How to export your accounting data



  • BulentBulent Member Posts: 2

    It's been a few hours but we still haven't received our link for data export. How long does it usually take to receive it?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Sujith_720 , thanks for getting back to us. Hmm, would you be able to try opening an Incognito Chrome browser window, logging into Google Sheets/Opening Excel there, and try importing the export to the sheet from that browser window? I suggest this because Incognito has no cache, cookies, or extensions that may be blocking the connection. Let us know and we can go from there.

    Hi there @Bulent , thanks for your message! I see that your data export has now been sent successfully to you and that it has been clicked into. So you should be all set!

  • Sunpower_1Sunpower_1 Member Posts: 1

    How can i change my email address for the export

  • BulentBulent Member Posts: 2

    @CallieP said:
    Hey @Sujith_720 , thanks for getting back to us. Hmm, would you be able to try opening an Incognito Chrome browser window, logging into Google Sheets/Opening Excel there, and try importing the export to the sheet from that browser window? I suggest this because Incognito has no cache, cookies, or extensions that may be blocking the connection. Let us know and we can go from there.

    Hi there @Bulent , thanks for your message! I see that your data export has now been sent successfully to you and that it has been clicked into. So you should be all set!

    My data file was all empty! So, thanks.

  • Sujith_720Sujith_720 Member Posts: 3

    Hi CallieP, your advice worked perfectly. I could transfer all data to the Google Sheet opened incognito. Thanks so much for helping out.

  • Karyn7654Karyn7654 Member Posts: 1

    What User Types can Export Data? Is it only the Account Owner?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Karyn7654

    Editors and Admins can do this!

  • theresa_muller123theresa_muller123 Member Posts: 1

    You guys are phenomenal. I didn't expect to be able to get a back-up of all my files. Thank you! That is really going beyond what is expected. I am closing this account because I have opened a new business and we're already using WAVE. Thank you for a superb service ... you are making a difference in places in the world that you don't even know of : D

  • Norma_DNorma_D Member Posts: 1

    to transition to another package, I need xml format at least. As an Australian user, there is now no guaratee of being able to continue using this software which has been terrific for our small church.

  • ImranImran Member Posts: 2

    Hi, Thanks for allowing the export of accounting data. Is there any way we can export product data, as well?

  • GRDZTWGRDZTW Member Posts: 3

    Unable to download.
    When click on link in email message opens website using Chrome (latest version) shows "This site can’t be reached The webpage at https://click.pstmrk....... 1haWw (not the actual link of course) might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    Have cleared cache, have pasted into Firefox (latest version), also fails.
    Is this happening for others, or just my account or ?

    UPDATE: For the heck of it, I re-added the email address to my email whitelist (address was already there) and then I requested CSV data export for a fourth time
    Was able to download through the fourth email link received after adding to whitelist.

    Not sure if this was coincidence or if was somehow related to the issue but wanted to post in case anyone else experiences similar issue

    edited December 5, 2020
  • NintuNintu Member Posts: 4

    I am so disappointed that you are not supporting Australian users in the future.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @Imran!

    If you head to Settings > Other > Data Export, you can select your preferred Data Export file format. You will receive an email containing a compressed .zip file with various types of data from your Wave account. These will include your transactions, customers, receipts, bills, vendors, and invoices, all in a CSV format.

    You can also use WAVE CONNECT to download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet.

  • FlumeFlume Member Posts: 1

    @JulianP I see Wave Connect can download the Chart of Accounts. Customers, Products and Invoices, but it does not have Transactions. The Bulk Journal Transactions is only available for UPLOAD which is a little frustrating, especially since Wave's reporting capability is limited and this would be a way create reports on the fly. Like GRDZTW I would like to be able to get access to a report on Products

  • gbajadagbajada Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Sophia / @JulianP ,
    I'm exporting all of my data to import into Zoho Books. So far so good. The only problem is that Wave isn't exporting all the data in the 'Last payment Date" column. This is causing the old invoices to appear as unpaid in Zoho.
    I checked some of the invoices in question in Wave and the dates are there, they're just not being exported.
    Please help,

    edited December 28, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Flume , you can get an export of your transactions through Settings > Data Export.

    Hey @gbajada , as it turns out Wave's export doesn't have this functionality I'm afraid.

  • gbajadagbajada Member Posts: 5

    Hi @AlexL

    That means I'm going to have to do these one by one in Zoho. I think this is something you guys need to sort out. I only have about 200 invoices, but I'm sure there are other users that have much more than that.

    Also, Is there a way to export Estimates, as I don't seem to see that anywhere.


  • gbajadagbajada Member Posts: 5

    Hi @AlexL
    Tax wasn't even imported either! My invoices in Zoho don't have tax included!
    What am I supposed to do?!

  • SMHSMH Member Posts: 2

    Really unhelpful. I need to export everything including invoices so that I can migrate our data to Xero. We are in the UK and Wave is no longer supporting us here. There should be a way to simply export all my data including invoices without having to install additional addons.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gbajada !

    If you want to export your estimates, the only way to do so would be to export each one as a PDF individually. To do so, you'd just need to go to Sales > Estimates. Next to the invoices, there is a dropdown feature under the Actions column. Once you click the dropdown menu, there is an option to Export as PDF. Other than that, I'm afraid that Wave does not currently offer a way to download or export your estimates into a single file unfortunately.

    To be fully transparent, I am not familiar with the ZOHO import process. With methods such as Wave Connect, your exports should include your taxes. My suggestion here is to reach out to ZOHO support directly to see if they can shed some light on this. For your convenience, I attached a link to their support page here.

  • AuntyjackAuntyjack Member Posts: 1

    From the link tou send via email i keep getting this response:
    This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
    Jack Flanagan

  • MootSolar1MootSolar1 Member Posts: 1

    I have been trying to export my data on Wave for a while now. I don't receive any links to the email registered.
    Could someone please assist?

  • JohnPAJohnPA Member Posts: 2

    This option does not work. Both options save it as CSV files

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Auntyjack Hi Jack, can you give it another try? If you still get the error, can you send us a screenshot of what it looks like? Thanks.

    Hey @MootSolar1 , I've taken a look at the sent emails and it shows that they are delivering to your email address but that they haven't been clicked or opened yet. Please ensure you're checking all folders as well as junk/spam. You can also try searching the subject of the email which is "Your Wave accounting data export is ready!"

    Hey @JohnPA , one option saves as csv and the other as xls. What were you looking for exactly?

  • andyngoandyngo Member Posts: 2

    Hi there:
    Is there a limit of how often you can use "Settings/Data Export/Transactions CSV"
    I did one export (transactions) last week, it was successful the first time.
    Then I tried again yesterday many times. It said "Successful" but I didn't receive anything in my email.
    Today, I tried to do the same with receipts. It worked fine the first time, the second time (30 minutes later), got the same problem (successful, but nothing show up in my email). However, when I tried the third time, it worked again.
    I tried back many times with transactions, no luck!
    Thank you very much

  • EvangelosEvangelos Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to download the receipts that were submitted the last year/last month etc ?
    I am in a situation that I need to download the receipts for every month on a monthly basis and by click on the button I am getting a full list of all the invoices.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @andyngo !

    Great question. There is no limit on our exports via Settings > Data Export.

    I took a look at your email on my end through our email provider for some further insight into why these emails were not being sent to you and it looks like they are being marked as spam notifications.

    To resolve the spam notification blocks, please ask your IT team or mail administration team to whitelist either our sending domain ( or Postmark's sending IP addresses in your spam filter settings. If you choose to whitelist Postmark's sending IP addresses, here are the following ranges:

    • ( - 127)
    • ( - 255)
    • ( - 255)

    Once they have Postmark's IPs or Waves sending address/domain whitelisted, you should be able to receive Wave emails moving forward!

    Hello @Evangelos

    I'm afraid that Wave does not support a monthly or yearly receipt export in this version of our app. At this time, you can only export all of your receipt data at once. Then you can filter/separate your desired receipts manually.

  • Shiitake_Mama3Shiitake_Mama3 Member Posts: 1

    When I export as an Excel file, it downloads as VLC Media. Please help! Shiitake Mama

  • P_HazenP_Hazen Member Posts: 1

    I created a different account for two separate businesses. Can I export one and import in into another so both of my businesses will be on the same account?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Shiitake_Mama3 , you should be able to right click the file and select "Open with". This will allow you to select the right program to open it up instead of VLC.

    Hey @P_Hazen , as it turns out we don't have any sort of quick function that will allow you to export and then import your data into another account/business. There are a couple of ways to handle this including using our exporter/importer Wave Connect or by following some of the steps listed in our moving data Help Center article.

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