay the dialogue box I get a blank worksheet with some headings but no data. Attached screenshots might help. Pl advise.

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