
User permissions



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Godfrey2019, that sounds tricky for sure. Can you send me a DM with more details, as well as the emails that you've tried using to sign in, and the email of your partner?

    @kednelly and @_mk Thanks so much for the input and feedback! Definitely appreciated!

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    KitKit Member Posts: 3

    It would be really useful to have a profile that is allowed to upload receipts only so employees could submit their expenses...

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    MikeBergelsonMikeBergelson Member Posts: 1

    I second Kit's comment - a user type for uploading receipts would be great. Not sure from the explanation above which user type to set these folks as?

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    FrancineA1FrancineA1 Member Posts: 3

    Where can I check to see how many hours I had one of the companies open for?

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    Jim_SJim_S Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I would like to reaffirm the need for a Permission level that can only submit receipts. This user level seems to be a common need for the receipts App to function in a multi-user environment.

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    JenkisanJenkisan Member Posts: 1

    I've been meaning to move to wave for a long time but the biggest problem is user permissions :(

    You cannot manage sensitive, important data like sales, accounting, customer info, etc without allowing us to manage permissions properly.

    There are basically 3 settings: editor which can do everything, viewer which can do nothing, and payroll which can do payroll. This does not work, sorry guys.

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    ChisomChisom Member Posts: 1

    There is need for us to choose on the permission to give. to me, I would love my salespersonnel to have the access to update Bills but no access to delete or edit once updated and as well Update Invoice but no access to delete or edit after submission. By this I can be able to collate data from my branches on a daily interval without having to go and get the sales register myself

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    finphicfinphic Member Posts: 2

    One more kind of user is required as "Customer". The customers should be able to view their own "Account statement / Account Activity" for the period as entered by the customers itself.

    As an admin, i must be able to add my customers' email, after that they will get a link to create account with "Wave" and view the transactions for my portal.

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    HineonHineon Member Posts: 2

    please add specific user permission for sales personnel (only can send out invoice, get payment notification). It's hard to use Waves Payment solutions if you don't have this function and that's why we have to stop using this service and go with Paypal instead.

    edited February 3, 2020
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    TOGuyTOGuy Member Posts: 6

    it would be nice if i could add a user who can just view and generate new invoices

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    GeorgeBarugahareGeorgeBarugahare Member Posts: 1

    If i delete a user, is the data deleted. They are an Admin but i am the owner

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    mistydawn118mistydawn118 Member Posts: 3

    Thought Wave would be good for a company who i'm setting up with a new accounting system...but these user accounts are basically worthless, and leave the "manager" with the task of doing all data entry. Seems to me the most basic need of an account would be someone to enter Invoices and Payments, with NO access to anything else. Why is this not an option? Looks as tho I'll have to find a different software. Bummer, cuz Wave looked promising.

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    mariosacutajarmariosacutajar Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I want to give access to a bookkeeper but I just want him to have access to the Purchases and reports if possible i don't want him to view the Sales part. is this possible please?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mariosacutajar

    Unfortunately this particular type of user access is not available in Wave at this time. We only have the 4 permissions listed in the article. My apologies for that. Let us know if you have any other questions regarding your account!

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    depkulk671depkulk671 Member Posts: 3

    how many users can I add? what is the maximum number?

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    depkulk671depkulk671 Member Posts: 3

    what do you mean by Manage 1099 Contractors? does this mean all employees under my payroll or just contract workers?

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    depkulk671depkulk671 Member Posts: 3

    how many businesses can I add?

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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    Hey @depkulk671 - good questions! I'll address them all in this post.

    For 1 and 3, there aren't any limits on the number of users or businesses. However, we do recommend trying to keep this number on the smaller end (less than 100) for ease and security.

    For 2, can you specify which user permission you are asking about? 1099 contractors are separate to that of employees. To access 1099 contractors, you need to be have Editor's permission; to access employees or anything to do with Payroll, you will need to have Payroll Manager's permission. Payroll Manager's permission can be added to any of the other 3 user types as well!

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    InnaMarchenkoInnaMarchenko Member Posts: 2

    Hello! If users create documents, how can I find out who created them?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @InnaMarchenko! Can you let me know what kind of documents you're referring to? Would love to try to help as best as I can!

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    InnaMarchenkoInnaMarchenko Member Posts: 2
    > @ConnorM said:
    > Hey @InnaMarchenko! Can you let me know what kind of documents you're referring to? Would love to try to help as best as I can!

    Hello Connor. I would like to see in general who download receipts, created invoices, made payments or made any changes to the account. Is it possible? I have four users with access as an administrator.
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    JinJieJinJie Member Posts: 5

    +1 for a new limited user role that allow an assistant to manage only the Purchases part.

    I think it is really common that a company do not want the assistant to be able to view invoices or incoming transactions of the company.

    Hope we get this feature soon!

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @InnaMarchenko! Thanks for reaching out. At the moment we do not have an 'audit trail' feature that would allow you to see who is making what changes in a Wave account. While this is not on the immediate roadmap this has been a common feature request, so hopefully we are able to look into this soon.

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    AndySoul_4CAndySoul_4C Member Posts: 1
    Hello Wave Team. I was given an invitation to collaborate as an Admin by a user, but then I created an account without first accepting the collaboration, and now it says user email already exists. Is there a way that I can be helped? Thanks
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    BabyBoss2020BabyBoss2020 Member Posts: 1

    +1 for users to only generate and send invoices without viewing the financial information of the company.

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    MKarrMKarr Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way for my payroll manager to be able to see the bank balance on the dashboard? I want her to be able to tell if there is enough money in the account to run payroll and let me know if I need to do a transfer to cover it.

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    jmlsjmls Member Posts: 2

    It will be good if we can have option for user to only generate invoice and mail,

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    Tony001Tony001 Member Posts: 1

    so im looking to give my sales give access to put in customer info and provide payment link to customer online so what permission does that come under?

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    ChizlagoChizlago Member Posts: 2

    I would like to give my office admin access to wave, how do i limit them from from inputing data that might change past data. for example, it does not allow them to edit data (dates and amounts) of previous months.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @AndySoul_4C when accepting the collaboration, you have the option to create an account or log into a pre-existing Wave account.

    @MKarr For your Payroll Manager to have access to this info you do need to provide them with the Admin access to the account.

    @Tony001 Editor permissions will grant your employee the appropriate access to enter in customer info and provide payment links.

    @Chizlago I'm afraid this permission doesn't exist. If you give them editor access, they'll also be able to edit past data as well.

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